7 Feminine Traits That Men Are ADDICTED to | Dating Advice for Women by Mat Boggs

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Mat Boggs shares dating advice for women and 7 Feminine Traits That Men Are ADDICTED to.

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Mat Boggs Bio:
Mat has helped millions of people around the world attract love and develop fulfilling relationships. He’s also the founder of a revolutionary system of attracting love called Manifest Your Man.
In addition to running a highly successful coaching business, Mat is also the co-author of the best-selling Project Everlasting, which received a major, six-figure advance from Simon and Schuster publications.
Mat has been featured on CNN, Oprah & Friends, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many other media outlets, as well as shared the stage with some of the industry’s biggest names, including; John Gray, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Bob Proctor and Brendon Burchard, and more.

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7 Feminine Traits That Men Are Addicted To.
1. Savor the present moment. Slow down, pausing.
2. Soft gentle touch. Caress.
3. Nurturing and taking care of others. But dont empty your tank.
4. Expressing and receiving your needs. Invite/request.
5. Encourage his growth. Celebrate each other.
6. Up for anything spirit. Receiving energy.
7. Focus on beautification. Your space.

For me to step into my feminie energy after years of being alone and not considering it is this. Taking care of me. A nice relaxing bath. A facial. Doing my hair and makeup. Dressing up and putting on jewelry. And perfume. Smelling nice etc.


What amps my Fem Energy is making sure I let my hips sway as I walk. Putting on good dance music and dancing, especially before I go out or my man is coming over. I also get regular massages, and pedicures. It feels good to take care of me.


Dressing feminine puts me in that space too. I love skirts and dresses.


When i think of things that make me feel feminine- one of the first things is my hair. I have thick, long, wavy hair and just running my hands through my hair puts me in a place. Beautiful scents do that. Clothes that flatter my curves. Being soft and gentle with my man. Those are my top for bringing me to another headspace where i just fully embrace being a woman.


To feminise our new place I played Koranic flowers in my garden, bought new beautiful bed sheets, beautiful antique mirrors and cute decorative pillows.


Thank you so much for this video Mat. As a Black Woman, off the bat, I'm always perceived by other's (mainly white people) in particular to be a man. I'm a natural beauty, and don't partake in make-up, nor do I really dress up, and prefer the comfort of jeans and a t-shirt, especially when I'm going about town and doing regular errands...

Right now, I'm mainly leading with my masculine energy because I'm focused on switching Careers, in the meantime, I have been thinking of ways to bring forth my feminine energy and kind of "marry", no pun intended the 2 energies with in me.

Your tips are very helpful, and I thank you for them... especially the 1st trait, because, I do my best to make it a priority to be more mindful about my energy and what I'm trying to attract.. I do find it challenging to slow down, because I get in tunnel vision mode and just want to focus on 1 thing only...

Food for thought, so thanks again.


I like to use humor, especially when my guy is "so serious". I laugh at his jokes, try to have him stop for a moment and see the humor in it.


One of the things I do to really get into my feminine energy is taking the time to give my hair and skin a treat. Put a mask on my face and hair, do some trimming, take care of my nails while taking a footbath, etc... really sink into the moment of making myself presentable. It's both relaxing and attractive. No need for loads of make up, treat your hair and skin well and really own it and any man will notice you


Keeping a bouquet of flowers in my living space and lighting candles ❤


For me, it would be moving myself around.. wearing heels or anything which makes me sway a little 😂 Also, being kind and gentle towards the other and empathizing with them. Being close to nature really opens up my feminity as well.. Being a little frisky is always a great idea to keep the fun going.. Just try to live in the moment and enjoy the little things. ❤️


Hello Mat, I always feel enlightened by your relationship advice videos, thanks so much for sharing these tips. 😊


This is very good. Can I add that the victim always runs to the abuser because that’s where they feel safe because they see them as stronger than anybody else that’s part of the Therapist’s job to get them to see that they are strong stronger than the person that hurt them .


Mat’s always been so great at emphasizing that masculine and feminine ENERGY does not necessarily involve gender. Too many clueless people with podcasts are wrongly using those terms and creating too much confusion, laziness, and manipulation in the dating world today.


Thank you Matt for heightening our awareness and helping us to create healthy relationships 🙏🏽❤️


All The Love and Appreciation for you from Lebanon ❤❤❤❤❤


I remember you telling a story about being on a journey with your family and I think your grandmother stopped to smell the roses .. or something similar!


To Matt
From someone who doesn't have a father figure

Thank you 😊


My love for animals, especially dogs, makes me feel more feminine. Also taking pride in my appearance, I've worked beside too many women who'd ask, what are you putting lipstick on for?, just as I start my shift. As if because they didn't wear makeup or I'm married that I shouldn't be doing that. Not how I was brought up


Remember, the yin and yang, the black has some white and the white has some black, so too are people with feminine and masculine.
