Automobilista 2 is the best sim for a movement platform, it's amazing how it feels, there's nothing like it. Fantastic friendly movement platform. migrey
Automobilista 2 is the best sim for a movement platform, it's amazing how it feels, there's nothing like it. Fantastic friendly movement platform.
How wide is the foot print of the tripple 55" screens ? piggehdeluxe
How wide is the foot print of the tripple 55" screens ?
What made you upgrade to SR3? I seen other videos that you have SR3 motion Rezamajedi
What made you upgrade to SR3? I seen other videos that you have SR3 motion
Nice setup. Would it work with the new NLR gt elite rig? MrMyMirror
Nice setup. Would it work with the new NLR gt elite rig?
What minidisplay are you using for gear/revs? Yoshoy
What minidisplay are you using for gear/revs?
Hm. And there’s me with an Xbox One controller and a single monitor…🤔 Zakalwe-
Hm. And there’s me with an Xbox One controller and a single monitor…🤔