Anthophyllite/gedrite tutorial Optical mineralogy

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Several videos of the orthoamphiboles gedrite and anthophyllite in thin section, showing typical textures and optical characteristics. Supported by Boise State University and the US National Science Foundation.
Key characteristics: Moderate relief, gray pleochroism (gedrite) or no pleochroism (anthophyllite), 60°-120° cleavage (end sections), parallel extinction, low interference colors.
00:00 Overview and explanation
00:28 Typical gedrite
00:59 Acicular (needle-shaped) gedrite
01:29 Very pale gedrite
02:00 Maybe anthophyllite
02:30 Definitely anthophyllite
Key characteristics: Moderate relief, gray pleochroism (gedrite) or no pleochroism (anthophyllite), 60°-120° cleavage (end sections), parallel extinction, low interference colors.
00:00 Overview and explanation
00:28 Typical gedrite
00:59 Acicular (needle-shaped) gedrite
01:29 Very pale gedrite
02:00 Maybe anthophyllite
02:30 Definitely anthophyllite
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