Gas Prices in Russia after Ruble Collapsing VLOG

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Hi, my dears! My name is Natasha, I live in Russia 🐻. In this video I’m discussing the following topics:

— Gas prices in Russia after Ruble fall: visiting the Gazprom gasoline station December 2024

— Real wages in Russia 2024

— Lada Niva and Chinese cars: car market in Russia during sanctions

— Grocery shopping tour and comparing current prices in sanctioned Russia

#russia #sanctions #russiasanctions #russianlife #russianews #lifeinrussia #russiavlog #groceryshopping #grocery #russiatravel #russiangirl #gasprices #gasprice #moscow
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My dears, thank you for watching 🐻🎄! Would you like to see a test-driving video on my channel 🤔? Maybe I should test some Lada 🚙? Which car would you want to see in such a video? Share your opinion!


When going into a collapse, you don't buy food, you stockpile food. Plus a way to cook it..


Russia couldn't sanction anyone. They tried with gas and now Gazprom is bankrupt 😅


Gasoline may be cheap, but the average Russian paycheck is far lower than in western countries.


You're the most sanctioned country on earth for a very good reason.


The price of gasoline is very low from a German perspective, but I can't say whether Russians with an income of 200 - 400 euros see it the same way. I think your videos are very good and informative. The housing situation in these high blocks of houses would make me massively depressed though, I have to say.


the problem is not the price, the problem is how much money the citizen earns . because if in russia a liter of gasoline costs half a euro, and the average citizen earns 600 euros, and in germany it costs 1.50 euros per liter and the citizen guagana 3000 euros at the end the german citizen puts 100 liters and he is left with 2850 euros in his pocket the russian 100 liters spends 50 and he is left with 550 .


I still love your accent and beautiful voice.
I know you said that you need to improve.
Beautiful and charming lady. 🌷
Wishing you health, peace and alot of happiness. 🙏❤


In the EU, the price of fuel is made up of more than 50% taxes. The price of gasoline and diesel would be somewhere around 50 Euro cents.


Russia is not the most ancient country in the world. In fact Ukraine is centuries older than Russia.


Excellent video, Natasha. I like when you go outside and show us around Krasnodar.


That hat ans scarf are UNBELIEVABLY white. Looks so clean.


Of course all prices are cheaper in Russia, look at the average wages and pensions.


I appreciate your videos you do a great job


Gasolin in Russia is very cheap compared to our prices in Finland. A couple of years ago I used to buy gasolin to my car in Russia, because I live near to the Russian border. Now I buy it 1, 80 euros per litre.


Yes, but you have to compare the prices with (for example) a month or week ago. Just showing the prices for gaz doesn't tell me anything about the economy. For all I know, the prices have dropped with 50%...
If I tell you the price of Diesel in my country is now €1, 56... What does that tell you about the economy? Nada!


Thanks for the video Natasha. You seem to be a nice young lady. Hope the war ends soon and things get better in Krasnodar. Sorry to hear about the dangerous young men driving on the streets. Hopefully that will also end with the end of the war. Just as a point of reference for you, the price of gasoline where I am in California, USA, is 115 ₽ per liter. The price of a small one bedroom apartment in Los Angeles would start at 225, 000 ₽ per month and increase from there as you looked at better apartments. You are lucky that things are much cheaper where you are in Krasnodar.


I used to own a Lada Niva, Cossack. It was one of the best cars I ever owned. It would go anywhere a Land Rover would go.


You come across as very sensible and intelegent, so, how come you did"nt get out with the mass exodus!


Today's rate is 100.45 Rubles per $1. At the prices given in this video, that would be $2.06/Gallon. Gas today where I live is $2.66 per gallon. About $.18 is taxes for inspection and underground leaky tanks. Gas here is priced according to the free market and gas companies are making record profits ($21 billion) and paying dividends to investors (10--30%), and CEOs are getting huge bonuses (30 million). Average US income in 2022 was $37, 500. Average Russian income in 2023 was 53, 000 Rubles. At today's rate, that's $530. In 2023 the average car cost $47, 000 in the U.S. In 2023 the average car cost in Russia exceeded 1Million Rubles. At today's rate, that would be $10, 000? Comparing US and Russia, the ratio of price of car to average in come is 1.88 for Russia and 1.25 for U.S. According to one source (Boing-Boing), U.S. roads in 2020 surpassed Russia in number of deaths per 100, 000. The implication was that this is due to the larger vehicles in the U.S. Road conditions in the U.S. are significantly better in the U.S. than in Russia and are consistent across the regions, whereas road conditions vary widely in Russia depending on region. Public transportation where I live is severely lacking. There is intercity bus service. In town, there is something that passes for bus service. If I wanted to catch a train, I would have to drive 50 minutes and the train runs through at 1:30 a.m. Commercial air service is 15 minutes away and general aviation is the same. Commercial cruise service is 2 1/2 hours away. My household of 3 has 2 cars and 2 motorcycles, so we can go where we want to. I'm thankful that my country isn't at war with our neighbours at this time. Fingers crossed. I have nothing but love and respect for Mexicans and Canadians.
