The Unspoken Cost of Going Electric - Kenzies Korner

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Kenzie further discusses electric cars, and a hidden cost most may not have thought of.

#Electric #EV

(The segment originally aired on Motoring TV 2020 Episode #13)
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One of the sectors receiving funding from gas taxes (ironically enough), is our publicly funded health care system. And now we are starting to realize just how sick burning fossil fuel is making us (asthma, cancer). Does that make sense? Continue to make ourselves sick from FF and then pay for the health care with a tax on the thing making us sick? Why not just stop burning FF, and decrease the sickness? Oh, and last time I checked my utility bill, there was a line for tax. Even if power cost double what we pay today, driving electric would still be cheaper than gas. That is a fact. Breath easy, drive electric!


Never thought of it this way, and it's a worthy discussion. But I'll tell you what's in a dead-end street: ICE cars. It will be a few decades still, but governments ought to start planning for the inevitable reduction/extinction of tax revenue from gasoline.


Solution is easy, end tax subsidies to oil companies....


Thats a good piont. We are all going to electric anyways at some point though. Its the only tech thats proven to be reliable and feasable so far. Hydrogen perhaps but I don't see anyone investing in hydrogen infrastructure like the are with charging stations right now. And nobodies excited about coverting to Hydrogen.
So yeah you're right in Canada we are giong to have to double the price of electricity. Not just to pay for all the things the gas tax does but to build all the new power plants we are going to need to power an electrified transportation grid. Perhaps Prince Justin should use the Carbon tax for this rather than a kick back to middle and poor income Canadians. Right now all it does is provide me ( on long term disability) some cash to spend on something stupid every few months while secretly lowering my standard of living. Thats what GST and carbon kickbacks really do IMO. And honestly I rather he use that money to convert us off coal and even Natural gases instead of browbeating my province over the head with a tax that really hurts use cause we have no large rivers to dam unlike some other provinces.


Fine for highlighting the need to adjust tax sources and schemes, but the notion that electric cars are doomed is a stretch. What's clear is fossil fuel burning needs to end (gradually) or else we'll destroy our planet and those costs far outweigh any gas tax. In fact, we're not adequately accounting for environmental costs and that's a separate problem. Especially when it comes to decision-making.


Not true at all. I pay extra taxes on electricity bills for the road system and public schools here in BC. Even on property taxes they add a little bit more for the bus system and roads. The government will always find a way. Don't you worry to much about science or what have you, the government will find another one of your pockets to get that tax. Maybe that pocket we all have to carry that mobile phone! Wouldn't be surprised to see a hidden tax on my future phone bill. I'm sure they are working on it right now because BC has a plan in 20 years that all new vehicles to be electric. You can't say they are not planning taxes into this situation too, haha.


By far this is my favorite segment from Motoring TV. It wouldn't be the same without Jim. :) The amount of tax we pay on each dollar of gasoline is different than the total percentage of tax revenue generated by gasoline sales. I don't think we are at that tipping point yet.


This advertisement, brought to you by Big Oil! lol. Next he will be lobbying for the tobacco industry!


We cannot cater to the whims of oil execs and call ourselves "free".


this guy doesn't understand modern monetary theory and how the Canadian dollars works !!!, Governments DOESN'T needs taxes to fund schools hospitals we create our own dollars and don't need to borrow from anyone or increase taxes !!!


Kenzie is absolutely wrong, unless he is working for the government and the big oilgas corporations !


what a nonsense, sounds like an ad from an oil company
