KitchenAid Shaking Mixer Head FIX - How To Fix Shake or Loose Head

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Here's the simple steps to fix a shaking or wobbling tilt-head style KitchenAid mixer.

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Excellent! Never fails! Always filter “how to” videos by duration and start with the shorter times, to get to the best most to-the-point videos. We don’t need a dissertation on the history of the appliance, just the fix👍


The only time this is a fix is when the mixer head is too low, making contact with the bottom of the bowl. Notice when too high there is no shaking. The other thing that can be done is to make sure the hinge pin (the pin that the head swivels on) is centered and that the screw under the base that holds this pin in place is very tight. Make sure to use a good size screw driver so you don't damage the screw slot. Another tip is to never move your mixer by locking the head and picking it up by the head. It damages the slot that helps lock the head in place by keeping it from rocking back. Always pick it up by the base.. Hope this helps someone.


Thank you for such a quick and straight to the point video!


I have owned one of these for at least 4 - 5 years and my head was jumping around all this time. I thought I had a defective machine or thought this was normal when mixing dough because it didn't do that when mixing others things that were not as solid as dough. I feel really really stupid. And thank you for this video.

I call it "jumping". You call it "shaky" Either way your video was such a great surprise for me. Why I didn't Google this long ago? I don't know. I usually go to YouTubes for all my issues.

GREAT Video and I've passed it along Facebook for my family and others to see. Thank you.

P.S. I wonder how many others paid to get theirs fixed or returned it. Not sue if this fix is found in the instructions when you buy the machine.


One of the best straight to the point tutorial! Problem fixed. Thank you! Subscribed ❤


Mine was wobbling for a while and it finally got to a point where it needed to be fixed. Thanks for this video. Short and to the point, plus fixed my mixer!


Thank you so very much!!!! I was about to put a new mixer on my Christmas list!!!! Now I can ask for attachments!! 😅


Thank you! Never realized it was such an easy fix.


OMG, you just made a hard decision go away. My wife and I have an original Kitchenaid stand mixer that was left to her by her late grandmother, it has started wobbling and we were told it had to be replaced. The price of a new stand mixer is not the issue, the sentimental value of this mixer is unmeasurable as my wife and I were so close to her grandma that the thought of getting rid of this mixer was painful. We even named our daughter after her. Now we get to keep using our cherished mixer. Thank you so much!


I know this video is 5y old, but I just wanted to leave a thank you for this easy to follow, no frills video. I appreciate it.


Thank you so much!! My mixer was doing as you described. I thought it was broken ( and it’s December, I need to do Christmas baking!) I thought id have to get a new one. A simple fix, as good as new now.


Thank you! Loved how short this was. Wobble has been fixed.


Thanks for the video it’s exactly what I need to do to mine.
I also have a bowl lift kitchen aid mixer As I lower the bowl it makes a terrible shuddering noise. How do I fix this please? I look forward to your reply . Regards Genete from the UK


I just “fixed” mine! Thank you! Short and sweet to the point video.


Thanks! You explained it so well! that I was able to repair my mixer :D. I must mention that I watched others videos.


Great video. Short and to the point. I watched 4 other videos that were no good before I got to this one. Thanks for the help


Thank you so much for this. I thought I was going to have to do something more drastic.


Thank you I had no idea why my mixer was bouncing. I’m a newbie. 💯💯


This has been so helpful. I find my lock arm wiggles loose. If it is not improper height is there anything else I can do to make the locking mechanism hold tighter?


Quick fix. You saved the Christmas Baking Day!
