How to Organize Pinia Stores
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0:00 Modular stores
0:31 Store-ganization
2:59 Nested stores
3:40 Key take-aways
4:07 Bonus: Course preview
How to Organize Pinia Stores
Create a Pinia Store with the Composition API
Proven Pinia Patterns - VueConf US 2023
Pinia Tip: Use Setup Stores for More Flexibility
5 Elegant ways to use Pinia 🍍
3 Ways to Persist Pinia State
Pinia: Option Store vs Setup Store - Which is best?
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Pinia Code Is Beautifully Simple (Vue.js Store)
Getting Started with Pinia | Crash Course
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67. Defining a Store in Pinia using the Options Api in the Vue3 Composition API - Vue 3