Final Fantasy X-2 - Eternity - Memory of Lightwaves

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Final Fantasy X-2 Main Theme - Eternity - Memory of Lightwaves 720p HD from the OST

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I never wished there was a time machine so bad! Remember my daughter was about a week old finally got her down for a nap to finally play this... That was almost 18 years ago 😭


Game changed my life. My mom was in stage 4 breast cancer. She knew i loved ffx and would watch me play. Now every time i hear a beautiful ffx song like this it’ll forever give me a memory of her


Quite possibly the most underrated track in all of Final Fantasy.


I lost my best friend a few weeks ago. I had to bury her today. This song keeps going in my head, I don't know why, perhaps a memory of how beautiful it is. I miss you, I love you Zinnia.


As a kid, and now with the remaster, I'd sometimes just turn on the game and leave it looping between this song and the main menu


This is some of the best piano work in video game history


many fans hated ffx-2 but to me this game brought me so many beautiful memories and not only u can finish whole ffx game with a happy ending, you can also see the development and overall masterpiece of the game. yes, ffx is better and there is a reason why, but you dont know how much this made me happy when i realized we can continue to play this game, and seeing Spira being rebuild again and all those loveable characters that are getting their life together and moving on from Sin and from Yevon thats been deciving people for ages, Al Bhed that are finally getting their respect and Yuna being an overall badass, trying her best to continue her life after all that summoner life and actually is able to follow up her dreams and live life without sacrificing herself. Not only she stopped being weak she now has a freedom to choose what kind of life she wants to live. Summons that are finally in rest, people that stopped being afraid to go outside, small minigames and an upcoming troubles, gameplay, power outfits and overall a power of three girls that are just dope af and finally music thats always so damn beautiful and mesmerizing is what make this game so damn enjoyable to play. u may not like it, but i personally ADORE this game. FFX and KH will forever be my favourite games of all time


19 years ago. This game came out for us in the UK in 2004. I still remember being in secondary school with my friends waiting for this game to come out, being so hyped and coming to school to talk with them about it. I'm 32 now and man, time has passed. And this song just makes it hit harder thinking about all of it.


This song is so good that I can't listen to it without tearing up.


So nostalgic... take me back to those simpler times ; _ ;


as a kid back then, I used to idle these game to listen to these but my parents dont complain. RIP Father and Mother.


This song is what Yuna's feelings to Tidus sound like. Hope that she will see him again.


I showed this song to my roommate while he was SUPER high and having a bit of a bad trip. I noticed his breathing went in sync with the tempo of the song, and he was just quiet for the entire 2 and a half minutes. Afterwards he said he felt like he was riding the song like a wave. Honestly, strange as it sounds, I think that's one of the best compliments you can get, that your music is so beautiful someone who's stoned can just get lost in it lol


2023 and i still think this was an underrated masterpiece.


I've had this song set as my wake up alarm for the past few years. It's a nice, peaceful way to start the day.


FFX-2 was my first Final Fantasy so this was the first Final Fantasy song I ever heard while playing a game.


I'm grateful that songs like this exist. Because sometimes there is nothing else but music.


One of the best OST tracks I have ever heard. The emotion it evokes with such simplicity is just incredible.


Takes me right back to being a 13 year old girl staying up way too late because I was so enchanted by this game. 20 years later and this soundtrack is still firmly planted in my soul.


This music always soothes me, even when I'm at breaking point. I'm not a gamer, but a friend I love very much gifted it to me.
