Flash Graphene + Flash Joule Heating | Nanotechnology Course Lesson 06

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00:00 - Introduction
02:30 - The Discovery of Flash Joule Heating
04:33 - How Joule Heating Works
07:36 - The Economics of Graphene Production
10:14 - High-Quality Graphene from Flash Joule Heating
12:48 - Material Properties and Applications
15:00 - Lightweighting Vehicles with Graphene
18:23 - Reducing Energy in Concrete Production
21:39 - Scaling Up Flash Joule Heating
24:49 - Safety and Efficiency Improvements in Graphene Production
28:44 - The Dedication Needed for Success
32:01 - Using Recycled Materials for Graphene Production
35:30 - The Environmental Impact of Flash Graphene
39:33 - Surpassing Expectations in Graphene Production
42:04 - The Future of Carbon and Hydrogen Energy
44:22 - Graphene's Potential in Various Industries
47:51 - Recycling Plastics into Graphene
50:34 - Conclusion: Versatile Applications of Flash Graphene


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Yes I have loaded my own bullet shells with that specific loader and just completed a 40+ year Electrical Engineering career involving arc flash studies and fully understand everything you are talking about here. So glad that you are doing this R&D.


Marvelous, Prof. Tour!
My dad was a lecturer, and a good one, and had a good understanding of physics, optics, mechanical engineering, energy efficiency, astronomy and space science.

Though he was, nominally, also a Christian, he didn't bring Jesus to work.
That's sad.

God bless and prosper you in the work you're doing and the testimony you give.


Appreciate your efforts my friend. Blessings to you and yours my brother in Christ Jesus.


Never came across such a great, pure content on youtube sharing so much so pure with absolutely with all the good and pure knowledge
It's just nobel
Hats off "SIR"


I recently discovered Dr Tour on YouTube, he makes a lot of sense.


Always appreciate your explanations Dr. Tour. Making the unseen understandable.


Honesty and truth . Eventually, at last 🙏💕🐶


Dr. Tour, thank you for another informative and entertaining presentation about Flash Joule graphene production. And regarding your last comment about turning dead bodies into graphene, it made me think about something funny. Imagine God having to reconstitute the resurrected bodies of the saints from their molecules if they were used in various construction materials. While the bodies of the saints are being raptured up to the clouds, buildings would be collapsing below. Yes, it was just a funny thought that I had. I don't see that actually becoming a customary way to use the remains of our loved ones.


It's fantastic research. Thank you for your amazing lessonS.


30% increase in compressive strength of concrete and 20% increase in tensile strength is incredible the annual savings alone to the construction industry of production and applications are staggering


There was a startup project plant in Missouri, or perhaps Arkansas some time back, and I don't know if it is still going or not, BUT -- that facility was able to take anything organic, hydrocarbon, or (I think) carbon based, such as the unusable by products from all of the chicken and turkey farms in the area (which was why they set it up), and with high heat and pressure, in a few hours, they could turn it into high grade crude oil stock -- ready to go to the refinery. And it was competitive at about 80 - 90 dollars per barrel with conventional crude oil sources.

It didn't matter what it was, as long as it was hydrocarbon, or organic molecules. Feet, feathers, beaks and brains, fat or anything left over from the poultry processing operation.

The REALLY cool thing about it was it would also take ANY organic or oil based plastics (most of them), rubber, including old tires, and all kinds of otherwise useless stuff like old newspapers, wood pulp, plant stalks, rotten hay and straw, dead animals, and leftover frying grease from restaurants. Literally anything that was based on or even mostly based on organic molecules; and turn it into oil. Oil you could use for all the stuff that we use oil for, from fuel, lubricants, and plastics. Even though it's not usually cost effective merely for the fuel production, when you consider that it's a good way to get all that stuff out of the environment or the city dump, or to keep from having to just burn it, it's still a great idea.

But as with many great things that would benefit our society, like liquid salt cooled Thorium Nuclear Fission Reactors (Check YouTube for info) it seems to have fallen off the radar.

But if you consider that process as a better and more effective method of recycling, it makes a lot of sense. Oh, as an aside, those Salt cooled Thorium fission reactors can use the so called but not really Nuclear Waste left from our current inefficient nuclear reactors for fuel, and burn it up for energy; which would result in much less "waste" left over, and much of that is not actually a waste product, since most of it is useable for nuclear medicine, and various other helpful things.

Sometimes it really does make you wonder if we are truly running things for our best advantage, or just hobbling ourselves by allowing entrenched special interests to call the shots for our representatives, and our policies.🤔🤯👀


It is often the case that researchers working in one field can learn something useful from researchers working in a seemingly unrelated field. In that spirit I think it would be useful to point out that processing materials employing the rapid discharge of a capacitor bank has been/is used widely used by other material scientists, mainly involved with powder metallurgy. Although this work, dating back to the early 1900’s, mainly focusses on the consolidation of materials the work has also shown that electrical discharges from capacitors can be used to prise materials apart. One of the difficulties working in this area arises from the many different names that have been used to describe electrical discharge processing of materials. The names that have been used include, among others, electric discharge compaction (EDC), high energy high rate (HEHR) sintering, capacitor discharge sintering (CDS), Dynamic Magnetic Compaction (DMC) and flash sintering (FS).
Between 1906 and 2010 around 450 patents dealing with the rapid electrical discharge processing of materials were published. Key, early patents describing methods that (in my opinion) most closely resemble the methods employed to produce graphene using electrical discharges are as follows; Bloxam A G 1906 GB Patent No. 27, 002, Taylor G F 1933 US Patent No. 1, 896, 854, Hoyt S L 1932 US Patent No. 1, 843, 768, Gilson E G 1930 US Patent No. 1, 756, 857, Inoue K 1966 US Patent No. 3, 241, 956, Okazaki K 1990 US Patent No. 4, 929, 415
What a pity that the early researchers employing electrical discharges to process materials did not know that, when using graphite electrodes under vacuum, they were most likely producing graphene.


Thanks Dr. Tour for this presentation. I would like to think that back in the day, the use of glass was a better vehicle for the use in food and drinks. I have not looked at the cost reusing glass in this way. We would not be dealing with waste plastic. One to add is bags, recyclable.


This could kill the current market competition with that price gap.


~I have accepted the Bible as Truth & my Lord allowed me to come to HIM with grace & love. Listening to Dr. John Lennox which I dearly love.
Reading Henry Drummond book & Oswald Chambers. Billy Graham has been an inspiration to me through Daily Bread mthly daily readings. Thank you Dr. Tour.


God bless you Dr Tour. I look it up that graphene is used in many products like batteries, clothing and more. I look to buy the viralwall air purifier because I have allergies, but I can't find it here in us.


This similar reminds me about the inventor of the Otis T Carr craft who built his craft that mimics how the solar system and galaxy operate. The craft was pure electromagnetic that can travel more than the speed of light.


Loved your science, and also love our Saviour Jesus.


Your very clear. Only the money keeps me away from that.


I wish he was my professor, I'm over looked pretty hard.
