The End of the Epopee (Конецъ былины) Russian Monarchist Song about the Abdication of Nicholas II

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Infos about the song:
The End of the Epopee (The dawn blazed with a bloody fire), in Russian Конецъ былины / Конец былины (Кровавымъ пожаромъ зардѣлась заря / Кровавым пожаром зарделась заря) Performed by the Choir named after St. John of Damascus at the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in St. Petersburg. A song based on the poems of the great poet Sergei Bekhteev / Сергѣй Бехтеевъ / Сергей Бехтеев, whose loyal poems were smuggled to the exiled-in-Siberia Nicholas II and his Family, about the February treason and, supposedly, the so called forced “abdication” of the Tsar. The Lyrics are written in pre-revolutionary russian orthography, which was before the communist reform of the latter what slightly simplified it, and was the one that this poem was originally written in.
The End of the Epopee (The dawn blazed with a bloody fire), in Russian Конецъ былины / Конец былины (Кровавымъ пожаромъ зардѣлась заря / Кровавым пожаром зарделась заря) Performed by the Choir named after St. John of Damascus at the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in St. Petersburg. A song based on the poems of the great poet Sergei Bekhteev / Сергѣй Бехтеевъ / Сергей Бехтеев, whose loyal poems were smuggled to the exiled-in-Siberia Nicholas II and his Family, about the February treason and, supposedly, the so called forced “abdication” of the Tsar. The Lyrics are written in pre-revolutionary russian orthography, which was before the communist reform of the latter what slightly simplified it, and was the one that this poem was originally written in.
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