Humains versus machines | Intelligence Artificielle 1
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Cette vidéo liste de nombreuses avancées récentes qui tendent à montrer que la machine finira par surpasser l'humain dans tous les domaines. Reste à savoir quand...
Le deep learning | Science Étonnante
Informatique et jeu | Passe-Science
Le jeu de go et l'intelligence artificielle | À chaud | Science Étonnante
Rêves profonds, peintures et LSD Pris dans la toile d'internet #5 | Balade Mentale
L'informatique autonomique | Rémi Sharrock | Wandida
L'intelligence Artificielle - A l'aube de la disruption ultime | Stéphane Mallard | Blu Age
Humans Need Not Apply | CGP Grey
The Rise of the Machines - Why Automation is Different this time | Kurzgesagt
But what is a Neural Network? Deep Learning | 3Blue1Brown
Google Cars versus Tesla | Boi Faltings | ZettaBytes
Automated Code Refactoring | Mickaël Mayer | ZettaBytes
The Rise of Machine Learning | Martin Jaggi | ZettaBytes
The Real Moral Dilemma of Self-Driving Cars | Veritasium
Signal Processing and Machine Learning | IEEE Signal Processing Society
(j'ai dû raccourcir les réfs car la description était trop longue pour YT)
Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms | Shai Shalev-Shwartz et Shai Ben-David (2014)
Deep Learning | Ian Goodfellow, Joshua Bengio et Aaron Courville (2016)
Computing Machinery and Intelligence | Alan Turing (1950)
Machines Outperform Laypersons in Recognizing Emotions Elicited by Autobiographical Recollection | Janssen et al. (2013) | Human-Computer Interaction
Pixel Recursive Super Resolution | Dahl, Norouzi and Shlens (2017) | Google Brain
Dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks | Esteva et al. (2017) | Nature
Cardiologist-Level Arrhythmia Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks | Rajpurkar et al. (2017)
New Wikipedia sized proof explained with a puzzle | Singing Banana
Why do you need to get a flu shot every year? Melvin Sanicas | Ted-Ed
How it Works: IBM Watson Health | IBM Think Academy
Processing LHC Data | CERN
The Human Brain Project | Video Overview
NVIDIA DRIVE Autonomous Vehicle Platform | NVIDIA
High-Speed Robots Part 1: Meet BettyBot in "Human Exclusion Zone" Warehouses | Wired
MarI/O - Machine Learning for Video Games | SethBling
Super MarI/O Kart Commentary/Stream Highlights | SethBling
A Neural Network Plays Mario Kart 64 | Varun Ramesh
OpenAI + Dota 2
Tesla's Model S Autopilot is Amazing | Slow News Day
Navette autonome La Défense | walkoART - Videos
Japan test first self-driving bus | Startup Selfie
Autonomous Shuttle Premiere Sion 2016 - Bus autonome | Mad9977
First Self-Driving Vehicle in the U.S. on Fremont Street, Las Vegas | Vital Vegas
Meet BettyBot in "Human Exclusion Zone" Warehouses | WIRED
3D Printed House Took 24 Hours To Build | Vocative
Robot Farming of the Future | Mashable Daily
How the Tesla Model S is Made (Part 1) | WIRED
What's new, Atlas? Boston Dynamics
TOP 10 Saves Decided by Goal Line Technology | GKShowcase
Space Invaders | DeepMind | WIRED
Robots for Super Bowl Referees? GeoBeats News
Morgan | Humans and Machines [HD] | 20th Century Fox
Robot Paint | joann joni
Robot Surgeons are the Future of Medicine | GeoBeats News
The robot lawyers are here - and they’re winning | BBC
Robot eye surgeon is 10x more precise than the most steady-handed human | Digital Trends
‘World’s first robot lawyer’ now available in all 50 states | The Verge
Robot judges could soon be helping with court cases | Independent
JPMorgan software does in seconds what took lawyers 360,000 hours | Independent
La ville à l’épreuve de la voiture autonome | Le Monde
