Update: New 55 gallon turtle tank with fish!!!!

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READ ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok i got them a new tank it's a 55 gallon long tank!
i have had the tank up for about 2 or 3 weeks now.
the animals living in it are:
1 peninsula cooter turtle( name: kira)
1 mississippi map turtle( name: L)
unknowen number of feeder guppies that are not geting eaten!!!
2 silver dollars( names: bill and hillary)
1 tinfoil barb ( this one does not have a name yet)
1 columbian shark ( no name yet)
1 chinese algae eater ( name: obama)
and a snail ( name: turbo)

thanks for watching!!!
oh and please think of names for the 2 fish that need names!!!!!!
The chinese algae eater was killed by my columbian shark.
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nice tank. just hope you're prepared to upgrade it to at least 100 gallon tank in a year or so. the columbian shark grows fast and large. They grow to about 12-14" in aquariums and live up to 10 years. as adults they will need a brackish tank setup...don't worry about the feeder fish...the shark will start eating them in about 5-6 months. :)


Nice tank mate. I've got three types of turtle, zebra danios and an above tank lego basking area. Have a look.


nice! post a video when you get a chance.


@jaelynnful that happened to my tank too, do I cleaned it. I've found that if you just give it a while after you've cleaned it, it clears up. This is probably because you have to give the tank a chance to grow certain bacteria that helps the water not be so cloudy. I also got a Fluval 609 instead of a Fluval U4 and it works great, and now my water is always crystal clear. The Fluval 609 that I have now is for a tank 100 gallons. My tank is 55 gallons. So make sure you get a filter that is bette


in the 100 gallon I have the 3 columbians and 1 large sail fin pleco to keep the algae under control. Fortunately, the pleco is too big for the sharks to swallow...so they get along just fine. I have another tank, a 36 gallon...and in that one I have 2 botia loaches, a few rainbow fish, small pleco and a red tail shark. the loaches are very active and are fun to watch...and so is the red tail shark...but he does get a little aggressive during feeding time. still a cool lil fish.


Thanks.I've had columbian sharks before and they have never gotin that big they stay between 4 and 6 inches. I always keep them in freshwater tanks and they do just fine. ive had one live to 12 years old it was 5 inches long and was in a 55 gallon tank. if this one gets to 14 inches long like you said i'll just put it in my 700 gallon pond that i'm goin to put the turtles in when they get bigger.


dude i have the same size tank but you need to use internel filters to keep it clean i use the silent whisperer it keeps water crystal clear


@Dimunic Cool. And I have them in a 300 gallon tank now~ Plus, it was not an impulse buy, they were both given to me by a friend. Now you could get the facts before you judge.


my turtle nudges himself in a corner and sleeps.


That's crazy. I have 3 of these. I've had them a little over 6 years now and they are all over 12" with the biggest one being around 14". But I started mine out in an 100 gallon tank. I bet if you do put them in the 300 gallon pond, they will definitely grow over a foot.

by the way how did he kill the algae eater? ate him? or beat him up to death?


oh ok yeah i have my 55 gallon and i'm about to get a 100 gallon to make a red belly piranha habitat.


lol Shark 1 .... CAE 0

I remember when one of my sharks swallowed a 5" blue gourami whole...the sharks stomach was oddly shaped for the next few days...but he was happy.

they eat anything that falls in the tank. I feed mine frozen fish from the market...i just skin the fish and chop it in 2" squares...probably why mine reached the size over 12" +


@Dimunic Sure, I'll do it in a few days to keep the tank police happy. Sorry for not having the proof at this very second. I'm sure other people make impulse buys, I didn't.


@nickL020293 they are not in this tank there in a 300 gallon pond now in my back yard :) so there very happy outside! now there are just fish in this 55 gallon.


@Tilfaeldigt yes i have a 55 gallon filter that cleans my other tanks up real nice. but i dont know what is up wit my 55 gallon tank that has a animals in it


yeah lol so what other kinds of fish do you have?


@360andmerule I know! it's already 10 in long....it's out of this tank and in a pond.


@Tilfaeldigt na it not the filter cause my other tanks have really big tanks and many animals in it an it keeps them clean..idk y it will not do that tank though could it be algea?


my CAE was being a a-hole to all my other fish and then went after my shark(he didnt like that so much) so the shark turned around and eat my CAE hole lol my other fish were vary happy and the shark got a snack :(


why is your tank so cloudy i have a cloudy tank right know and i would like to know how to clear it up if you know please..i have tryed cleaning the whole tank but after a day it was cloudy again all i have in the tank is 2 red ear sliders 4in and 2 1/2 in and three goldfish one 11in one 5in one 3in, i have hears that turtles and fish are dirty but i see other people have it so clean with fish and turtles and dont know what im doin wrong.please help me.thank you
