3 Things Your Higher-Self Wants Your Ego to Know (Just Know This)

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This video will show you 3 things your higher-self wants your Ego to know. Transcript below.....

This video will show you three things that your higher self wants your ego to know. I'm going to share with you these three things and how you can apply it to really feel comfortable in knowing that you can be who you prefer to be to get what you want in life. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness around this video. We're going to be talking about how our ego and our higher self how they communicate. We're going to talk about three things that are higher self wants our ego to know and that how this can really help the process of attracting what we want into our life.

Now first off this has comes from the understanding of like an Eastern philosophy we could say that this is the ego self and this is like the observational self but also from different like New Age perspectives. We could say that in a way our higher self is what guides us. The ego self through the valley. Think of it like the ego is in a valley trying to go towards the mountaintop and then on the mountaintop is a higher self. We can see a higher level of awareness can see a higher perspective to direct the ego where to go in order to most efficiently or efficiently get to the top of the mountain. Now the idea is that the way that the higher self communicates with the ego is through emotion and feeling. So this is why it's so important to follow your excitement when you follow your excitement what you allow yourself to do is to go down the path of least resistance to get up that mountain and what your Higher Self will do is will give you that feeling and will that bandwidth that gap that you feel between where you are and that high Vibe's state or that passion is the communication from the Higher Self telling you in which direction to go and so that's why following your passion is such an important thing.

Now there are three main settle hints I'd say that the Higher Self will give the ego when it comes to going up that mountain when it comes to really just understanding itself at a deeper level and using that in order to attract what we want. Now understand that the first one has to do with something. All of us can get benefit of knowing and that is the higher self is trying to tell the ego to surrender and that it's not the ego's job to do everything.

Now this is something that we may learn the hard way. I know I learned the hard way because I started to get really good results in life when I started to really increase my work ethic and when I started to use my ego in a powerful way that was because I went through a spiritual awakening years ago when I came out of that I became very aware that my beliefs were creating my reality and that there was a correlation between like my thoughts and my experience in life. And that was very exciting to me. For years I was very focused on more of the theory all part of life more of the energetic thinking in the meditating part of stuff.

And then I realized though is then in the beginning of 2016. I started to take massive action towards my dreams and desires. Then what happened is I had an explosion of growth. I started to grow very quickly on YouTube. I went from like 4 5000 subscribers up to like a hundred and something thousand within like four or five months and I believe that that had to do with me taking action. But I was then being rewarded for that. So I got positive reinforcement and I thought that that's what the like that was where everything was. Really though what it was it was an energetic connection because I felt so passionate while I was doing it and what I had to learn is I had to learn how to let go. And every time I would let go of the how every time I would surrender it's like I'd let go of any resistance and things would have come in flooding so much faster.

It was like it was so much easier for me to achieve what I wanted now. This means that surrender is what's important. Understand that what we do is we have an intention for something we want to experience in our life that we can take action towards that but then we should not should. But then what we can do is let go of the outcome to that almost given up to the universe and allow the universe to do...

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This video is about 3 Things Your Higher-Self Wants Your Ego to Know (Just Know This)
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I’m there. Thank you for putting into words. During my great awaking. I started two business, one non profit and LLC. In about four days. After a 3 week stay in the psych ward, my world changed. I can see visions of beauty in the world. Then the doubt creeped in a fear, then the dark shadow came. It showed me how and what I needed to do to get to the light. Saying these things out loud my friends think I’m crazy. I didn’t read a book about this or study anything. Just the other day I told my friend it was my ego that drove the insane behavior. She said wow really, Ego that’s a strong word. As if I didn’t know what I said. Then asks “you’re off your meds”. I just laughed. I know that everyone doesn’t understand but listening to you talk about this is just a confirmation I’m on the right path. Thank you so much for listening and following your spiritual guide. You are awesome!!! Keep going brother ❤️❤️🧘🏽‍♀️


I really don’t think my ego is my enemy, I do believe it has devilish tendencies that managed to get me into a lot of trouble however having said that . Those experienced Moulded me to be who I am today. As if I needed that path to take so that the lessons learned will be benighted for my higher self. I have a greater understanding of humanity and why they do the things they do. I would like to say thank you for the videos you post as they have opened my eyes to a number of things. I think you have a wonderful ability to clearly pass on your message.


Thank you for sharing. You are a great communicator. I recently discovered you and I am impressed how you can speak with not edits or cuts....


Thanks for another inspired post! You are dropping a *lot* of deep, "heavy" divine wisdom here!
*Knowing* that "it" is going to happen has made all of the difference for me. Having faith that it will happen is not enough. Once I began to realize that my intent *is* my prayer, that is when great things began to happen for me.
That "The Universe" listens not to my words, nor does it take it's cues from watching what I do, but that Source pays attention to the purest version of my *intent* / the *intentions* behind my words and actions. Making sure that the reasons *behind* my words and actions are right and pure, *this* has made all the difference on my ability to manifest. (And on more than one occasion checking my intent, purifying my motivation has necessitated my changing my desires, allowing my thoughts, words and actions to come more in line with Divine Will, thereby raising me to an even higher vibrational level!)
[BTW, at the core, there are only two emotions behind *all* intentions: love and fear. One of these attracts the divine, the other repels Divine Will/Attention. The trick for me has been being honest with myself about which emotion is truthfully behind each of my desires. Doing this has also taught me a *lot* about myself.)
To the reader; If you actually read all of this comment, thanks for letting me share this with you!
Thanks again for another inspired post!

En Lakesh


Your videos served as my habitual routine and my life slowly changes since I followed you. Thank you for imparting your knowledge here on YouTube. I'm rooting for your success and attract more subscribers.


Let go of the luggage and loosen up...great advice.


Thankyou Aaron😀❤ Your videos are helping me to be the best version of myself.💟


Thank you Aaron that makes sense, it's the ego I'm struggling with I keep panicking so I just need to relax.


Thank you for the work you do! I am just begging my spiritual journey and this channel has helped me in so many ways & I just want to say thank you!


Amazing and a powerful reminder that comes right on time ❤️ Thank you.


It’s crazy Aaron i have been following you for a while now and i can tell how much you’ve grown and your videos keep getting better and better. Thank you so much for everything you do you have inspired me to also follow my passion, follow my truth. Much love from Paris, Amina


Thank you Aaron...I was really looking for a way to balance and harmonize my ego and what you have said has really resonated.


Thank you family for the message. God bless you and yours. Much love and light


I'm so happy i found your channel. You really know what you're talking about. I want to share this with everyone:)


Your videos and meditation has helped me Become more confident and happy in myself thank you


your videos always help me. thanks aaron!!


Thank you Aaron !!! 😇😇😇 you are the best youtuber!!!!


Really enjoy the dubstep/music opening! Great Work Aaron. World class speaker here you come


And I just finished reading this Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender Book by David R. Hawkins and the this video pops up in my feed amazing read on the subject of letting go and surrendering


Yet again, this video falls perfectly in my life, thanx again🤝
