Using Interceptor in Spring Boot

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Spring Interceptors are used to intercept client requests before they are handled by the controller. They can also be used to intercept the response before the response is sent back to the client.
Interceptors are part of the Spring Web MVC framework and provide a way to add pre/post-processing logic to your application's request-response lifecycle.
⛩️ Navigation
00:49 Introduction to Interceptors
01:17 Real-time Use Cases of Interceptors
02:06 Spring Request Life-Cycle
02:52 Filters vs Interceptors
04:02 Creating Interceptor in Spring Boot
05:28 Create a Spring Boot REST API
06:58 Implementing Interceptor in Spring Boot
09:00 Registering the Logger Interceptor
12:38 Define Interceptors Execution Order
13:26 Setting Path Patterns for Interceptors
14:38 Interceptor to Check Basic Authentication
21:47 Thank you for watching 💕💕💕
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Interceptors are part of the Spring Web MVC framework and provide a way to add pre/post-processing logic to your application's request-response lifecycle.
⛩️ Navigation
00:49 Introduction to Interceptors
01:17 Real-time Use Cases of Interceptors
02:06 Spring Request Life-Cycle
02:52 Filters vs Interceptors
04:02 Creating Interceptor in Spring Boot
05:28 Create a Spring Boot REST API
06:58 Implementing Interceptor in Spring Boot
09:00 Registering the Logger Interceptor
12:38 Define Interceptors Execution Order
13:26 Setting Path Patterns for Interceptors
14:38 Interceptor to Check Basic Authentication
21:47 Thank you for watching 💕💕💕
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