Sean Carroll: What is Quantum Entanglement?

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Note: I select clips with insights from these much longer conversation with the hope of helping make these ideas more accessible and discoverable. Ultimately, this podcast is a small side hobby for me with the goal of sharing and discussing ideas. I did a poll and 92% of people either liked or loved the posting of daily clips, 2% were indifferent, and 6% hated it, some suggesting that I post them on a separate YouTube channel. I hear the 6% and partially agree, so am torn about the whole thing. I tried creating a separate clips channel but the YouTube algorithm makes it very difficult for that channel to grow. So for a little while, I'll keep posting clips on this channel. I ask for your patience and to see these clips as supporting the dissemination of knowledge contained in nuanced discussion. If you enjoy it, consider subscribing, sharing, and commenting.

Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist at Caltech and Santa Fe Institute specializing in quantum mechanics, arrow of time, cosmology, and gravitation. He is the author of several popular books and is a host of a great podcast called Mindscape.

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If we're all indeed living in a simulation, programming quantum entanglement into our counterfeit universe was quite an impressive feat!


One day someone is going to find out something so mind blowing about our reality we will all be in awe !


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Lex was tripping balls by this point in the podcast.


The real question is, why did taco Bell discontinue the Cool ranch Doritos locos tacos 🌮


Lex..."Wave Function as a dance floor..." ?
LoL made me laugh for some reason


The process of neutrons deciding what type of matter they are or what quark they are


I suspect that spacetime itself is just a field and if the spacetime field is vibrated with sufficient energy will produce some type as of yet unknown particles. Maybe even gravitons. Or particles of time. Wouldn't that be cool. What properties would a time particle have?


Why is the thumbnail for this a dipole field?


The longer I live, the more I believe in the Ancestor Simulation hypothesis. Maybe QM is just a sign that the Great Programmer just needs a better processor.


Does the entanglement has something to do with the act of measurement in an experiment, when the wave function collapses? Does it collapse because the particle becomes entangled with many other particles in the world, such as measuring equipment and a brain of a scientist?


We need to
distinguish between matter/energy level (where humans live ) and subatomic
level where everything happening .The clasic physics in matter/energy level can
not be applied on subatomic level, our observation is a reflection to what is
happenning on subatomic level incloding time, for example, what we experience it
as heat is actually atoms vibrating on subatomic level, and what we see it
shinning is actually photones created and ejected from an object undergoing
transformation on subatomic level.
The whole universe works on subatomic
level, The universe don't see sun and earth and planets and trees and sees concentration of particles that form these objects, and with
particles it deals, any term in physics associated with matter/energy is
meaningless or does not exist on quantum level including
(mass, force, time, energy, ...etc) so in this case any physical laws that include
these terms does not apply on quantum level..we need to find the aspects that
play role and the physical laws that governe them on inerta scale and they are
thousands if not millions including time.We can understand quantum physic beter
if we use the term (behavior of particals of the universe), there are nothing
such as particles, there are only particles of the universe and the universe
forces particles to behave on a certain way in certain conditions and one of
these behaviors is gravity, gravity is behaior of particles, dark matter is
behavior of particles, Why Oxygen is a gas and iron is solid metal is behavior
of particles, movement is space is
behavior of particles, the electrical charge (- and +) are behaviour of
particals (so it is not properties of particles), double slit experiment is
behavior of particles, the Gyroscope is behaviour of particles, the speed of
light is behavior of particles, and all fundamental forces humans know are
actually behavior of particles, particles change their behavior accordingly
with the circumstances surrounding them

Tthe existence of black holes is still to be
investigated, but for the moment let's assume there is black hole in the center
of each galaxy, the galactical behaviour is totally different than the behavior
of mass on smaller scale like planets orbiting stars and solar systems which
controlled by what we know as gravity, on galactical scale it is totally different
(no matter if they are close or far from the center of the galaxy), where the
stars far from the center of the galaxy orbit faster than the stars close to
the center of the galaxy, The only explination of this is that the behavior of
particles is a function of distance (or space)
lets take 2 magnets north and south and put
them close to each other, their particles will change behavior and pull each
other and if we move them away from each other their particles behavior start
to change, and the repelsion force starts to weaken so space in fact change the
behaviours of particles, the same applies for matter that circle the galaxy, the
space is much greater of matter in galaxies than space between the mass on
solar systems, that is why particles on galactical level behave diferently.This
was explained by scientists by the effect dark matter
Anything beyond our universe is non existence
, The particles of the universe are the building blocks of the universe and the
universe gives them their properties and their behaviour, exactly like the
cells of our bodies if any cell disattached from the body it dies
So according to all This the origin of the
universe was not the big bang but when particles start to get their properties
and behaviours and atoms start to bond together and take shape to form matter
and its companion energy, the universe was different to what we see now, The
properties and behaviours of particle are ever changing, and continou to do so
for ever. Entropy is a good
example for this.

The issue with big bang theory is that it turned many aspects of the
universe to constants, and we know very well that nothing in the universe is
constant every thing is changing all the time (incloding properties and
behaviours of particles ) and every thing is moving in space, and nothing is
stand still. We have expansion
of the universe and we have a big bang, we just need to fill the gap between
them and we have a theory of creation

The behaviours of particles in your body is reacting to, the particles
surrounding them, the particles of the planet you are on, the particles of the
solar system your planet in, the particles of galaxy your solar system part
of, and particles of all galaxies  in the
universe, particles have multy behaviours at the same time.

The change in properties and behaviours over de course of time of
particles was not equal or at the same rate everywhere in the universe, some
regions didn't develop matter yet or developed to different properties


Entanglement is a manifestation of causality, it appears.


Lex, *please* let me buy you a cup of coffee! You need more energy. :-)


There is no time fixed for the celestral body in the space.


So basically space time is calculated mass potentiality


The empty space is full of dark energy, we can treat dark energy as the ashes of everything in our universe, since more and more energy ashes appear, our universe is expanded by these dark energy.


I came here to learn something about Jada Pinkett Smith


Perhaps the idea of entanglement would be more readily accepted and recognized were it's proponents able to give examples of its use in the daily lives and certain activities of people....


Ok, now we know Quantum Entanglement is awesome.

But let us get past thinking if it is real and start thinking about how to make a phone that works with it.

I want to talk to the rest of the universe that has already figured it out.

I mean really, wouldn't it be great to tap into what they know, and talk to a galaxy far far away!
