I'm giving my kids a boring childhood. (homeschool week in the life)

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Hey guys,

Today's video took me weeks to film and create and I'm so excited to share this one with you. Homeschooling is so near and dear to my heart and I hope this video leaves you feeling like it doesn't have to be overly complicated.

xo Madi

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If you're new here, welcome! I'm Madi, creating videos about minimalism and slow living every Tuesday. In my videos you will see my minimalist home, my capsule wardrobe, decluttering, inspiration for slow living with kids, intentional living, minimalist finances, things I no longer buy, things I no longer own, things I buy more of as a minimalist, and just overall my passion and inspiration for simple living!

#homeschool #homeschoollife #homeschoolmom #homeschooling #weekinmylife #slowliving #minimalism #minimalist


I'm giving my kids a boring childhood. (homeschool week in the life)

00:00 homeschool week in the life
01:54 monday
06:57 tuesday
08:41 wednesday
11:03 thursday
13:52 friday

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I am 42 and my kids are all grown now, but you are raising yours exactly how I wish I would’ve raised mine. My biggest regrets are putting them in public school, not raising them to know Christ, and I didn’t enjoy the time I had with them fully. As a young mom I was always distracted by if I should have a career. Now I am proud to say I am and was a homemaker. Most important job in the world. If I’d only known the things I know now back then. I just love your sweet little video with your sweet little family. ❤


I think slow living is the adult version of the childhood you are giving them. I loved the learning with homeschool. We didn’t do Disney. We did parks and museums and woods and beaches. 💚 Thanks for bringing up the memories.


You are teaching them HOW to learn! They can apply the methods of observation, research, hands-on experiences to ANYTHING they want to explore. Coupled with the basics of reading and math...they will grow and learn far beyond any classroom setting ❤


Loved this video! As a mother of a 1 year old I have felt pressure to attend multiple baby classes and making sure I constantly have an activity planned outside of our home and that's before school even begins!! My son is much more settled and happy with a day at home, playing and going on dog walks. Your video has reminded me what's important and that I shouldn't feel pressured to do what everyone else does! Xx


Hi! I don't usually comment on videos, but I just had to thank you for the positivity and overall message that your channel has. I'm definitely not your target audience (16 year old girl in high school haha), but these videos give me motivation and inspiration for what I want my future kids' life to be like and I wanted to thank you for that. I'm slowly getting my family on board with minimalism, but I know that when I have a house/apartment of my own, I want to model it after yours 🤍


As an ex homeschooling mother whose children are all grown up I have one regret that we didn't keep doing more outside things instead of ' schoolwork'. The formal lessons can wait because the best 'lessons' are imaginative play, being in nature, and love. Beautiful video ❤️..


This is how I raised my son. Slow homeschool is the best! He recently took an online test to guess his age by asking questions about tv, toys, video games, etc and it guessed 52. He's only 17! But I raised him like a 1970s-80s childhood 😊 Loved this video. Coming over from Clutterbug.


Well that gave me a lot to think about 😊 Mostly how lovely it would be to live in a climate where the sun shines everyday, the kids aren’t always complaining about how cold wet and dark it is, (and how many damp coats, wellies and hats we have to lug around) and a beach visit not being a once a year voyage 😂 But one thing I’ve learnt from your channel, is it’s not about not doing things because your world doesn’t fit the romantic image, but doing what you can in your own world. Thanks for the inspiration ❤🌱


You are truly so inspiring and have opened my eyes to a forgotten world. I started decluttering my space 6 years ago and it was life changing but I feel like the “slow living” lifestyle was the piece that was missing. I mean taking the time to really see what’s around us, to soak in Gods creation & just slow down.

I wish you could see the change in my children. I’ve slowly started encouraging them to play outdoors instead of put their little heads in front of a screen. To play with more open ended toys and read lots of books. It’s making such a difference in the amount of overstimulation & meltdowns that I used to deal with (multiple times a day). So thank u!

I know that’s a long comment but I just had to tell you, to thank you for what you do. You’re making a difference in other families lives by sharing your own.


Homescholing my 6 little kids is a BLESSING I never take for granted!
Thanks Madi for this Beautiful and inspiring insight in your family life🙏💝


This isn't a boring childhood at all. It's superlatively lovely. 🥰


I went to a private school most of my life and public school in my last three years. I grew up around a bunch of homeschooled people and when I was a youth leader for several years, many of those kids were homeschooled. When my firstborn turned 3 (he is 16 now), I started homeschooling. . and did so until he went to high school last year, and put my younger son into 7th grade (I had to get a full time job because finances became very bad for that time).

Just today my oldest thanked me for all I did in teaching him and said that he is grateful for the friends he has made in his school. The transition last year was tough for us all and they begged me to homeschool again back then. This year they are in the high honor roll and excelling so much in so many ways.
Being pregnant with our 3rd son, I plan on homeschooling until high school again. I can't wait for all the things we can do together. I am sure that my older sons, if they are not bogged down with college if they choose to go, can go on field trips with their little brother and remember that beauty in homschooling. I think it will be really wonderful.

I am proud of you homeschooling your children. They learn the most from their parents. I love that you spend 3-6 hours outside. I should have done that with mine. We would go outside on only warm days (and sometimes on snowy days too). I have learned from my mistakes so I can do better with the third child, and my older kids have told me what they would have liked and what they did like, etc. We were involved in 1-3 co-ops at a time which I loved, so I hope to find a good co-op again one day. The ones we were involved with are gone since lock down happened!

My favorite thing to this day about homeschooling, was teaching my children how to read at 3 years old. They thank me constantly for teaching them that and for reading to them constantly, since their classmates don't even understand how to pronounce things or read things well and it boggles them.

My dad was a general contractor so I love that your dad does construction. Cool.
A lot of these activities you have done remind me of ones I did with my boys when they were tinier.

Very proud of you!
I wrote too much again.


My son doesn't thrive in a classroom either. He was constantly left behind and everyone moving on around him. He started virtual school during the pandemic, tried in school again less than a month when things went back to "normal" then went right back to virtual. Now I'm considering full on homeschooling. This video is very helpful. I think you are providing your children with a beautiful life ❤️


Your playdough unlocked a memory of when my mom made biscuits and she gave me some scraps of dough to play with while she made breakfast. One of the best memories I have of my mom! I know these moments with your children will live on in their memories too.


Love this❤ I would love a more in-depth video about your homeschooling philosophy and how to be a minimalist homeschooler.


I didn’t know you were also homeschooled! How wonderful to have had that upbringing and now be providing that for your children as well!

I also love that homeschooling allows families to design their lives and set their pace. Taking our time in the mornings to be intentional and connect with one another as opposed to rushing out of the door to get to work and school is a blessing and I wouldn’t want it any other way.


I'm mesmerized by your videos. This is everything I want for myself and my family. This is beautiful. Thank you.


Don't have any kids yet but this looks like a beautiful childhood that I could only wish upon my own future children.
Your videos just always make me feel cozy & happy. Thank you for the inspiration ❤


This is how I raised my 5 babies and I miss it so much! I love that you are spreading this message in such a beautiful way 💖


I can play videos on my iPad or cast them to the tv all day and never sit and watch any of them bec the audio is enough. But I actually sit and “watch” your videos. Thx for sharing. I’m slowed down a lot since finding your videos on YT. It’s the small things in life that make a difference. One video, one day, one action, one moment, one change, one chance that changes and grows us to be slower and more intentional.
