Mealy State Machine: Basics, Block Diagram, Example, State Table, and Circuit

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Mealy State Machine is covered by the following Timestamps:

0:00 - Digital Electronics - Sequential Circuits
0:23 - Block Diagram of Mealy State Machine
1:26 - Important points of Mealy State Machine
2:43 - Example of Mealy State Machine
3:54 - State table on Mealy State Machine
8:45 - Circuit of Mealy State Machine

Following points are covered in this video:

0. Digital Electronics - Sequential Circuits
1. Mealy State Machine
2. Basics of Mealy State Machine
3. Block Diagram of Mealy State Machine
4. Procedure to design Mealy State Machine
5. Example of Mealy State Machine
6. Designing of circuit by Mealy State Machine

Chapter-wise detailed Syllabus of the Digital Electronics Course is as follows:

Binary, hex, octal, decimal, BCD, integer, and floating-point- numbers, code conversion etc.

Laws of Boolean Algebra, SOP, POS, Dual and Self Dual of Boolean equation, Minterms, Maxterms, Quine McCluskey Technique, etc.

AND, OR, NOT, XOR, XNOR, NAND, NOR Gates and Circuit implementation using universal gates.

Minimization of functions using Boolean identities and many other circuits like Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Adder, Subtractor, Decoder, Encoder, Carry look ahead adder, Even Parity Generator and Odd Parity Generator, Priority Encoder, etc.

IK-map basics, Implicants, Prime Implicants and Essential Prime, 3,4,5 and 6 variable K Map, Quine McCluskey Minimization Technique

DTL, RTL, TTL, CMOS, Boolean Function Implementations, Stick Diagram of Boolean Function, CMOS Transmission Gate, etc.

Clock and Triggering by clock in Sequential circuit, Latch, Flip Flops, Master Slave Flip Flop, Counters, Shift Registers, State Machines, Mealy State Machine and Moore State Machine

ROM, RAM, PLA, PAL, Digital to Analog Converter and Analog to Digital Converter

Practical's on Logic gates, Adder, Code conversion, Comparator, Flip flop, Counter, Register, etc.

Engineering Funda channel is all about Engineering and Technology. Here this video is a part of Digital Electronics and Sequential Circuit.

#SequentialCircuits #DigitalElectronics #DigitalLogicDesign @EngineeringFunda
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Sir, that's so clear and easy to understand. Thank you !


Hi, can you please explain the reason why do we write X(don't cares) for Melay Machines and not for Moore Machines while solving. Then we can understand clearly instead of remembering


design a classroom system that displays the names of the students in attendance during a lecture and the amount of time each student has been inside the classroom once a student enters a classroom a time counter is started. the information should be diplayed on a LED matrix.


Excellent explained sir understand 👍👍🙏


If instead of {0, 1} as output, we get {K, G, GR} which means whether we got a drink or not. Can we code the outputs as K= 00
G= 10
GR= 11
instead of
K= 00
G= 01
GR= 10

in order to draw the logic circuit.


Don't we need excitation table for D Flipflop to realise the circuit ? What if we use T flip flop instead of D ?


thanks sir for your efforts. but i have asked you about problem. please sir i want the solution of this problem


Good evening sir in dcs exm paper explain the list of capabilities and limitations of fsm disscus and I'm write in mealy and more difination and exmples are write is it write or wrong marks is awarded are not awarded sir please reply me Sir


Sir...If they ask mealy state example...Can we write mod 6 counter (without repeating the last binay code )answer sir..


sir you have by mistake i guess took two outputs as 1 between s1 to s2 and s2 to s0 also


Sir when x=1 in s2 state then why y=1 and it returns to S0 because when x=1 then it becomes 101 and it should return to s1 state and y=0


For making 😢table u have to learn state diagram??


Sir, that's so clear and easy to understand. Thank you !