Les Renault Zoé autonomes lancées à Rouen | Automobile Propre
Japanese AI Writes a Novel, Nearly Wins Literary Award | Big Think
Le deep learning | Science Étonnante
Informatique et jeu | Passe-Science
Le jeu de go et l'intelligence artificielle | À chaud | Science Étonnante
Rêves profonds, peintures et LSD Pris dans la toile d'internet #5 | Balade Mentale
L'informatique autonomique | Rémi Sharrock | Wandida
L'intelligence Artificielle - A l'aube de la disruption ultime | Stéphane Mallard | Blu Age
Humans Need Not Apply | CGP Grey
The Rise of the Machines - Why Automation is Different this time | Kurzgesagt
But what is a Neural Network? Deep Learning | 3Blue1Brown
Google Cars versus Tesla | Boi Faltings | ZettaBytes
Automated Code Refactoring | Mickaël Mayer | ZettaBytes
The Rise of Machine Learning | Martin Jaggi | ZettaBytes
The Real Moral Dilemma of Self-Driving Cars | Veritasium
Signal Processing and Machine Learning | IEEE Signal Processing Society
(j'ai dû raccourcir les réfs car la description était trop longue pour YT)
Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms | Shai Shalev-Shwartz et Shai Ben-David (2014)
Deep Learning | Ian Goodfellow, Joshua Bengio et Aaron Courville (2016)
Computing Machinery and Intelligence | Alan Turing (1950)
Machines Outperform Laypersons in Recognizing Emotions Elicited by Autobiographical Recollection | Janssen et al. (2013) | Human-Computer Interaction
Pixel Recursive Super Resolution | Dahl, Norouzi and Shlens (2017) | Google Brain
Dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks | Esteva et al. (2017) | Nature
Cardiologist-Level Arrhythmia Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks | Rajpurkar et al. (2017)
New Wikipedia sized proof explained with a puzzle | Singing Banana
Why do you need to get a flu shot every year? Melvin Sanicas | Ted-Ed
How it Works: IBM Watson Health | IBM Think Academy
Processing LHC Data | CERN
The Human Brain Project | Video Overview
NVIDIA DRIVE Autonomous Vehicle Platform | NVIDIA
High-Speed Robots Part 1: Meet BettyBot in "Human Exclusion Zone" Warehouses | Wired
MarI/O - Machine Learning for Video Games | SethBling
Super MarI/O Kart Commentary/Stream Highlights | SethBling
A Neural Network Plays Mario Kart 64 | Varun Ramesh
OpenAI + Dota 2
Tesla's Model S Autopilot is Amazing | Slow News Day
Navette autonome La Défense | walkoART - Videos
Japan test first self-driving bus | Startup Selfie
Autonomous Shuttle Premiere Sion 2016 - Bus autonome | Mad9977
First Self-Driving Vehicle in the U.S. on Fremont Street, Las Vegas | Vital Vegas
Meet BettyBot in "Human Exclusion Zone" Warehouses | WIRED
3D Printed House Took 24 Hours To Build | Vocative
Robot Farming of the Future | Mashable Daily
How the Tesla Model S is Made (Part 1) | WIRED
What's new, Atlas? Boston Dynamics
TOP 10 Saves Decided by Goal Line Technology | GKShowcase
Space Invaders | DeepMind | WIRED
Robots for Super Bowl Referees? GeoBeats News
Morgan | Humans and Machines [HD] | 20th Century Fox
Robot Paint | joann joni
Robot Surgeons are the Future of Medicine | GeoBeats News
The robot lawyers are here - and they’re winning | BBC
Robot eye surgeon is 10x more precise than the most steady-handed human | Digital Trends
‘World’s first robot lawyer’ now available in all 50 states | The Verge
Robot judges could soon be helping with court cases | Independent
JPMorgan software does in seconds what took lawyers 360,000 hours | Independent
La ville à l’épreuve de la voiture autonome | Le Monde
Les Renault Zoé autonomes lancées à Rouen | Automobile Propre
Japanese AI Writes a Novel, Nearly Wins Literary Award | Big Think