Carnival in Germany - [when Germans go CRAZY!!]

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Carnival in Germany is a really big celebration that you should be aware of if you live in the Rhine region. Brace yourself, as we explore the 'Fifth Season' in Germany.


BEER Culture in Germany 🍻- [LEARN to drink like a local]

Carnival In Germany [A Detailed Guide On What, Where, Why, And When]

⏰ Timestamps:
00:00 - Introduction
00:52 - What is Carnival in Germany?
01:22 - History
03:37 - Where is Carnival celebrated in Germany?
06:33 - When does Carnival start?
07:18 - November 11
09:31 - Fat Thursday / Weiberfastnacht
13:23 - Carnival Friday
14:46 - Carnival Saturday / Nelkensamstag
18:25 - Carnival Sunday / Tulpensonntag
20:58 - Carnival Monday / Rosenmontag
26:23 - Carnival Tuesday
27:21 - Vocabulary

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UPDATE: This year in Düsseldorf, the Rosenmontagszug will happen on May 29th due to Covid! So it will be a warmer parade 🤗


Hellau und Aalaaf euch Beiden 😂 sehr schöne Folge, da konnte ich als süddeutscher Faschingsmuffel noch ´ne Menge lernen 🤣🥳
Liebe Grüße aus dem Allgäu, Beate


7:35 is SO right. Been living for three years in Erkrath (that's basically Düsseldorf East) and I bloody HATE carnival. Each and every year I took a nice holiday on the lonely side of the Baltic sea. But lots and lots of people are totally into carnival and cannot live without. Basically not much middle gound ;)


You guys are are amazing 😘 and the content is just awesome thankyou for such nice infotainment. Bravo 👍👍🙏🙏🙏
Love from India 💝


Can't get enough of that "SMOOUUTHHLYY"👉👈


Actually the Karnevalsverein Dieburg (which my "significant other" is a member of since 33 years) claims to be the one with the most members in Germany, founded in 1838 - and Dieburg is located in the state of Hessen - doh!
But as the text of one of those "Schlager Karneval Songs" states: "Kumm, loss mer fiere, nit lamentiere" :-D


In Mainz, saturday is the day of Kindermaskenzug - the kids' parade, when school classes dress up thematically and process through the city. It's considered polite not to show up drunk as a spectator then. At our school, we also had our celebration on friday; classes were over at 11:11 or when theschool-wide conga line picked your class up. We celebrated for about 2 hours and were alowed to go home early. Many of us went on to party somewhere, usually older students and usually wasted.


I remember Fashing or Carnival when I was stationed in the Frankfurt area. Good times


When you asked yourselves where all the people had been going to on Friday (the day after Weiberfastnacht) then you simply need to go to the huge events of "Saal-/Sitzungskarneval". They will all be there! And, of course, there are celebrations and events in between 11/11 and the main and last six days of Karneval, just they also mainly take place at indoor-venues.


For a long time I was a musician who played with a band at many carnival related festivities. So in Hesse many carnival clubs announce their „Prinz“ and „Prinzessin“ at Nov. 11. but mostly at after 20:11 where the local party starts. And before „Weiberfasching“ there are events organized by the local carnival club or in some towns and villages it‘s the local sports club or mens choir. These events are called „Fremdensitzung“ or just „Sitzung“ where there is a show with dance, funny speeches („Büttenreden“), music and after the official part there is a party where everybody can dance. Sometimes it was 3 or 4 pm when they ended.


To the point in timing and contents!
Some additions:
As others said, Karneval goes way beyond Bonn. I'd say, it is a main tradition up to Mainz if not further.
Another important day in the season is New Year. From Andernach, 50 km up the Rhine from Bonn, I know that they celebrate "Musterung", (military) examination on Jan 1st. On an open truck at the central Markt place, every citizen may publicly pledge allegiance to Karneval.
And if you haven't had enough after six days of Rhineland Karneval, just go south to Basel and further - Alemannian Fasnacht is a week later, and a completely different beast!


Nari Naro! (as you would cry in my region)
Verry nice and informative Video you to🥰.
I am from the Black forest in the south of Germany where we celebrate Fasnet NOT Karneval!
I would agree that all in all our celebrations here are a lot more traditional and maby not as crazy.
But while watching your video, I found there are some interesting differences. First, what I think is the biggest difference, Fasnet is not political at all.
It's just a fun time to party and watch the parades. Every town, city and village has a least one "Zunft" or Carneval Club.
They can actually get pretty terrefyibg here, as they should serve as a way to scare away the bad winter spirits.
In our Parades you can see a lot of Witches and monsters, that sometimes steal teenagers from the crowed and take them with them for about 100m drawing on their faces and putting straw in their hair.
Also for us the Wednesday before Rose Monday is not called Weiberfasnacht, but Hemdglunker. It's a day when everybody comes to work in a nightgown and you celebrate deep into the night, to wake the town early in the morning of the "Schmutzige Dunschtig" so the Thursday bevore Rose Monday.


In Bavaria it's called Fasching, and Faschingsdienstag (Shrove Tuesday) is definitely the last day of partying, finishing with "Kehraus" (brooms out - tidy up time) before midnight. Because on Aschermittwoch (Ash Wednesday) it's all over.


D'r Zoch kütt!!
I'm totally loving this video and all of the information! Great kostüme, and yes, important to consider when and if one should think twice before jumping into a one-piece clothing. 😅 So hopefully when I move to Düsseldorf I'll be covered where to actually prepare myself.. that Deitars and others like it. I've been to carnival or, just let's be modest here - carnival-like parties, and the struggle to find or even to have some costume worked for you gets real. I've already read your written guide on the carnivals in Germany, hence this episode's additional insights and fun with you is really worth a while! (Probably I'd be some classical type detective or spy 🕵‍♀ 🕴 )
Also, because I love both of you so much, here's a tip for you not to fight over the shoutout salut: Halaauf! 😂 🥳


In the region where I'm from (Franconia in southern Germany), there are two extra components to the ceremony of how you drink a "Klopfer" (though, in Franconia, we only drink "Pflümli"). In addition to banging the bottle on the table and putting the cap on your nose, you actually need to finish the drink without touching the bottle (i.e., you have to pick it up with your mouth). Also, the bottles all have a random number on the bottom of the glass, and everyone calls out their number after they finish their drink. The person with the lowest number pays for the next round of drinks (unless someone's cap fell off their nose or someone touched the bottle while drinking, in which case that person pays the next round).


I'll give you a big like just because of the Ninja turtles costume I had my own Ninja Turtle costume once, by the way the mermaid outfit is also pretty nice, but the best of all is the German on vacation costume


LEI LEI sagen die Kärntner in Villach und Klagenfurt / Austria


Don't forget the Veilchendienstagszug in Mönchengladbach. So if you cannot get enough of Karneval, you can join the last Parade in Mönchengladbach. Halt Pohl !!!


Super cute couple costumes 🐰🥕 you two are the best! 😁


Oh man, how many of these silly costumes do you have? The tips from the solid Yvonne when choosing a costume are important again, to ensure that you choose something without having to undress completely in the bathroom.
