Lightning Talk: Integrating Debezium and Knative or How to Stream Changes t... Christopher Baumbauer
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Lightning Talk: Integrating Debezium and Knative or How to Stream Changes the Knative Way - Christopher Baumbauer, Atelier Solutions
This talk will highlight some of the work Chris did to take Debezium from streaming database change events into Knative to ensure an in-cluster data cache is kept up to date. While highlighting one useful use-case, the talk will go into more details on what it took to add support for streaming events using Knative instead of Apache Kafka, as well as some of the caveats and pitfalls to beware of if you are also looking at how to convert your microservices into a Knative enabled service.
This talk will highlight some of the work Chris did to take Debezium from streaming database change events into Knative to ensure an in-cluster data cache is kept up to date. While highlighting one useful use-case, the talk will go into more details on what it took to add support for streaming events using Knative instead of Apache Kafka, as well as some of the caveats and pitfalls to beware of if you are also looking at how to convert your microservices into a Knative enabled service.