Planetary Rovers - Introduction to Planetary Exploration

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I'm sure many of you have asked yourselves at some point questions like: "Are there other intelligent lifeforms in the universe?", "Is the universe finite or infinite?", or "Will humans ever live on Mars or other planets?". While some of these questions probably cannot be answered at all, some definitely can be answered by exploring the universe. And well, exploring the universe is a giant task, but you have to start somewhere: and of these starting points is our solar system, nearby planets and planet-like bodies: moons, asteroids and the like.
But as you may know, other planets, or rather their environments, are a lot more hostile than that of Earth. Not to mention that sometimes spacecrafts fail to get to their destination all-together. Add to that the fact that sending a robot to space is a lot cheaper than sending a human and the point I'm trying to make is becoming quite obvious. Exploring planets is primarily done via robots or if we use proper term, robotic spacecrafts. And that is not to say that once we start sending humans again, robots won't be needed anymore. The robots will still be needed to perform dangerous tasks, to scout ahead or the robots sent will just take the form of vehicles. Anyway, I hope you can clearly see now, that Robotics and Planetary Exploration go hand in hand.
Now, let's take a look at the types of robotic spacecrafts. NASA unofficially classifies 8 types of such. Flyby spacecraft, the orbiter, atmospheric spacecraft, the lander, penetrator spacecraft, the rover, observatory spacecraft and communications & navigation spacecraft. I will not be going over all of those in this video as it would take too long, but if you want to know a little bit more about some of them you checkout the link description. In this video I will be talking about orbiters, landers and I will be mostly focusing on rovers

This video was created as part of the seminar Planetary Exploration at the University of Würzburg in the summer semester 2024.
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