Musical Rapture - A Sacred Gift of Celestial Music
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Música Celestial de João Cota-Robes através de Frederic Delarue
“A frequência desta Musica Celestial se comunica com a Inteligência Divina do corpo, a um nível celular, elevando a consciência de cada célula. Enquanto a musica acalma e conforta as células, a capacidade natural do corpo de se curar é intensificada.”
“Esta música sagrada é compatível e trabalha em harmonia com cada modalidade de cura ou tratamento médico que uma pessoa possa optar por experimentar. A música ressoa com uma bênção adicional para todos que estejam lidando com alguma forma de câncer.”
“Esta música é uma dádiva do Alto e nunca deve ser comprada ou vendida. Por favor, compartilhem esta informação com todos que sintam que possam se beneficiar deste presente sagrado da Música Celestial.” – João Cota-Robles
This CD is free of charge and should not be either bought or sold. © Frederic Delarue (Sacem). All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is Prohibited by Applicable Law.
Celestial Music from Joao Cota-Robles
through Frederic Delarue
"The frequency of this Celestial Music communicates with the Divine Intelligence of the body at a cellular level raising the consciousness of each cell. As the music soothes and comforts the cells, the body's natural ability to heal itself is enhanced.
"This sacred music is compatible and works in harmony with every healing modality or medical treatment a person may choose to experience. The music resonates with an additional blessing for everyone who is dealing with any form of cancer.
"This music is a gift from On High and it is never to be bought or sold. Please share this information with everyone you feel would benefit from this sacred gift of Celestial Music." Joao Cota-Robles
In order to maintain the highest integrity of this Celestial Music, Frederic Delarue has copyrighted the music and all rights are reserved.
You are welcome to make CDs of the music and share them for free with everyone you know. You can print out the images for the cover of the CD and the CD label on the download zip file, and create CDs for your personal use and to give to your friends and loved ones without charge.
You can also listen to the music in your groups and during your healing sessions and meditations. Be creative in the use of this wonderful gift of music, but please do not speak or record anything over the music, including written words. If a person records other information over the music, it will interfere with the healing process and the Divine Intent of the music.
Com carinho
Juliana Cabral
Para mais informações sobre atendimento online, mensagens via direct
Música Celestial de João Cota-Robes através de Frederic Delarue
“A frequência desta Musica Celestial se comunica com a Inteligência Divina do corpo, a um nível celular, elevando a consciência de cada célula. Enquanto a musica acalma e conforta as células, a capacidade natural do corpo de se curar é intensificada.”
“Esta música sagrada é compatível e trabalha em harmonia com cada modalidade de cura ou tratamento médico que uma pessoa possa optar por experimentar. A música ressoa com uma bênção adicional para todos que estejam lidando com alguma forma de câncer.”
“Esta música é uma dádiva do Alto e nunca deve ser comprada ou vendida. Por favor, compartilhem esta informação com todos que sintam que possam se beneficiar deste presente sagrado da Música Celestial.” – João Cota-Robles
This CD is free of charge and should not be either bought or sold. © Frederic Delarue (Sacem). All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is Prohibited by Applicable Law.
Celestial Music from Joao Cota-Robles
through Frederic Delarue
"The frequency of this Celestial Music communicates with the Divine Intelligence of the body at a cellular level raising the consciousness of each cell. As the music soothes and comforts the cells, the body's natural ability to heal itself is enhanced.
"This sacred music is compatible and works in harmony with every healing modality or medical treatment a person may choose to experience. The music resonates with an additional blessing for everyone who is dealing with any form of cancer.
"This music is a gift from On High and it is never to be bought or sold. Please share this information with everyone you feel would benefit from this sacred gift of Celestial Music." Joao Cota-Robles
In order to maintain the highest integrity of this Celestial Music, Frederic Delarue has copyrighted the music and all rights are reserved.
You are welcome to make CDs of the music and share them for free with everyone you know. You can print out the images for the cover of the CD and the CD label on the download zip file, and create CDs for your personal use and to give to your friends and loved ones without charge.
You can also listen to the music in your groups and during your healing sessions and meditations. Be creative in the use of this wonderful gift of music, but please do not speak or record anything over the music, including written words. If a person records other information over the music, it will interfere with the healing process and the Divine Intent of the music.
Com carinho
Juliana Cabral
Para mais informações sobre atendimento online, mensagens via direct