New Blood for Alabama

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Katie Britt is the strong conservative who will fight for Alabama's values and Alabama's people in the U.S. Senate.

It's time for fresh blood to shake things up in Washington and send the do-nothing career politicians packing.

On June 21, Katie would be honored to earn your vote. Alabama's future is on the ballot.
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Lady, you are a frickin stepford wife.


She will be no better than any of the rest of them.


If they were illegally paid by press members they were stalking and knowingly smoking around next this hotel? Woukd you enable them?


Thank you Katie Britt for all you do to protect us from these wanna be American soldiers. Aaron Farrow is my Father from Cullman Alabama. Destiny Williams Sr is my wife we are healing together. I am Love Williams Sr. Founder and Dean of Love Williams Learning University Inc. My wife Destiny Williams Sr. Is our Dean Assistant. Our newborn daughter is our one and only special research assistant. We truly appreciate the protection from Alabama to every state in the USA ALSO ALL OVER THE COUNTRY WITH OUR ENEMIES AND ALLIES OF COURSE🤞🏼💯❤️🙌🏼🙏🏼God Bless America.


What if the abi threatened people in other states over elections and you had that knowledge if you are ejected in November?


To make sure it doesn't go overseas for into individuals pockets that would help foreign terrorists?


Abd a clash with the federal government in court was coming up what you do as an Alabama senator would to secede from the us government despite federal funding from the government to Alabama that has been misused?


What if I was blamed for an electric outcome and others got to work without declaring who they voted for since 1997?


As a us senator representatiing Alabama woukd you hold revenue commissioners in each county accountable would you hold state auditors accountable state trustees accountable when considering a vote on a us budget? Woukd special interests accountable to abuse of power when analyzing federal funding to Alabama?


Alabama should really do better with the people they voted for


Would you aid Alabamians in knowing who the candidates fur state elections are and would you run voter turnout links for people to see who candidates are or would you lobby fur status quo voter suppression in.alabama?


Woukd you consider upkeep of a federal shipping port like mobile important? Or would you favor Huntsville only?


What if there were clear state department of labor issues but federal crimes were committed employee supervisor managers directors situation where a manager asked about what was going on with me then said not his problem but then cleared abuse records of other employees or offered a real employee alcoholic security guard named wade rehab options and did what they could to keto him working and a manager called me up on an event drink bob eslick and actually cussed me out on a shift? What if a boat fire on a tva lake where I was nit present in Jackson county Al abd another marina ditto landing in Huntsville Al involved someone in Huntsville Al kicking an arrowhead over when I didn't know where ditto landing was? Was that blamed on me that was 2017 after Nathan Baillie bumped me involving en ex employee Brandi quick of the vbc who was possibly forced out at the vbc beacuse of Steve maples? How would you avoid a conflict of interest there? How would you handle an employee like a Hiram Frye who from 2017 who talked about peoples personnel fikes out loud to others and went on a radio show with at the time Blair Davis who later became Steve maples wife? How would you avoid conflict f interest there? Knowing that even mentioning trump's babe in some parts of Alabama gets you threatened even if they don't know you? And might make you a target of the democrats arbitrarily? Just fir that reason if they just all white people all black people Hispanic people oriental people vietnamese people in Bessemer or just if they just hate all Russians be sure it reminds them if someone they looked up and just hated their look or they didn't give them a sex act they wanted what then? If babies and women ended up in the trash with males trying to force non compliant women and children who are unaffiliated to fraternities and sororities
who might have threatened women with green liquid like antifreeze then what? How would you handle conflicts if interests and distraction tactics? Inaccurate aversion therapy methods to force women and children on medicine they don't need abd then they try to force them to kill themselves then what? If the males are over 50 abd still try to make children with 12 year olds then what abd they have grand children?


Would you enable Jackson county or Scottsboro residents who evade state taxes misuse unemployment or misuse the child support system because my ex wife filed a child support case in Jackson county Al moved to Mississippi and the case still stands against which means my child support payments have to be sent to Montgomery before they are processed and out on her card it took 4 months one time for two payments to post, woukd you enable Jackson county dhr workers who might be helping people avoid child support judgements in the state via the sanctuary city?


Would you let a extended stay hotel or a hotel like travel in Homewood Al or wood spring suites in Bessemer Al keep me checked in when I checked out and wood spring suites might have misused and erased ADP pay info of mine would you enable them? Even under Hispanic and threats from independent contractors Italian lawn companies that hire Hispanics and threats from bankers nurses ex coworkers and iron workers/steel workers like I have been?


They are probably getting "geeked up" to confront me now.


I bet press members are telling people when I leave hotel rooms.


In case you were wondering what a crazy mixed up Woman looks like, please hit replay!


Would you vote to sanction Pakistan or Iran if it were discovered that they might have been targeting bellefonte nuclear plant waiting to see if TVA was going to approve the sale? It's still in tva hands btw. I lived in Scottsboro for 13 years there were Pakistanis working very close to bellefonte. Military jets used to fly over it.


Would you reduce enablement in the us dept of labor? Woukd you limit buttigeig power in the dept of Transportation so military contractors abd others aren't waiting on materials because the global supply chain is interupted?
