Low Hum - Nebraska (Official Music Video)

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Album Room To Breathe out NOW

Produced by Collin Desha & Jules De Gasperis
Mixed by Jules De Gasperis
Song Written by Collin Desha
Drums performed by Jules De Gasperis
All other instruments Performed by Collin Desha
Mastered by Sean Foye

Directed and Edited - Raechel Zarzynski
DP - Irina Garaiacu

I expected you to never go
Harder now; I’ve got no control
Got the love like you gave to me
Never thought I’d see you leave

It’s an emptiness I can’t hide
A feeling not to be denied
But I know I know I know I know
We’ll be together someday
And I could sense you waited for me
When I pictured you in that dream
That’s how I know I know I know I know I know
We’ll be together someday

Never thought this
would drag me down
Keep on echoing through my mind
Hope they never go

It’s an emptiness I can’t hide
A feeling not to be denied
But I know I know I know I know
We’ll be together someday
And I could sense you waited for me
When I pictured you in that dream
That’s how I know I know I know I know I know
We’ll be together someday

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Low Hum - Nebraska (Official Music Video)

Low Hum - Nebraska

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This fits my constant craving for new music that has a unique vibe and sound


Don't know if I like this or comatose better. They are both incredible.


Had a absolute garbage ass day. Im over here sitting down having a beer and a doobie. And this song comes on, makes me realize u got alot to be thankful for. Alot of people got it harder than I do. Im truly blessed. I bless all you guys going threw some bs. We united brothers and sisters. Bless yall 🙏


A guy I met a year ago showed me this song while being violently high in his car in the AM times I will never forget the way the vibrations of this song made me feel and how they continue to make me feel that way even after our breakup I listen to this song so often thinking about him and the way he made my body feel emotions I never felt through music


My partner will probably be diagnosed with cancer again soon. He's so young. I've been listening to this since before I even met him, but coming back and hearing these lyrics again, it hits different. I don't want to live in a world without him. He's realized so much of my trauma with me, and tried to stay gentle with me, even when it makes me spit venom. Not too many are as kind and stubborn with people like me, and even less will choose to love every day, no matter how turbulent things get around them. I just keep seeing his smile while I listen to this. If he's taken, I'd be so empty. The world would be an emptier place for everyone, and they won't even know why. I need him to make it, and keep spreading his beautiful soul with people. I fear I'll hear this song in a few years, during grieving, and just lose it over him being only a memory then. I pray it's not the case. Love yours while they're here. Love yourselves while you still have the time.


when i´ve heard this song first time, i tought i´ve already heard it, maybe its my constant feeling you know


I dedicated this song to my ex when he passed away, rest in piece. I will always love you.


4 am bongs hitting different with this song


Is the emptiness I can’t hide ...
all the songs can describe deep emotions ...
It touches my soul, I get high only by the sounds of this


This vibrates love, I feel it in my heart in my soul and the places no one else can go


God I fucking love Low Hum's music. You can have the worst day ever and still pumped with elevated level of energy after listening to their song.


Selfish me
I expected you to never go
Harder now, I've got no control

Got the love like you gave to me
Never thought I'd see you leave
It's an emptiness i can't hide
A feeling not to be denied
But i know, i know, i know, i know, i know
We'll be together someday
And i can sense you waited for me
When i pictured you in that dream
that's how i know, i know, i know, i know
We'll be together someday
Never thought this would drag me down
Keep on ochoing through my mind,
Hope it never goes
It's an emptiness i can't hide
A feeling not be denied
But i know, i know, i know, i know, i know
We'll be together someday
And i can sense you waited for me
When i pictured you in that dream
That's how i know, i know, i know, i know
We'll be together someday
It's an emptiness i can't hide
A feeling not be denied
But i know, i know, i know, i know, i know
We'll be together someday
And i can sense you waited for me
When i pictured you in that dream
That's how i know, i know, i know, i know
We'll be together someday


The intro tricked me into thinking this was a Tame Impala song. Randomly stumbled upon your music 🤍
The vibe in your songs make me feel at home. 🙏✨🙌


This song gave me a literal epiphany. Damn. Totally random but might as well say it before it vanishes forever 1. Even if you're totally alone. Like totally alone and only exist online it's possible to make meaningful significant conversations with people behind the most anonymous facade in the world and still find a relationship in that way or form .Trust me. There is no limit 2... Shit I forgot. Had something to do with having open hands... or something


But I know, I know, I know, I know, I know we’ll be together someday …. Gets me every time


this is something i'd listen to while i swim in the dark


Ohhh I'm hearing elements of Arctic Monkeys and Tame Impala, I love it!!


If you smoke and listen to this, we need to all have a kick back

EDIT: Thanks for the likes guys, honestly would love to set this up at a venue, and meet and chill with you guys


This old hippie Grandma approves. Nice on the senses.


Yo Illinois homie here and i have to be honest sometimes i forget you guys are in the 50 and feel horrible for that I probably couldnt pick you guys out in the map. However the state will be in my thoughts every now and then forever now cause of this song. Some customer service lady just told me shes from Nebraska and she was one of those golden soul types non attitude extra joyous to help awesome. We will be together someday Nebraska.
