Discovering The Pyramids of Bosnia with Dr Semir Osmanagić #anenglishmaninthebalkans

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Postcard from Bosnia.

Discovering The Pyramids of Bosnia with Dr Semir Osmanagić.

Thanks for watching our Video from 2018.

We really appreciate it.

If you are planning on visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina please send us an E-Mail at:

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Because that would be so cool.

Tamara and I look forward to catching up with you there.

Once again thanks for being with us so far 😀

#bosniaandherzegovina #pyramids 🎙️

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I want to go to Visoko and experience it for myself. Great talk Dr. Sam


Myself and my partner have wanted to visit and volunteer since finding out about the Bosnian pyramids in 2013. We are hoping to make our dream a reality in June 2018 as a way to celebrate my 50th year. We also believe that there are many more pyramids hidden from us all over the world, including here in Ireland, in fact we are convinced that the catholic church hijacked the largest pyramid in Ireland, Croagh Patrick, a so called mountain in Mayo on the west coast of Ireland, the top is very obviously pyramidal. Great work Dr Semir, we love learning about your work and look forward to joining you soon. Sharon and Kenny. Namaste


i like how the dog sit down when the interesting part starts


Sounds like a very nice man, true or false i like listening to him.


Great video and chat. We have great technology we can find out how we have been wrongly educated about our history. Bosnian pyramid will help us find the truth


Very interesting, I would love to visit one day


I really cannot believe that people think that this is fake! :( so sad that they are willing to defend their beliefs with tooth and claws


I heard that mysterious Sufi brotherhood in Bosnia guarding body of "Alexander The Great".At 24:54 Mr.Osmanagic mentioned that He received phone call from a Darwish(Sufi) guy ... Interesting :)


Hello excellent talk, clear, etc..mentioning something I know like some by experience(s), involuntary experience, beyond any thought desires so, I know it as a factual truth that telepathy between 2 brains exist, it is not related to what is called thought transmission at all, it is entirely has out of many characteristics a characteristic that I will not mention here no do I do that publicly as then you immediately knows who talks facts and who don't not as a judgement which is of no interest at all and even destructive, so has a characteristic impossible to be imagined by thought, it is written nowhere I came across, which makes me say that it has almost disappeared in us as one of the senses Sam talks about ....I know about some more capacities like the transmitter receiver we have in this brain, like the ability to read what is unconscious which is just the all field of thought etc all these natural capacities, lost capacities yet still there but dormant, they all require that thought does not lead the brain to be able to call that the ego I call it analytical is a vital process, a tool, a set up computer etc which analyses all what it meets in the position of the one who knows....when only that capacity, personal, global is a disaster...not a life as such as thought is not linked to the Origin...because it is not its thought as a tool must be use by "something else"...we have lost that and so are blind...thought being a comparative tool, it measures, gives values, creates hierarchies, eliminates etc...this should be done only with idea, techniques...not with again thanks as Sam's work goes in that direction too of course...


Great interview. I volunteered this late summer and had a wonderful experience and I want to thank all the open minded people in Visoko and the Foundation of the Sun Pyramid for making this open source project possible! I hope the authorities will start to recognize and appriciate your work!


The amount of truth this guy is spilling about pascals and concrete is insane


Can we get this guy on joe rogan podcast pleaseee


There is a pyramid on the Bosnian flag... coincidence?
