ORIGINAL 17th Century Altar Stone RETURNS to the CHATEAU CHAPEL!

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Journey to the Château, Ep. 226 - In this Wednesday episode, Patrick and Stuart find out that a local brocanteur has the original and intact 17th Century altar stone that was consecrated by the Bishop of Bourges specifically for the Chateau de Colombe chapel. They also have a huge harvest of plums from the chateau gardens which need to be picked and processed. Patrick and Stuart also provide an update and a video about Figaro, the rescued chateau kitten.


Cathedral Ambience, by David Renda
From Fesliyan Studios

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik in G Major, K. 525. Movement II: Romanze (Full Track), by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Originally published by Lynne Publishing (track not PRO registered) (none)
Purchased from NEO Sounds Ltd.

After School Jamboree, by The Green Orbs
From YouTube Audio Library


Join Patrick and Stuart on their journey to find a neglected, forgotten, or crumbling château or castle in France, and then continue to follow them as they work on its restoration, rénovation, decoration, and furnishing. Along the way, they will also create and share videos on their preparation for having gîtes for guests, and an event venue in their chateau (wedding, birthday, anniversary, organization or club meetings, retreats, etc.).

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Château de Colombe
22 Lieu-dit Colombe
Saint-Baudel 18160

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Yes, there is a typing mistake in the dates for Archbishop d"Hardivilliers. He was Archbishop for 10 years from 1639 - 1649. Thanks.


Figaro is an absolute darling. Those eyes are gorgeous. So glad that he is flourishing ❤️🇨🇦


Original Altar Stone - what a find. How fitting that it can be returned to the chapel.


Love how you are bringing history into the present❤


You tell her Patrick 😂, terrible the amount of misinformation out there these days.
Figaro is just gorgeous, and so good to see that he is thriving!
And wow, look at all those plums, the preserves are looking amazing ❤
Can’t wait to see the curtains finished and hung, that’s the pleasure of being a follower, we watch you guys work 😉
But seriously, look after yourselves as well. Thank you for another lovely video!


I love Stewart’s rant about pectin. Keep up the good work 😂


Love that you make the most of the blessing of a mature orchard- there's nothing better than enjoying food that you grow and preserve yourself. (May I add that Your pectin rant was priceless..) ❤ You are an inspiring pair! ❤


How wonderful the Altar stone is back in its rightful place! Patrick, I totally agree with your little rant! I have to say it made me smile! And your jelly looks delicious! I don't know how you and Stuart do everything you do! All the best to you both.


What an amazing gift to receive the altar stone. You are both so blessed to have this back at your chateau. Your fruit trees are so abundant. They actually make my mouth water for delicious plums freshly picked. Stuart, what a beautiful still life to paint, baskets of plums!! Pectin is a natural soluble fiber and good for gastrointestinal health. Patrick, digress all you want because you are so right about pectin. Figgy is adorable and seems to be acclimating to chateau life very well. Many hugs to you both!! ❤


It found its way back home, where it belongs. Wonderful! ❤️


what a cutie! loved the footage! we were watching the clip of you two walking from harvesting. you both look so content and so happy you made the move and into the glorious chateau. Hugs!


Figaro is a cutee, great job with the plums and your lovely jam . Yay for the pectin, i am sure it has good nutrients in it which we all need. After seeing the things in some of the Brocante's I am sure some of the old abandoned chateau's were looted for whatever could be found in the past which is why some of these relics pop up now and again .


It is amazing how may idiots on all social media and like.
Continue to demonstrate their total ignorance and lack of knowledge.
A flawless, beautiful "Rumtoff
" is the most delightful of this.
Thank you for setting people straight. In my opinion, the old classic food preparation can not go wrong. Side note!
I am waiting for some jam and chutney ❤
All the best.


What an amazing find!!! I’m so glad that you were contacted about the alter stone, and that it was still there. I know that you’ll enjoy going back with your friends.
Wow, your fruit is gorgeous, whether on the tree, in the basket, in the sink, on the stove or in the jar. I’m sure it’s delicious too. ♥️
Figaro is so adorable. It’s amazing that you get anything else done. 😁


So glad the alter stone is back.Priceless treasure.Figaro you are just the cutest those eyes.
Patrick thank you on the pectin issue. I was right there with you.


Figgy! So adorable. Thank you so much for kitten time. And plums! Hope the two of you, the pups, and Figgy have a wonderful week.


The original altar stone is a fantastic addition to the chapel. The background information was very interesting. Looking forward to your visit to the Brocante. The quantity of plums is amazing. I had not seen the red variety previously. Figaro is adorable and a little charmer. I would like to see the dogs as well, as they are the official supervisors at the chateau. Take care my friends, Ralph Rocchiccioli


Figgie is adorable. Your home is beautiful, so you're brave. I've been a reluctant cat owner, so I have mixed reviews. My sister is going through it right now. It was a disaster in the making from conception. First off, she's allergic to cats. Most people would stop there. As I've said, Patrick, we share the gift of gab. Believe me, there's a story there.
I love the lamp behind you two. You have great classic style.
❤ from TX!


Thank you for mentioning pectin. I use it with my jams and jellies to make sure whatever fruit I'm using gels properly. Also, I must say how much I enjoyed Vivienne's tour of your chateau. I've watched you work on various rooms and projects, but to see it through her eyes, moving from room to room was delightful. Sending you both and all the animals Blessings.


A plum cordial would be delicious and make great gifts!
Fill 1 quart jar with ripe wild plums, pierce each plum with several holes.
Add 1/2 cup sugar per quart.
Fil jar with rum, vodka or whiskey. White liquor is best.
Store about 30-60 days.
Serve after straining.
