Stocking Our Home Store + Mini Rant!

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Stocking Our Home Store + Mini Rant!


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My guess, it has something to do with the house, or with A house... Great video Lynn!


You definitely have to keep up (or try to) with prices these days. They can change daily!
The word "sale" has a different meaning for the stores and the consumers, apparently.
I'm glad you found some good deals to stock up on.


I had a similar rant about ‘sale’ prices for butter. 4.88/lb is not a sale! Although they try to sell it to us that way. On a different note, this year I canned baked beans and used the Bernardin recipe where you have to bake them in the oven for hours before pressure canning them. I have no idea why I followed that recipe but they came out so close to the store bought baked beans I’m hooked now. Thought folks would like to know. It’s another way to cut costs


My guess for the surprise arrival is some baby chicks.🐣🐤🐥
Or else you've bought some meat.
OK, that's 2 guesses. Is that allowed? LOL


My guess is that you are getting a freeze dryer.


That is funny Lynn I have to like at least 4 things in a mag to buy one LOL. We don't have the tea time mag here I would buy it for the scones recipes. I just looked it up to see if I could buy it in USA and 6 issues would be $29.98 at half price. Crazy isn't it. Love you hauls and can't wait for the surprise. Blessings and Prayers
