The problem with the fire movement

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No hate to the F.I.R.E Movement of course. I just have a few questions lol.

My interview with Jim Dew is now live. If you have any questions about managing money as an entrepreneur you should definitely head over to my channel and give it a watch.

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Wel that is because people want a money cushion in case they fail in the business


People in their 30s are supposed to still be productive. It's good for you. Of course Mr Money Mustache does say it right when he said "work is better when you don't need the money"

F.I. is great 👍🏻 extremely early retirement is another matter. If someone is driven and disciplined enough to achieve F.I.R.E. in their 30s then they will get bored within a year or two and probably start another career or start a business.


Not everyone comes from a similar background. People rising from poverty need substantial financial security before even thinking of getting into a business. Risk is fine, it is necessary in life, but not at the expense of jeopardizing the standard of living. Not everyone can do that. I have seen my father in law, still toiling at the age of 65, where he should be relaxing right now. He's a businessman, had made some bad financial decisions, and is facing the consequences of it. It's easier to say "BrO, sTarT a BusINesS aLreAdY!" than to actually start and raise a business into fruition.


Don't get married, don't have kids, living frugal is easy. But if you have a strong desire for family etc, it's harder.


Eh, this debatable. Having a partner who makes similar income and frugal without kids is the ultimate rocket to fire.

Maybe the business idea didn't occur until after fire or they weren't experienced enough for their idea to take off. Ton of variables in play. No one size fits all.


FIRE people are not risk takers. They like certainty which is why they wait to start entrepreneurial endeavors until they have a safety net.


Do you want to start a business when you're already working 9-5, or do you want to spend your time after work with your family instead of working on the business while working up to FIRE?


True but the bankruptcy idea of starting business 10 years ago just terrifying for some


You are seeing the ones on YouTube that try YouTube. And I bet most of them don’t make on YouTube what they did while working. What about all the ones that do FIRE and don’t make accounts. In theory we wouldn’t hear about them bc they aren’t making content.


You kind of do have to wait 10yrs do that. Most online businesses like that start out making nothing for the first year of work and some may never make more than minumum wage. You only want to attempt something like that with a financial cushion you can lean on.


So many things unjustified here. First. what stats do you have that says "most of them" actually start a blog, or youtube channel. In my experience, very few do. And those that do, I believe the majority of them aren't doing that as a business but as a passion project to help others. What is your definition of "over saving?" As compared to what? the masses? Could that be reframed to "under spending?" Most people fail to save much of anything, so what do you think is an appropriate amount of savings rate of one's income? Is it arbitrary or is ot towards a specific objective? Which is more purposeful? Frugal? Again, you don't define it. Again, very few of the many FI movement people live in the negatively stereotypical definition of frugal. They live intentionally. Where are your definition and stats or is this simply a bunch of "joking on" to get clicks. I suppose it worked, I commented.


I would rather be able to start my own my business in my 30's with a million dollars saved up then spend my 20's on a business that may or may not succeed. No idea what these guys are on about.


Could have started a business 10 years ago, failed, and now you're more than 10 years behind since you owe the bank from some failed loans. 🙄


Well that the thing they not having kids but prob one if that .


It's mid to late 40s for this current generation. Gone are the good old days where it was achievable in the 30s. Not today.
Also someone who has been frugal all their lives will be frugal all their lives. As someone who is frugal it is very hard for me to spend money unless I feel I'm getting a ton of value for my dollar and I mean a ton! This will not change ever. I agree tho it's very hard when you're in a relationship because not many people have this mindset


It’s kinda boring to retire young when everyone else you know is still working unless you have enough to retire them.


overrated… yes folks I know ho did FIRE has mostly no kids until
much later… then they finally started living at 40 w kids and by the time they r 50s… they have a 10 year old… now who is really old, tired and retired?


Its very funny. With the open border- many of us, wont even see a raise again.- but thats just the blue collar worker.
