Daily Reading - Mark 2

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Branch Together is an effort to bring Christians together to read the Bible every day. We know as Christians that we are called to "branch out" and reach the world around us, but first we must come "together" and develop habits that help us grow to be more like the people Jesus is calling us to be.

Today we read and reflect on Mark 2, from the New English Translation.

Other translations we like:
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What also stood out to me is "The people are not made for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath for the people." The religious leaders of the time added so many rules to the Sabbath by deciding what was and was not work, that though people had physical rest, I bet worry of breaking any rule caused them mental unrest. Jesus calls us simply to come have a rest in Him and spend time with Him, and that can look different for each person. That's why I am glad Jesus said "I am the Lord of the Sabbath."


Verse 17 is what strikes a cord with me. On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
I feel like Jesus would be stirring the pot today by associating himself with those that suffer from the crisis of opiate addiction. I think that's one group that needs him most.


Thank you Lord that you have introduced me to Branch together!!! God bless everyone


Thank you so much for the daily scripture reading. I am learning a lot from you and the comments below. I never miss a day. I used to be a Morman for 40 years, it has been very hard changing. It is so refreshing to read the bible and to know that it is the true word of God.


God bless you - I was meditating on the paraplegic being let down through the roof. They must have made such a mess of the roof and inside where Jesus was teaching was a noisy disturbance. I heard the Holy Spirit say. There is often a mess before deliverance and there is often a mess before revival. Are we ready? Is the church ready to receive messy messed up people into our lives: to eat and drink with them as Jesus did.... always stretching out the hand of love and forgiveness so that healing can take place / selah


Verse 13-17 also talked to me because we are often told to keep our distance from sinners or people who do not believe in god, but what if we can help them ? What if us being our normal selves and telling them about god and how he helps us can help them, non believers are led to where they are today because of certain stuff they go through they just need to be shown that they are loved and appreciated. Thank you for the word of god, may the Holy Spirit be with you all ❤️


I love the simplicity of the friends just getting their sick friend to someone who can help. They exhibit a committed reckless love. They don't mind doing something improper, or in this case potentially harming someone's roof, to get their friend the help he needs. They see a big problem, but aren't deterred from their mission and find a solution. A wonderful model of friendship.

On a lighter note. If I was the owner of the house I would be thinking that what I'd need most isn't Jesus miracle power or sin forgiving power, but his physical carpentry skills. Joseph & Sons Building Co. is going to have to come over and fix this thing.


~ 2:2 no more room! The house was packed...if I were around then I'd be right there trying to get in or I would have been early for good seats (Darren LeBlanc lol)~ it then speaks to my heart about the fact that HE is always there(teaching loving and healing)and there's no "packed house" HE is all ears, open arms, no lines, no removing the roof. I'm thankful. AMEN


Thank you for this devotion. As someone who has recently been born again I really enjoy listening to other peoples stories as it give me better understanding. God bless you all.


I love this chapter. My church did a week on this chapter. I just love the part in the house where Jesus says to the paralytic, “because of THEIR faith, you are healed”. I cannot remember exactly what was said in the lesson at church, but I just love that. Jesus didn’t heal the man because of his own faith. He heals him because of the faith all of his friends have in Jesus. So powerful when we think about how our own faith in Jesus and prayer can affect those around us! 🤯🙏🏻


I like v 5 when Jesus healed the paralytic after He saw the people's blind faith. This is what God calls us to have, all our faith in Him. Reminds me how anything is possible when you place your faith in Jesus, He is the one who heals us. This whole passage of Mark tells me we find our rest in our faith. As the Lord has come to fulfill righteousness and instead of working our way, Jesus accepts us and loves us as we are. He does the work in us and for us.


In v11-13 Jesus actually tells us one of the main reasons that he came and healed so many people in his ministry. The physical healing was a symbol that points to the greater healing ("your sins are forgiven"). People saw the bigger agenda through the day to day restoration he brought into peoples lives!


I was a white witch & now a prayer 🙏 warrior.
I’m blessed yeshua did choose the different people


thank you for this message and prayer and reading


Good morning. Happy New year. That was a good point about how Jesus treated people that others would not even talk to.


What really touched me is they really removed the whole roof just to get to Jesus and some people don't even change simple things in our modern era to get to Jesus so that's just amazing faith


Just found this channel awesome content 👌


Thank you for the Daily Readings. I'm very ill and unable to read much, so this helps tremendously. God bless y'all. Praise Jesus in the highest!


verse 4 to 5 spoke to me when the men made an opening in the roof to get to Jesus because the room was full. The men and the paralyzed men desired God so much and they wanted the grace of God that they we willing to do the extraordinary in order for Jesus to heal the paralyzed man and they did this all by faith. We should always trust in God and have faith that he will always prevail in our lives. If we do the extraordinary God will do the extraordinary in our lives.


Good Morning Pastor Jared'' thank you for sharing..i forgot to push the comment button yesterday, when i had on yesterday's video..i push it this morning enjoy your weekend..until tomorrow.
