Satanic Ritual in Abandoned House - Extremely Creepy

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We visit an extremely creepy house deep in the woods of PA. The entire time exploring we felt a very weird vibe but we never expected to find what we did..
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Yea, stay out of that circle. In fact, stay out of that house.


If I stumbled across those houses, if I could legally get hold of them cheap enough, I'd totally do so. That older house has so much potential with a little love and attention.

Some side notes from someone who knows a lot more about this kind of ritual stuff than you do, first off, those candles would not have set the house on fire. It would have been fine in that situation to just leave. Another thing, if you ever come across "odd circles" that have even the slightest sign of being made by humans, do not go inside them. Just leave the immediate area without touching anything. As well, if you happen across "odd items" such as bottles filled with odd or seemingly random things, don't touch them. If you find a line of salt, do not cross it. If you find a room encircled with salt, do not enter it and do not touch the salt. If you find any kind of apparent altar, don't get near it, don't touch it, and it might be wise to leave immediately.

From the looks of the second house, there might have been "some" ritual stuff going on. Personally, I just wouldn't have entered the circle since I would have no way to know what may have gone on inside that circle.

The kind of ritual sites you really need to be careful of involve proper altars, any signs of blood (sacrifices)/dead carcasses, human remains. Just killing an animal leaves some negative energy at the site of the killing. When you add to it proper ritual, you can get into some serious trouble. Everything is energy. Magic is the manipulation of energy. Those with less-than-good intentions can do a lot of bad stuff with magic. To the untrained and unaware, a lot of trouble can come to you if you touch or interfere with ritual items and/or altars. If you know what you're doing, you can easily destroy everything evil without it harming you (and no, the common religions of modern times will do nothing to protect you).

It mostly appears that those who visited this site were a bunch of edgy teens or young adults who want to give a big "f you" to the world by doing the opposite of the common religion Christianity. AKA, Christian-tied Satanists. Typically, they have little power. That's not always the case, but it's fairly common. A group of them probably stayed the night there, spray painted the place and got drunk/did drugs and drew a circle. Based on how the candles looked, they were placed there less than an hour prior. So recently to the video that I am suspicious that one of you did it for the views. Maybe saw the circle and got the idea to come back a second time and stage it a little with the candles.


Please make sure you "cleanse your energy" before entering house(your own house)


Those darn Satanist must have escaped just in the nick of time!


Candles were on someone was just there or still there. Don’t go into the circle!


At first I thought fake..but theres so much graffiti that would've taken forever to do.


7:49 middle candle unlit.
11:41 all lit lol

yep u guys def didnt light those for the added "spookiness" right? haha


I would've noped it right out of there after seeing that circle, lol. Y'all are braver than I am.


Amazingly it looks like a Die Antwoord video instead of an actual real place where someone would have a


Why is someone yelling for help in the background at 1:20?


Those walls are crazzzy! I wonder if I’m near this place I’m in PA never know what you’ll find in the woods out here, I love it. Never stop doing what you do!


When they enter the room there is 5 candles, at the end of the video there is 6... Nice try... Also this house was used for a student film if i remember


It's weird that I searched "satanic abandoned location" two hours after this video was uploaded. Also, I'm really stoned so everything appears exaggeratingly ponderable.


This is not what Satanism is. This is edgy kids trying to be spooky. Lucifer would laugh at this


And you guys did not put these candles in there for dramatic effect? 😊
If I found burning candles in the form of a pentagram in a house like that I would freak out and get out of there asap.
I don't want to get stab by some psycho satanist when trespassing his "property".
Also I found it weird that when you enter the room the middle candle is not burning, but at the end of the video when you are putting out the candles it is burning.


Could shoot a black metal video in there


Just visited a couple of weeks back, the clickbait candles you left behind are still there


Why when you walk into the "candle" room, there's 5 candles lit. Then on your ending montage with music, all 6 candles are lit?


I thought all of it was a very interesting art piece. creative in arrangement and very provocative.


Very bizarre. I really love the piece of music you used at the end. Very effective. Thanks 🤗
