Hans Niemann's Chess Cheating Exposed

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00:00 WSJ Article
13:30 Look at Games

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Hans cheated against the wrong person. If there’s anyone on the planet that can sniff out stockfish it’s Magnus freaking carlsen.


so the dude that acted suspicious turns out be a cheater? noo waayyy


He really got himself into a world of trouble. The mess speaks for itself.


watch these incompetent fools still try to defend him online.


Pretty fair comment for a guy who was on the receiving end of some of the cheating.


He let his cheating to speak for itself 😂


It's like he's childish-ly covering his tracks.

Some games he plays like 2200, to look normal.
But then, when he needs it, out of a sudden he ramps up to 3000+, with a few games I've seen that looked illogical, even against all chess wisdom. He won those games decisively, and it was later obvious that is was an unbelievable calculation of 10-20 moves. Something an engine would do.

I've dealt with cheaters all my life. The pattern is clear:
- up to 2018 he was "poking the waters", trying to find out a way, a method, how to look legit
- he got caught a few times...
- once he found a semi legit way on how to look legit, he started gaining points fast, VERY fast
- he was arrogant enough to take down Magnus, I bet he wasnt expecting a sh*tstorm of this magnitude

Another thing...He had no idea...He though he's gonna "cheat here and there", gain some points, win some tournaments, make some money and disappear if his tail starts catching fire. Na-uh.
Suddenly people started pushing.
He had no idea people would come up with such Tsunami of statistics on him.
He had no idea he would be pushed in after-the-game analysis so hard.

Now every single move of his is under a microscope. I think the evidence of different statistics and his history of cheating is...overwhelming. If he doesn't get banned...
He has 3 choices:
- play on his own...and we will see how his results will plunder into the ground;
- do the insulted girl - "everybody hates me, waaaa, screw you guys im going home"
- be stupid enough to continue cheating. if that happens...I hope he's ready for XRAYS and "airport checks".


100 games, including 86% accuracy during 16-game match. Lack of understanding during analysis. 70-page report. A coach banned after cheating. What else does he need to confess all of his wrongdoing and just pay for his mistakes like a normal person? Igors Rausis lost his grandmaster title after cheating, why can't FIDE do the same after such strong evidence? I do know OTB chess is completely different, but Hans 'likely' or almost certainly cheated during PRO League and TT events...


The problem for Hans is that he has admitted cheating. After that, he can have no complaints when people are suspicious if his performances appear too good to be true. He is apparently the fastest rising player in the history of chess, faster even than Carlsen, Fischer or Kasparov. I'm sorry, but that seems too good to be true.


When and where will he show up to make a statment? He's supposed to play the US Chess Championships starting tomorrow, i doubt he'll show up. And all those people calling out Magnus (including a very famous World Chess Champion), may owe him an appology now. Magnus took a stand. The continued silence from Han's is almost as bad as an admission of guilt.


Cheated more than 100 games show obsession and habit..and people still not suspicious about that


To the people still wanting HARD evidence against Hans, top GMs mainly Hikaru, Naroditsky, and Nepo already commented that it is next to impossible to catch someone cheating with HARD evidences nowadays. But keep in mind the saying that when there's smoke, there's fire...

With Hans being proven to be a chronic online cheater now, it is very very hard to obsolete him for his OTB plays. Even if he NEVER cheated OTB, just the thought of playing against a chronic cheater will give him some mental advantages against his future opponents.

I think this is also why Magnus said in his last interview that, to all up coming youngsters in chess, don't even think of cheating, as it'll tarnish your image forever.


lol more than 100 games, we all knew that fake accent was something only a compulsive liar would do.


A strange sense of validation and dismay here. A guy can just decide to cheat his way to Super GM and it takes the crusade of the World Champion and the efforts of a private company to shed light on it? Imagine how many cheaters just wanting to win prize money or become a chess master because it looks good on a resume; how would they ever be caught? I think that this is a nail in chess' coffin, first or last, I couldn't say.


It can be insidious without even opponent GM detecting. He can afford to play speculatively with attacks and sacrifices that are incorrect, because he has a 3600+ rated computer to bail him out if it backfires. If it works, you salute his brilliance for dangerous moves a la Tal but don't consider idea of cheating because his aggressive moves were obviously inferior. As noted above when Bok comments in one game where Hans makes sacrifice that was not good, gets in hole scorewise, then somehow plays great the rest of the game to come back and win.


"Once a cheater, always a cheater".


There’s a genius Brazilian guy that showed a correlation between rating and cp loss, if I’m saying that correctly. As your rating goes up, your cp loss goes down. Thousands of games were analyzed and shows a direct correlation… except with nieman. His are all over the place and he demonstrated that his cp loss is highly unusual for his rating. It’s so incriminating, it’s almost proof. Look for the video on hikaru YouTube channel as I’m not doing the stats justice.


Did you check already the evidence of the Brazilian Milky Chess on ACPL? Quite impressive stuff.


To think you find out about being cheated in this manner, respect to GM Bok for not challenging Niemann to a chess boxing match.
