The Failure of the Fairytale // Ty Gibson

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Harry and Meghan have shocked the world with their revelations about the royal family. And Jesus, in the Gospel of Matthew, long ago explained that God doesn't like monarchies to begin with.
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Thank you very much Ty. That was a ‘wow’ moment regarding self-governance being the ultimate liberty/ loving response to freedom. Now I understand it all better. How amazing is God, taking the absolute risk to give us all free choice?! And for us to see His amazing use of His power, and freely, willingly, choose to follow His example and love others, no matter what they choose to do.


Hierarchy is the logical outworking of pride. Equality is the logical outworking of love.

Mature self-governing humans don’t need hierarchical government.

Liberty is the logical outworking of love.

Yahweh’s intent: responsible self-governance.

Great message as always!


It was a very interesting interview. When we listen carefully to the questions and answers, there was a great sense of supernatural dealing in their situation.


What a MIGHTY all LOVING God we serve.


Love how Ty isn’t afraid to speak up about these things.


I don't understand the correlation, why this subject matter? Or the need to use them as an example? ?? This is the one topic group I didn't like from Ty


"Responsible self governance is the highest point of human existance"
Is that another way of saying:
Total surrender and Christ-Governance?


The question is then;
If they are pretending to be the Royal Family who are they really?


Britain's system of governance is NOT centered on the monarchy, but is a Constitutional monarchy headed by the Prime Minister, the Cabinet of MInisters, and the two houses of Parliament, in concert with the Queen/King. Comparing this to ancient Biblical monarchies is quite a naive' perspective.


This is why England still has a Monarchy, bc the English are willing to play along with the charade! It’s really three entities involved in this “king”system.
The Royal family
The Press
The people.
No one wants to hear the TRUTh, about the going-ons of these people, even if it’s told by a Royal blood itself!
It’s the same thing with the Papal
System, the ultimate royals!
As a matter of fact, the Papal system hv been in owner ship of the English Crown since the Magna Carter! They own the regalia the jewels and the REALESTATE of the English royalty.
The Queen rents these things from the Vatican so they can “keep up appearances” and keep the fairytale going.
Except, they never planned for a young married couple full of vigor about equality and racism that would reveal taboo truths surrounding this Institution!
As is stated “ all truths will surface ” in the end times.
Rejoice!!!! Truth sets you and me free.


Responsible self governance? Is covenant keeping the same as commandment keeping? So God's law must be relationally protective instead of relationally restrictive.


I understand your sermon about the disadvantages of having a “King”’but I wish you would not stray away from the real question that is really at the heart of this interview and your sermon!!!!
Who are the real Monarchs? Bc if I was a bloodline that went back for thousands of years, captured lands, colonized peoples, coveted most of the gold, silver, and the financial sector of the world, enslaved hundreds of people creating more wealth from that one business than any other wealth producing scheme and went to control the “ New World” have control of a “City State” that controls the finances of the world, I wouldn’t be too worried about the media!! I would think their powerful history could control the media!!!!


Point well taken; people should have liberty of conscience; but this not not negate organization. Think of Jethro's recommendation to Moses: Rulers of hundreds and fifties and tens, etc. And in heaven itself, Lucifer was the highest among the angels.


Deuteronomy 5:32&33 "Therefore you shall be careful to do as the Lord your God has commanded you; you shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. 33You shall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall possess."
1 Peter 5:5&6
...God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble.”

6Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,  7casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
Revelation 14:12
12Here is the ]patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
14Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city". 
GOD GOVERNS and we are called to submit under HIS government as His faithful loving servants.


I asume Ty used UK’s royalty as example for they are now the “news”. But there are other countries that do have royalty as governors. He should have referred to those examples instead of UK’s royalty. I’m so disappointed Ty Gibson. However, I pray God still uses this message to reach others to Christ.


God's covenant was and is established by our willing OBEDIENCE to GOD'S COMMANDMENTS. We show our trust and love by obedience. Yes, we are called to surrender our will and our thoughts to our LORD and Savior!


28:30 😂 what a lie! So Harry was locked up in high tower?! & meghan was his savior...😂 I thought princess has to be saved not the prince by a fearless warrior 😂 how twisted this video is! Turn upside down mirror image is always sat*an's strategy and philosophy...


Wow! Jesus saves! God is definitely working in their lives and our lives!


This dude is preaching comm*unis and social*ism and blind people are loving sad... This is twisting of God's word... Just leave them alone. Leave the judgement to Jesus. 28:06 He didn't reframe monarchy, he said: what's ceasars leave it to ceasars...
