5 Most Essential Trackmania Skills To Learn as a BEGINNER

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Want to improve at Trackmania? Here are 5 Skills pro players use on nearly every map to gain time, and if you master them, you're sure to improve your PBs as well!

0:00 Start
0:40 Skill #1
1:37 Skill #2
3:01 Skill #3
4:02 Skill #4
5:00 Skill #5

Edited by Snowflake
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I think this channel is one of the most underrated channels I've seen. Such a high level of explaining, keep it up!


These were the sort of tips that were missing 10 years ago when I started playing TM.
Back then you learned by spectating online better players than you.
Great job with this vid Wirtual!


Something worth noting when you talked about gear-shifting:
The lights on the back of the car - the ones that also work as tail-lights - actually indicate which gear you're in as well.


mastering drifting can take hours he says. More like years


Try and pump out as many videos as possible while this game is still fresh and your numbers will sky rocket


For those wondering about how to manage ice, here's what I've learned:
- Always pointing your entire car towards the place where you want to go for gradual turns can help. So for a gradual 45 degree turn, point your car 45 degrees at the start of the turn and maintain it.
- Never steer anywhere at the very start of a race on ice. After that, do very gentle adjustments.
- Make very smooth adjustments with analog controls rather than sudden taps of harsher tire movement.
- The more steering and adjustments you make the slower you will go.
- For a right quarterpipe bank pretend you are a bobsled. Line up with the left side first and keep your car pointed parallel with the center line of the road. Your car should line up in the red marked area of the bank for maximum speed. If you are able to line up your car perfectly without any bobbing, I find it is usually best to steer slightly in the opposite direction of the turn so you are slightly higher on the bank for a gentler ride.
- For sharp flat turns, turn your car between 90 and 180 degrees then turn sharply in the opposite direction of the turn. Your tires should somewhat point in the direction of where you want to be heading. Exit the turn by straightening your car out quickly in the direction of travel rather than gradually can help get more speed. Also, while holding down the gas, tap the break during the initial turn and your car will rotate much faster, allowing you to get it at the correct angle for the turn faster. You can also use snow on the side of the road for a bit more traction during higher speed turns. On Summer 2020 25, the right sharp flat ice turn after the reactor boost can amazingly be done at full speed without letting go of the gas. Doing all of this right makes you feel like a boss.
- Do not do bug turns on ice. Instead, start straight then do the process for a sharp flat turn.
- Rarely you can turn your car around about 180 degrees while breaking then drive straight. This will slow your car down much faster than just breaking.
- If you do all of this right, you should never let off the gas.
- Combining all of these techniques in just the right ways for each turn is crucial for getting excellent times. I doubt this is even everything.


Yo, I've just sent full French subtitles for the video. It was started off by someone else and it's my first time ever doing subtitles on Youtube so it might not be perfect, but I hope this will let all the French beginners understand these tricks aswell (as they're much more numerous, I guess). Thanks for the video, necessary one !


Can you also make an ice guide?
Would be great. :)


This is great for beginners and perfectly executed too! :D I have always felt that there are many people who never got to experience the limits of the Stadium car in the previous games. And to make things worse, the first things that pop up on YouTube are always big channels driving terribly, crashing everywhere and doing none of the things you mentioned, so you really had to dig into it to find these techniques. Let's hope this video gets some attention!! :D


5 skills u need in trackmania:
1. Driving on normal road
2. Driving on banana-road
3. Driving on sand
4. Driving on grass
5. Driving on ice


I played TMNF from time to time like over 10 years ago and have been binging your channel for the past few days. Now I'm itching to get into it for real, it looks so fun


This is soooo satisfying. These are the tricks I've been reiterating in my head for the past years when I've played TrackMania and there doesn't seem to be any videos regarding this. Plus, none of my friends played TrackMania at that time, so there's no point in teaching them some of these. So it's like a dream come true.


The content man, It just keeps coming!


I just started Trackmania today, though have been watching Wirtual for YEARS. This helped a lot. :-) Way harder than he makes it look.


Great visuals, especially I liked the comparisons with the colored cars. Are you sure you need to steer about half a second before a drift? Seems very long to me, atleast for most drifts. So I assume half a second is only needed at low speed around 180?


I'm playing track mania for approx. 13 years, I can confirm that these skill are important. Great video.


Next vid should cover SD's, Neo-slides and nose dive. Maybe also talk about booster lines


Nice tutorial ! I hope you'll give us the secret of overwalls in the next one :p

Also among the older tricks, it could be nice to explain the neoslide, the speedslide and its variations, backward driving and turtling.


I love how this game has such simple controls and can be played on a keyboard, is very easy to pick up and play but difficult to master.


I actually didn’t know that turning before gearing up makes it slower. Thanks! I actually use left shift. It really has helped me a lot.
