The Beast Of Colombia That Literally Sold His Soul To The Devil & Sacrificed 221 Boys

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I am Colombian. I’m a human rights lawyer and had to meet him at the Jail where he ultimately died. (Where the right hand of Pablo Escobar died at too). After meeting him I had to take several showers and couldn’t sleep for days. He had eye cancer but was so paranoid and would not allow any doctor to check him. He believed that people were trying to kill him (which to be honest, it might be true). The prison where he died, it’s the worst one in the country. I’m glad you are Covering this case, he probably killed more than 300 innocent children.


I love how it's possible for Stephanie's husband to ask clarifying questions or to say "I don't understand" while they film and she just answers or explains.


Honestly his childhood isn’t an excuse. I’m Colombian so is my father and he was abused 10 times worse than he was. His father was a drug addict. He cut his arm open infront of my father when he was 5 because his mother bought him a costume for dia de las brujas with the money he was gonna steal to buy drugs. My fathers grandmother best my father every day of his life simply for looking like his father. She would use opened up wires she made with pliers to beat him. He was cut beat and starved for his entire life until he left to come to America at 18. The only person that loved him which was his mother died right before he left. He had nothing and somehow lost everything including the childhood he never had. And instead of being evil, he met a wonderful woman and had 2 daughter and worked hard every day to be the best man he could possibly be. The things that are done to you do not define you, how you survive them is what defines you.


As a Colombian I can say that my country despises these people, This is a completely horrid story, but sadly its not the only one. The Monster of the Andes is another serial killer that killed around 300 Little girls and in 1998 disappeared, completely. he is also Colombian and it would be great if you covered that case


This has to be the WORST serial killer to exist. To do this to HUNDREDS of kids? I am glad he never made it out alive. Thank you for covering this case Stephanie


As a mom of a 10yr old boy. This was gut wrenching. The hardest of these podcasts for me are the ones involving innocent children. 😢😢


Thank you Stephanie, as a Colombian native now living in the US. I really appreciate you covering one of the most disgusting cases in my country. I love you and your team for covering this case 🫶🏽🇨🇴
From already watching, you’re teaching me more about my country than I thought I already knew. You are elite!


Omg Stephanie! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting doctors without border in Gaza!!!


Luis’ backstory and childhood makes sense to why he is like this, BUT he is still SICK and his childhood does NOT excuse him from his gross crimes.


Thank you for mentioning the genocide in Palestine. I’m Palestinian myself and have a close friend of mine who lost 30 family members in an air strike yesterday, including a mother and her baby. Thank you for all your hard work in bringing attention to all the cases you speak on. I find that so many of them are not as covered in the media.


I'm Chilean, a Spanish speaker, and an avid researcher of true crime. I'm glad a true crime channel is covering this case since it is quite insane.
A few notes, he was set to be released in 2039 when there was even a whisper about him being paroled back in 2021, Colombia's president at the time, Ivan Duke, said he was not seeing the light of day again and it would be impossible for him to be paroled anyway since his crimes were aginst children and colombian law forbids early release for those crimes. He was also involved in crimes in Venezuela (allegedly) and Ecuador, he was actually trialed in Ecuador and had a 22-year prison sentence waiting for him, the moment he was out of the Colombian prison he was to be extradited to Ecuador to respond for his crimes there too.
Another point, a "Garabato" in Colombia specially is a long curved stick used by males in a traditional dance, so being called a Garabato was more like saying he was a "hunchback", more like that type of insult and since he had quite the bad posture it didn't help much.
Another interesting fact is that his body remains at the morgue, he was supposed to be cremated but it didn't happen, the family was mad (if you can believe it...) the body is undergoing several studies since the cause of death is said to be unclear, the statements say it was the cancer that killed him but they have had the body for more than a month now and they still haven't gotten a proper result. There is much talk of mysticism regarding his death since he died at 66 and you know how people are regarding the number of the beast and all that...
There are several Chileancases I would love for you to cover ;-; I'll wait for you to keep doing your wonderful job ♡


I'm glad you mentioned that his crimes were not a reflection of his sexuality. I think he directed his anger at boys so they could suffer the same way he did and didn't feel he would achieve that with girls. Being a victim of SA myself, I have never felt the urge to become an abuser but I can see how it happens if you don't get the appropriate help. In Latin American countries there is so much stigma attached to these crimes against children, we don't talk about it. It wasn't until I moved to a Western country I was able to confront my "demons".


I really do believe rape is the murder of the soul… what do you guys think of nurture vs nature? This is a truly tragic case those poor boys😢


This is scary to me. I am 42 years old and I grew in similar circumstances, abusive family members, daily beatings out of the blue, mental torture, etc. But I can't imagine how someone can use this as an excuse to hurt others. People that k*ll children are the most disgusting. Pick on someone of your own size, not someone little and defenseless. 😢


As a Colombian and a daughter of a father that’s been murdered and still haven’t found the person that’s done the crime, I thank you Stephanie for covering cases from my country!!!❤️❤️❤️


I can’t believe he killed 221 people! Absolutely horrible. What a world we live in… Thank you Stephanie and the Rotten Mango Team for all of your hard work.


As a regular viewer, I felt happiness to my core when you spoke about Gaza, Palestine. Stephenie, you have my heart


He committed all those heinous crimes but then had the audacity to be scared of the dark when he is the danger that lurks


Adults have a pivotal role in the development of a child, and for them to abuse a young child instead just saddens me. I’d say they are the people that birthed such criminals.


Thank you Stephanie, as well as Doctors Without Borders, for being a voice for those suffering in Palestine. My in-laws have been personally affected, as they live in the area. And between 2 personal friends of mine, here in the city I live in, they've lost 14 family members, including a newborn baby girl. 😢🥺💔
