Why Is My Car Cranking So Slow? Diagnose The Problem Using Just One Simple Tool

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Is your car cranking slowly? It could be the battery. But it might be the alternator or starter. Learn how to diagnose the problem using just an inexpensive multimeter.
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I was ready to go down and buy a new alternator due to bad advice on what the issue could have been and this saved me a ton of time and money. I've never had this issue before, with a battery. After following your steps, I found it was the battery. Went down, bought a new one and installed in the parking was good as new....started right up much quicker, like it should. Thank you.


Cliff u are very greatful with ur viewers and ur relaxing mood is just what the EARTH need these days. Thank u and keep it going.


I so badly needed this video.
My Subaru Impreza turbo has been slow to start and I wondered if its battery or starter. I've ruled out the alternator.


Well done diagnostics from an electronics tech. I might have added internal resistance of a battery and also charge rate which is dependent on temperature. You are in Florida and if it was hot out, then 14.00V is fine for a FLA battery. Other aspects to a slow start are high resistance joints on cables and a faulty starter that draws too much.


Even if it measures 12.6v it could still be bad. It could be the CCA that is faulty, where it's got the voltage, but not the amps. You need a load tester as well as a multimeter to give it a more thorough test. And if all is well, then you need to check your connections for corrosion before moving to the starter motor and checking voltage there. And even then, it could be a relay, solenoid, etc etc.


I've been told, on modern cars full of electronics, never to jump start it with both cables connected to the battery. The ground should be on the bodywork somewhere.
This, I'm told, is to avoid spikes damaging any of the multitude of control units in the car.


This was very easy to follow and very beginner friendly. I feel confident to give it a go on my own. Thank you


Nice video, Cliff! Informative and helpful!


Great video Cliff! You have helped me out so much. If I may suggest to you to help people even more is to quickly just give a small explanation on how to use that multimeter. For example in the video you went directly to measuring the battery at 12.06 volts BUT there were several options on the mm to pick from. Quick explanation will help even the ones who know nothing about cars.


Just want to say thanks for doing this video; helped me determine that it was indeed the starter, so I didn't waste time and money on other attempts at solving it. Thank you!!


best explaned video At Least What I Was Able To Understand!


These cars like fresh batteries. First thing I’d did on getting my 987.2 was a new battery


Great video! We use a midtronics battery analyzer, as long as you don't go below 9.6 V where you're cranking your starter is good. You can have a 12.65 V and be easily fooled yet the battery has no amperage.


Buy far the best information I’ve ad solved my problem with pin point accuracy 👍


My CaymanS also cranked slowly. The testing showed that it wasn't the battery and it wasn't the alternator. I was about to replace the starter. Fortunately, I found another potential cause, which is apparently a very common issue for slow cranking on Porsches. It turns out that it was exactly the problem I had. It was the corroded connection from the battery to the distribution block terminal (which is about 6 inches from the battery in the frunk). The car started perfectly fine after a little sanding to remove the corrosion on that terminal.


Thank you Cliff..recently encountered the same problem...will try out all the test..save us the diagnostic cost from the mechanics...thanx again


Love the video. Just subscribed. Thanks ❤


Great explanation....but, you didn't get to the starter - i have a slow crank condition - car starts. if the battery and alternator check out, then i'm guessing it's the starter. the question is - replace the solenoid or the crank motor - or both? can either be checked? how? Thanks for any help you can offer.


Fantastic video Good Buddy! Loved your explanations!!!


Nice. You did for get to check parasitic losses by conneting the multimeter (in current config) in series with the ground or positive termal the battery. Battery could of been low due to a faulty electronic module or closure switch drawing power in an IG off, all doors closed state. A famous ones for old 04-06 Acura TLs is a bluetooth module staying on that is located in the dome light area.
