Fixing the Most Broken City I've Ever Seen in Cities Skylines 2....I Hope!

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So, is it possible to fix a city in Cities Skylines 2? Enjoy :-)


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- Cities Skylines - Mississipatea (USA Themed Modded Build 2022)

- Cities Skylines - Blightea-on-the-Wold (British Themed Modded Build 2022)

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- Cities Skylines - New Tealand (Modded)

- Cities Skylines - Teaport City Build

- Cities Skylines - TeaVille City Build

- Cities Skylines - FIX YOUR CITY

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Just for context, this was recorded before my "We have to talk about CSL2" video. As I said in that video, I'm not abadoning CSL2 so enjoy this fun and extremely challenging fix! 😃


27:45 "We know roundabouts aren't the best, but..." you've changed, Biffa. You've changed.


My city now has over 510k population and the simulation now runs as fast as a PowerPoint presentation 😆


32:00 nice uphill on the bridge I think the drivers love it. They didn't want to drive it anymore as it was bumpy so traffic went down, great fix.


35:00 they weren't being used because they had no busses, it is possible they could have been well used if the busses were available


I misread the city name as "Ensnaria 2.0" at first, and thought that was a very appropriate name for a traffic-hell city.


The unused lines you removed were due to lack of vehicles and not lack of use


31:35 That in the game solving traffic jams put 6 lanes for vehicles (2 of which are shared with the tram) rather than 4 lanes for vehicles + 2 exclusive for the tram, makes us realize how bad the pathfinding simulation is and the 'choice of transport mode in this game. Because as you could already see in kettlebridge, you put in place a huge network of public transport and the traffic flow % continued in the same order.
As urban planners explain, in real life there's a concept called "induced demand, " where one fewer lane of cars on a boulevard means people choose an alternate route or mode of transportation, since people perceive that 2 lanes have slower traffic and are easily jammed than with 3 lanes and if on the same avenue there is a tram with an exclusive lane that allows it to overtake all the cars and go faster, already people don't think about it: leave the car at home and take the tram. On the other hand, if the tram shares space with the car and has to eat traffic jams and is slow, and also with the car they have 3 lanes instead of 2, people will go by car and they will collapse it for you. On the other hand, the faster it is to move, the longer the journeys that the population will choose to make. If they put in lanes, people will perceive that commuting is fast and will make longer and more frequent trips, collapsing it more and more.


I really don't like setting operating districts everywhere, except when I have a remote zone or secondary towns. Setting the operating districts in the main town is messy imo, because as you expand, you will have to go through every district and city services to update and you will eventually miss something.


Got a hospital in Myrtle Croft, yet didn’t apply coverage to that area. Suck to have a hospital next door and not be able to go!!!


Well that coincides nicely with lunch time. Time to stick a brew on!


I feel the IV plugged into my veins and the good vibes of city fix a-flowing. Like others, I love the investigation, the trouble-shooting, the problem solving, the guess work of "what I would have done...." and ultimately seeing the new product from some simple critical thinking. Love Biffa! Love!


Thanks for not giving up on the game altogether. A lot of people bought this game and want to get our money's worth out of it. It's really not a bad game, it's just not as finished as it needs to be. With CS1 level mods and assets this game will look better than CS1 ever could. Also I think the community wanted a Cities Skylines sequel where as this game is more of an unfinished reboot.


People underestimate the utility of having a good train network. Your video on public transit network designs was great for inspiring the planning of my cities. Now I only have traffic issues when I do a bunch of expansion and everyone is moving in!


I believe the High Rent problem is only fixable now by using the LandValue Overhaul mod (unofficial). Heard a lot of good results from it. It also remedies the need for high rise/high density buildings in early city centers, which is not that realistic if you’re not planning on building a Singapore. Thanks for the video 😊


Note: Something I liked in your CS1 version of fix my city. At the end you showed the original version vs how it was at the end with a bit of video editing. Please bring that back.


I thought this was Toronto, Ontario lol. I mean, if Biffa can fix this city, he can fix the horrendous traffic in Toronto 😂


Watching you fix traffic problems for right hand side cities messes with my head haha. Good vid, thanks :)


I think quite a lot of those busy intersections would be fixed with pedestrian tunnels or bridges.


I love city fix episodes cause I can just jump in with no background. New Tealand worked for me cause I had the time to never miss an episode, but lately not so much time sadly.
