Was Luke Or Anakin Skywalker More Powerful In The Force?

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Was Luke Skywalker or Anakin Skywalker more powerful? Find out in this Star Wars breakdown video!

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Anakin and Luke Skywaker are undoubtedly two of the most powerful characters in all of star wars. This video will explore who had the potential to be the most powerful in the force as well as who actually achieved the most power.

In terms of who actually achieved the most power, at least in legends, this is very clear. Luke Skywalker in his prime was the most powerful Jedi of all time and was able to level whole armies, move black holes and walk on lava. We will be exploring the most powerful force feats of luke skywalker in an upcoming video so make sure you subscribe and turn the notification bell on for that video. Although Anakin Skywalker was powerful as both a Jedi and a Sith, he never achieved anything close to the power of Luke Skywalker.

Next we must explore the more difficult question; which Skywalker had a higher force potential. While the midi-chlorian count of Luke has never been stated, we can make an informed estimate based upon Anakin's midichlorian levels as well as the comments of the creator himself George Lucas.

So the midi-chlorian count of a force users offspring does not seem to become diluted over time as say the gene for blonde hair would over generations. In fact, many generations of Skywalkers held great power in the force, despite many of them having children with non force users. This suggests that Luke Skywalker had a similar level of Midi-chlorians to Anakin. This is backed up by the creators comments who stated that Anakins and Luke's potential in the force was equal and both very powerful.

However, as we know, ones propensity for the force does not necessarily equate to how powerful they actually become. For example, Obi-wan Kenobi had an extremely low midi-chlorian count compared to other Jedi but still managed to become one of the most powerful Jedi to ever live through sheer determination and dedication to his Jedi training.

This is also true for the dark side, at least in Palpatine's opinion. He believed that the reason Vader could not reach his full potential was due to a residual pull to the light side. Therefore the main thing holding him back was not his physical injuries but his inability to fully embrace the dark side of the force due to the regrets over his wife and all the appalling things he had done.

Palpatine came to believe that Vader was never capable of overthrowing him in line with the rule of two tradition. This is one of the main reasons the Emperor was desperate to replace Vader with Luke as he believed that Luke would be able to become far more powerful in the dark side than Vader.

Before he was encased in his suit, Anakin also had disadvantages compared to Luke Skywalker in terms of power in the light side. Whereas Luke embraced the light and was able to become the most powerful Jedi of all time, Anakin was impatient and did not fully embrace the light side.

So overall, who was the most powerful? Well in terms of midi-chlorian count and force potential, Anakin and Luke were equals. However, Anakin was limited by his personality. Due to his strong attachment to those he loved, the trauma he experienced as a slave and possibly due to his role of the chosen one, he was never able to fully embrace either the light side or the dark side, limiting his power as a sith and a jedi.

Luke on the other hand was much more single minded and stable. He was therefore able to fully the embrace the light side and unlock it's potential in a way that Anakin was unable to achieve. Maybe if Anakin had trained under Mace Windu and learned the ways of Vaapad he could have surpassed Luke in power but I believe Anakins innate pull to the dark would always hinder his power as a Jedi.

The same is true of the dark side. Vader was unable to fully embrace it and therefore limited his power, whereas a dark side Luke, at least in Palpatines opinion, held a much higher propensity for dark side power than Vader and even the Emperor himself.

So what do you guys think? Do you agree with my rationale? Let me know down below. Thanks for watching guys and may the force be with you.

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I mean atleast Luke knows to take the high ground.


The question has been asked a million times and every star wars youtuber has made a video on this....and I'm NOT complaining!


Legends Luke, which should be canon, is clearly the most powerful. Had Anakin been free from the Order’s stupidity and never turned to the Dark Side, he would have been equally as powerful.
Seriously, although Anakin was whiney in AOTC, he was right, the Jedi Order was holding him back. They never got him psychological help, taught him his attachments were wrong, and that he should be void of emotions. Basically, they didn’t make an environment that would strengthen Anakin’s alignment with the Light Side. Unlike Luke who didn’t have the Order’s strictness, who saw power in his attachments and emotions, who found the Light more powerful and liberating.
He found the true Jedi way, the thing Anakin needed, what his soul sought. The Jedi Order failed Anakin, leading them both to darkness, but Luke brought them both back. Wisdom of the ages that the Jedi had forgotten.
And Luke basically became a god, I mean he moved BLACK HOLES! Like what? If the order had saw that they’d be like “that’s possible?”
TLDR; Legends Luke is more powerful because he wasn’t held back by the Jedi Order like Anakin was.


Eh I mean personally I give anakin the slight edge, seeing as how he was born of the force and had the highest midichlorian count ever. His potential was greater than Luke's but he never realized it. Luke, especially grandmaster luke of the EU, succeeded where his father failed and realized his full potential in the force. Full potential Anakin would've been the most powerful force user every imho and was more powerful in the force in a raw sense, but Luke surpassed him due to his mastery of it and the fact that he did not become severely crippled, as Vader had.


Being naturally gifted is nowhere near as powerful as being well trained and practicing diligently.


I'd say,
Lightsaber: Anakin
Force: Luke


Odd to think how Palpatine destroyed his own greatest apprentice
Qui Gon may have been the biggest threat to the sith grand plan, but he also would have made the best teacher and guide for Anakin, allowing him to become so much more powerful
Perhaps harder to manipulate, but if he was manipulated, that same strength would follow, and he could become the apprentice Palpatine seeked


According to my knowledge in midichlorian count:

Anakin: 27700
Legends Luke: 22000
Canon Luke: 15000 ~ 17500
Obi Wan: 13500
Average Jedi Knight: 10000
Average Jedi High Council member: 12000 ~ 15000
Mace Windu: 16000
Count Dooku: 14000


Anakin had the most potential, but didn't harness it.


Not exactly, George Lucas said himself that in a direct contest of strength, if they had the same skills, Anakin would win. He had more potential and better connection to the force. He was the chosen one after all.


Anikan was half of the force it self and like was just the grandchild of the force


I’ll always hold an attachment to Anakin because I grew up with him. The way I see it, Anakin didn’t become quite what he was supposed to, although, he was no slouch, even with all his limbs severed. Luke became what he was supposed to be, the failures of the father, Luke righted.


I find it perfect that Anakin is trapped between the light and the dark as he is the Chosen One.


I mean like moved a damn black hole just so he doesn’t have to go around it. Effort am I right.


I don't believe Anakin was ever meant to be the strongest there is, cause his whole role was to balance the force, he only had to be strong enough to make a difference when things were out of balance.


Disney should definitely make a what if story on if a akin was trained by mace


Ankin made the endbodiment of light and darks side of the force bow to him am thinking that makes him very powerful


Anakins full potential was unmatched but he never reached it after he got burnt on mustafar.


Let’s see who’s more powerful: anakin or revan. If they were to meet in battle, who would win? And since they were both in the Jedi order and made a sith, it would only be fair to pit them against each other.


How were there “many generations of Skywalkers” when Anakin was born of the Force like Jesus lol
