How To Setup Streamlabs Cloudbot! - Moderation, Loyalty Points, Commands, and Timers - Chatbot 2022

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If you don't want to be a smaller streamer forever then it's time to stop acting like one. Today I'm going to run you through setting Streamlabs Cloudbot so your channel is future-proofed for when viewers are appearing in droves.

We will cover Streamlabs Cloud bot setup for Auto-Moderation, Loyalty Points, Modules, Commands, and my favourite, the Timer section!

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How To Setup Streamlabs Cloudbot

You can set up Streamlabs Cloudbot inside Streamlabs OBS as well as in the dashboard, now today I am going to do everything through the dashboard because I prefer it, and I think it is faster for streamers. You’ll need to have your Twitch account linked with Streamlabs OBS account so make sure you go do that, but once that is done you’re going to head over to your dashboard, click on Cloudbot, and just hit this little switch at the top to turn it on.

Next step, you’ll need to head over to your Twitch channel, and type /mod streamlabs this will set the bot as moderator. Congratulations the bot is now active in your chat, and you have setup Streamlabs Cloudbot.


0:00 Video Start
0:28 Introduction
1:10 Why Do I Use Streamlabs Cloudbot
2:03 How To Setup Streamlabs Cloudbot
2:40 How To Setup Streamlabs Cloudbot Auto-Moderation
3:20 How To Setup Link Protection and Permit Commands In Streamlabs Cloudbot
3:40 How To Setup Word Protection In Streamlabs Cloudbot
5:00 How To Setup Loyalty Tokens In Streamlabs Cloudbot
6:00 How To Setup Streamlabs Cloudbot Modules
6:15 How To Setup Heist Commands In Streamlabs Cloudbot
6:40 How To Setup Gamble Commands In Streamlabs Cloudbot
7:30 How To Setup Streamlabs Cloudbot Commands
9:45 How To Setup Streamlabs Cloudbot Timers
11:15 Outro

How To Setup Streamlabs Cloudbot Commands

Commands are quite easy to understand, a command for the Slobs is an exclamation mark, and then a word, these are what the !heist is that I talked about before. They’re triggered manually by someone in chat, unlike Timers which I will be covering next. Timers are very powerful for gaining followers, whereas commands are more for information and fun.

Next to modules, click Commands, you have a few options here, you can click Default next to Custom and you will be shown a lot of template commands you can turn on and off, or edit. Or if you want to add a custom command, you can click Add Command, there are more templates here such as Lurk, uptime, followage, etc. A lot of these I would recommend setting up as most people expect them to be there when they join a chat.

Today we are going to set a Followage command, this is used so people can see how long they’ve been following you, click a template, and click !followage. It will fill out the command and the response itself. You can do this manually say making it be !socials, and then the response you just put your social links in it.

Next step, check your reply rules, do you want the bot to whisper the person or reply in chat, next is permissions, who can use this command for example.

Finally advanced features, this means how often people can use it, or how many loyalty tokens it costs to use. For now, set the cooldowns. The global cooldown is the cooldown of how often it can be used by anyone, and the User is how long it can be used by the same person.

Example, if the Global is 30 seconds, but user is 60 seconds then if Chatter A uses the command they can’t for another 60 seconds, but chatter B can after 30 seconds.

The style of this video is similar to Alpha Gaming and Gaming Careers in parts. A large influence on this series has come from content creators like Wild4games and Nutty.

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#twitch #slobs #growth
Рекомендации по теме

0:28 Introduction
1:10 Why Do I Use Streamlabs Cloudbot
2:03 How To Setup Streamlabs Cloudbot
2:40 How To Setup Streamlabs Cloudbot Auto-Moderation
3:20 How To Setup Link Protection and Permit Commands In Streamlabs Cloudbot
3:40 How To Setup Word Protection In Streamlabs Cloudbot
5:00 How To Setup Loyalty Tokens In Streamlabs Cloudbot
6:00 How To Setup Streamlabs Cloudbot Modules
6:15 How To Setup Heist Commands In Streamlabs Cloudbot
6:40 How To Setup Gamble Commands In Streamlabs Cloudbot
7:30 How To Setup Streamlabs Cloudbot Commands
9:45 How To Setup Streamlabs Cloudbot Timers
11:15 Outro


Just went on a little bit of a binge, Eljay. About two months ago, your content made me realise there was so much more to streaming than I expected. After applying one thing at a time in between streams, I've really come to appreciate how detailed yet beginner-friendly your tutorials are.

Absolute legend.


Your content is incredible! You are 100% on the verge of blowing up. I'm proud to be an early subscriber!


If you ever wonder if your content is useful or not you shouldn't wonder at all. I'm a small streamer/content creator trying to make my way up and every video i have watched of yours has helped me more than any of the 10 or 20 different videos I would watch on tips. I know I have to put in time and grind for my stuff to really get going and your videos really REALLY help. So thank you from me and everyone else learning how to grow, and another huge thanks for not giving clickbait content <3


This was my first video of Eljay I saw, and I had maybe a couple dozen followers. Now, I'm well into 200 only a couple months later, and honestly, the bot is such a gamechanger and it really is overlooked a lot of times


just wanna give a huge thanks to you Eljay and stream scheme for the TONS of help you've been!


I know this video is older but I just watched it for the first time. Thank you very much for showing me how to use Cloudbot. I had no idea what I was doing. I will be on the lookout for move in-depth video on this subject. Thanks.


I have literally used everything you have taught me. It worked faster than I expected so I hadn’t even fully grasped all the chat bot stuff. And Now I have too. If you had stumbled on to mine I haven’t quite implemented everything I have learned from you yet.

But thank you my guy!!!


I cannot state enough how detailed and helpful your videos are! Thank you for this!


Thankyou bud, you’ve given me confidence to carry on with streaming. I stopped for a while after getting to 8 follows but regularly having no viewers, it’s nice to have people like you explaining things clearly 👍🏻


This was the single most helpful video when it comes to cloudbot I've seen. Thank you. I was scouring the internet looking for these very answers, so you saved me a lot of time. Much appreciated.


I am so glad for all your advice, your tips have already made my stream grow. Thank you for all your help.


awesome video man, this has just helped me setup things, which i didn't have a clue about. So a massive thank you for taking the time to actually explain the basic features of the cloudbot and making it not so overwhelming for me with all the different things on there you can do!


I started streaming one week ago and my stream look so dope because of this guy ! Thanks bro !


I reread what I typed and believe most of it came out of frustration that I could not find something I was l;looking for a solution too. These vids have definitely helped me.. Just sucks twitch makes it so damn hard with all these 3rd party applications and connections.
So far everything's been going well the past few hours setting anything up.
Thanks so much


dang homie less then 12 min vid and you made us a pro at this bot. you earned a sub


Ty so much Elj I've been watching your videos for almost a year now because i had been wanting to start streaming and now i have i recently started streaming and all of your tips have been soo helpful, everything you have shown i have given a go and it has been really awesome, I'm thankful to have found your channel because it is very helpful xD


how do i make it say thank you for the follow? i seen others do it


I'll definitely be making these changes. I'm gearing up to start taking streaming more seriously!


Been using Nightbot, this seems way better. Your content is very useful and not recycled. I appreciate it.
