Shingles Vaccine: The Controversy Behind The Recommended Age | NBC Chicago

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If you’ve had the chicken pox, you’re at risk of getting shingles. There is a vaccine to prevent it, but it’s only recommended for people over the age of 50, even though shingles can strike at any age. NBC 5’s Lauren Petty explains why.
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Shingles Vaccine: The Controversy Behind The Recommended Age | NBC Chicago
Federal Panel Recommends New Vaccine Against Shingles | NBC Nightly News
Shingles: What You Need to Know.
Protect Yourself from Shingles With This New Vaccine
Mapping Shingles Vaccination to Improve Advocacy efforts and uptake: Launch of the Shingles Atlas
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“Immunization in the Older Adult-Zoster” by Puja VanEpps, MD
Shingles Vaccine Zostavax
Webinar | Shingles: What Providers Need to Know
Vector-borne diseases and vaccine hesitancy: Mayo Clinic Radio
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Shingrix available at Lewis Drug
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Zostavax Shingles Lawsuit on NBC4, Paul Brazil of My Vaccine Lawyer
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