Anxiety or Heart Problem? Heart Anxiety BIGGEST Question…

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Is It anxiety or a heart problem? This was the biggest question I had as a heart anxiety and cardiophobia sufferer! I had bad health anxiety that started with heart fears! I was afraid of heart problems and heart attacks! I had many anxiety symptoms Including fast heart rate, high blood pressure, chest pain, shortness of breath, numbness, tingling and more!

Snapchat Username: cullintrey
Fan Mail: PO Box 3615 Palestine, TX 75802

DISCLAIMER ➡️ I am not a doctor or a licensed mental health professional. This material is based off of my life experiences and further research for educational purposes. I encourge you to always seek help from a professional and this content is not mean't to replace that! These videos are created from the experience, knowledge, & additional research through my anxiety recovery journey! Always talk to a doctor to make sure you are healthy enough for exercise, cold showers, or diet changes!

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Fan Mail! PO Box 3615 Palestine, TX 75802

Snapchat Username: cullintrey

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Dude it’s scary how accurate you are, I literally feel like I’m listening to myself when I watch your videos sometimes. I’ve been tested for years and every time my doc tells me my heart is fine.. I get so scared tho because I feel these symptoms and it’s like woah what’s going on there is no way I’m healthy like my heart hurts and palpitations and just that anxiety of constantly putting my hand over my chest to feel my heart. Idk what to do, I feel lost because I’m so scared of just dropping dead but I feel like a wuss that’s I’m always worrying


I was that convinced I had a heart problem I stood in a cardiologists face with over 35 years experience & out right tried telling him he was missing something lol. Fast forward 6 months I went back to see him at work to apologise to him lol. He laughed it off bless him. Mad times


I didn’t even know heart anxiety was a thing! You explained EVERYTHING I feel to the T. I stay looking at my heart rate on my watch 😞 I pray we all get through this.


Getting better with my heart anxiety and still experiencing left chest pain but when I encourage it to get worst the pain will seem to fade away.


I deeply appreciate this video. I have chronic anxiety, so I'm constantly checking my vitals and EKG throughout the week. My issue is that when I'm not even thinking about anything, the symptoms will just show up out of nowhere, causing me to panic. I feel trapped in my body from the triggers 😢.


I’m only 13, so I don’t even feel that I need to go to the doctor bc of how young I am, I feel so miserable having to feel it every day from high levels of stress. This video made me happy to know that there are so many people that feel the way I do.


I am just 17 and I've been struggling with these symptoms for about two weeks now and it started shortly after my grandpa died due to heart failure (he also had lung cancer tho which I shouldn't forget about). But since he also had heart issues my mind went crazy as soon as these attacks started. I was shaking, out of breath etc etc and I kept avoiding exercise too bc I am afraid of a heart attack. Tomorrow I finally got an appointment at the doctor to get everything checked. Still I already try to tell myself that I am fine. If it were something bad it would have happened already. I'll try to think positively and wait for my results. I am convinced tho that I am healthy and that I'll be fine.


I'm 12 minutes through the video and EVERYTHING you've said is 100 % accurate to what I'm currently experiencing. I'm 24 and had my second panic attack ever in February of this year, and it was basically the exact same as your described yours; I was sitting in my sofa, just relaxing, and then suddenly, I thought that I was dying. I had to call an ambulance because I honestly thought I was going to die alone in my apartment. Since then, I've been struggling with tightness in my chest, been regularly checking my vitals on my apple watch, am afraid of exercising but also of NOT exercising, am so, so, so afraid of being alone bc then no one will be around to help me if something happens (even though I'm very introverted and previously loved to be by myself), and have been feeling like my whole life has just derailed completely. Fatty foods, alcohol and anything that MAY lead to heart failure in the long run give me extreme anxiety, and I feel like I have no control anymore.

When you mentioned the part about the apple watch, I immediately removed my own, and am thinking about booking an appointment at my hospital to get checked out. This video was like I got a breath of fresh air for the first time in 3 months. I feel LIGHT right now, like some of the weight has been removed from my shoulders. THANK YOU <33


This can be related to OCD as well. The constant reassurance seeking and ruminating is classic to OCD. I struggle with OCD personally. I highly recommend finding a therapist that specializes in ERP & CBT.


I go through the same thing everyday but the difference is for me it got to the point where it wasn't anxiety for me. And you know when it's your heart because it's completely a random irregular heart rythym. Not just skipped beats randomly. I'm talking in the 160s to 200s out of nowhere sitting on the couch. With anxiety it gradually builds over time from the worry then it's full blown panic. I told myself mine was anxiety for a few years and here's the thing it was. But I got fed up with being told it was they caught my tachycardia arrythmia on the ekg and finally agreed to get an Electrophysiologist study done of my heart and they actually found a problem with my slow pathway in my heart with an excessory pathway beside it. They ablated it and 6 weeks later I still deal with anxiety. But I follow your steps to trick my subconscious into thinking "Hey I just got surgery! My problem is fixed!" And it honestly has worked. My heart rate has stayed low ever since surgery and I've stopped going to the er and it's an amazing feeling. But the feeling of adrenaline and panic still comes but now I'm strong enough to recognize the difference. Love your videos man. You've saved me on some of my worst days when I lost all hope. And advice to anyone. Do what he says and go to the er. They do everytype of test on you because if I wouldn't of went I would of never got this abnormal rythym caught on an ekg. Don't be afraid to want to get better. My anxiety was definitely a huge part of my problem that made my heart problem worse than it needed to be. As he said there is a major difference between the two. Unfortunately we can't choose what day we die. When it's our time it's our time and there's nothing we can do about it at all. Alot of us are young. Enjoy being young and enjoy today.


Bro. Thank you so much for these videos. Thank you.


Thank you for ALL your videos, quite a blessing!


Thank you for this bro! Really help me right now i need this now! 😢❤


Best video I have ever watched on anxiety, thanks !


Great work sir. Very much appreciated.


Well, I’m with you all. Good video homey.


You are such an inspiration. I relate you on so many levels. THANK U for what you do.


Thank you brother. U must be a professional guide and help more ppl who suffer.. thank u


hi trey hope you're doing good just wanted to say thankyou for this priceless information i can't thankyou enough i am from pakistan suffering from cardiophobia after my best friend died from a heart attack its been a long journey man sleepless nights excessive heart worries which started with chest pain for an entire year after i got to know that anxiety causes gastric problems and gastric problems cause chest pain now the worries shifted towards cardiac arrest Believe me i have seen myself holding my pulse for a whole day thinking that it might! i mean might stop and i am gonna have a cardiac arrest but today luckily after getting exausted i found you and i am already feeling better i feel like i have someone who believes me i mean that's such a blessing ro have someone who's been through what you're going through god bless you man
