SuperGIS Webinar - Make Enterprise GIS Data and Service Available Anytime Anywhere
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02:10 Product RoadMap of Supergeo
09:30 Design the map on SuperGIS Desktop
09:45 Setting the coordinate system of Layers: Web Mercator
10:25 Save this map as a SGD file
10:45 Upload the map service by SuperGIS Server Publisher
12:25 Interface of SuperGIS Server Manager
13:30 Select the scale definition same with OSM
15:00 One click to mash up with OSM
15:35 Visualize your data in a web page
19:00 Use feature service to do online editing
21:15 Decide editable layers
22:45 Online editing
24:00 Synchronize the data
31:50 Many materials on Supergeo Developer Network
33:55 Set the process parameter
35:55 Use SuperGIS Toolkit to design the geo-process workflow
36:25 Rename the process parameters
41:15 Check to apply the Process
43:55 Perform the service area analysis
49:10 Customize your app
50:05 Display in mobile device
Need to share large GIS data across the organization, and assign to field force for specific tasks? SuperGIS Webinar will show you how to build your own GIS website for distributing GIS services and online geo-processing, as well as create a map app for accessing the maps in the field.
* In this webinar, you will learn how to:
- Publish GIS services effectively
- Edit published services for timely use
- Design geo-process to handle metadata
- Find out the best location for your business
- Build a mobile GIS app to link with web maps
Join and learn the Web GIS solution to benefit your geospatial operation!
Olivia Lin
Technical Support Engineer
Supergeo Technologies
Olivia graduated from Institute of Oceanography, NTU with the major in geophysics. With the first-line training experiences to both non-GIS and GIS users, Olivia can well assist all users to operate GIS on different platforms.
*Who should attend?
GIS Professionals, Analysts, Managers, AM/FM project managers, and anyone who are interested in increasing work efficiency cross platforms.
09:30 Design the map on SuperGIS Desktop
09:45 Setting the coordinate system of Layers: Web Mercator
10:25 Save this map as a SGD file
10:45 Upload the map service by SuperGIS Server Publisher
12:25 Interface of SuperGIS Server Manager
13:30 Select the scale definition same with OSM
15:00 One click to mash up with OSM
15:35 Visualize your data in a web page
19:00 Use feature service to do online editing
21:15 Decide editable layers
22:45 Online editing
24:00 Synchronize the data
31:50 Many materials on Supergeo Developer Network
33:55 Set the process parameter
35:55 Use SuperGIS Toolkit to design the geo-process workflow
36:25 Rename the process parameters
41:15 Check to apply the Process
43:55 Perform the service area analysis
49:10 Customize your app
50:05 Display in mobile device
Need to share large GIS data across the organization, and assign to field force for specific tasks? SuperGIS Webinar will show you how to build your own GIS website for distributing GIS services and online geo-processing, as well as create a map app for accessing the maps in the field.
* In this webinar, you will learn how to:
- Publish GIS services effectively
- Edit published services for timely use
- Design geo-process to handle metadata
- Find out the best location for your business
- Build a mobile GIS app to link with web maps
Join and learn the Web GIS solution to benefit your geospatial operation!
Olivia Lin
Technical Support Engineer
Supergeo Technologies
Olivia graduated from Institute of Oceanography, NTU with the major in geophysics. With the first-line training experiences to both non-GIS and GIS users, Olivia can well assist all users to operate GIS on different platforms.
*Who should attend?
GIS Professionals, Analysts, Managers, AM/FM project managers, and anyone who are interested in increasing work efficiency cross platforms.