Does Jesus DISLIKE Repetitive Prayers, Like the Rosary? w/ Jimmy Akin

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In this clip, Matt asks Jimmy about repetitive prayers, like the Rosary... Doesn't God disapprove of those, according to Scripture? If so, why do Catholics continue to pray the Rosary?




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Regular good confessions, praying the Rosary daily, and receiving the Eucharist as often as I can erased my addictions, my depression, my sleep disorder, my anger management issues, my ineptitude of maintaining a relationship.
I am catholic, married and father to a beautiful child, serenity and peace reigns supreme in my family, my parents are thinking about converting to Roman Catholicism.
All Glory be to God the Almighty, the most precious Blood of Jesus and the unending Love of the Holy Spirit.


I know 1st hand the Rosary is a powerful weapon. After suffering from depression and anxiety for years and contemplating suicide, I attempted to pray the rosary and thought why not, I tried everything else. That night I slept with it in my hand and something evil tried to rip the rosary out of my hands. I have been praying the rosary everyday since and was woken up (had a conversion). Thank you Mother Mary for leading me to your son Jesus! God bless!


I had that kind of meditation too.

I was saying "Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus." While thinking about the scourging of Jesus at the pillar.

It just happened while I was praying the rosary and that reflection/meditation struck. It was a powerful image that was in my mind at that time.

Other times, if I can't do them both (because I'm distracted etc.), I pause every after each mystery to meditate, then proceed with the prayers and meaning them as I say them.


Thank you for this explanation. As a lifelong Protestant who converted to Catholicism less than a year ago, the Rosary is the one thing I have struggled with, exactly for what I learned from my Protestant training all these years. Thank you for shedding light on this issue.


The Rosary is a mini bible contemplating the life of Jesus from Conception to Resurrection.


Pray the Rosary everyday 🙏 it will solve all your problems. God Almighty is Great .


The Rosary is a such beautiful and powerful gift from Heaven - I feel truly sad for those who are hateful toward it 😩✝️


To Jesus through Mary, praying the Rosary daily totally transformed my (Catholic) faith, led me to close relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit and our Heavenly Father. Mary desires us to know and love her Son, his sacrifice and mercy, to be obedient to God’s will, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

I pray the Rosary with specific reflections for each Hail Mary, they can be found by Googling, this focuses your prayer and eliminates distraction. Also, praying on your knees in reverence adds a whole other dimension.


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:17 *📖 Jesus' critique on prayer focuses on empty stammering, not repetition.*
01:01 *🎶 Repetition in prayer is evident in divinely inspired Psalms.*
02:07 *🙏 Jesus warns against lengthy prayers aimed at impressing God, emphasizing sincerity over length.*
03:01 *❓ The Rosary's encouragement to meditate on mysteries while reciting prayers raises questions about focusing on the words.*
03:16 *💭 Combining recitation with meditation, such as envisioning scenes from the mysteries, can enhance the Rosary experience.*
03:44 *🤔 Imagining Mary's presence during each mystery deepens the meditative aspect of the Rosary.*
04:14 *🌟 Reflecting on the Rosary in this manner can offer new insights and deepen spiritual connection.*
04:14 *👍 Enriching the Rosary practice with meditation enhances personal prayer experience.*


This might be odd, but as I'm praying a decade of the Rosary I often think about physically walking with Mary, say, in the woods. or in the darkness of my church or another cathedral or expiatory temple I've visited. I realize this is not expressly scriptural, but it helps with my meditation.


So glad I learned about this. I've become completely comfortable with praying a rosary. If you think about it, how many times do we repetitively tell someone we love them you know. But in that moment, do we actually meditatively mean it? Of coarse we love them, but I think we can all say we've told some one we love them out of habit. So technically isn't that in vain? I've found repetitive praying helps me to really focus on what I'm praying.


Mr Jimmy Akins explained it beautifully! I will picture myself with Mary


Psalm 135, not 136, in case anyone wants to look at what he referenced. Hope this comes in handy. God Bless!


The words of the Rosary I use like a mantra, I mean every word I say, However, it is also mediative and we focus on each individual mystery as we pray. I'm so lucky, we all are lucky to be Catholic 🙏


I think praying the rosary has helped my brain because I noticed I can think about three different things at the same time.
The words, the mysteries and whatever my brain starts to wonder off to 🧠😅


Imma be honest, at this moment, I would love to have a pint with Matt and just talk about our Christian faith.


Thank you! Jimmy Akin always explains things in a way I can understand. As someone with Fibromyalgia, I have bad brain fog. I think his method will work for me 😊


The Rosary came from the Blessed Lady when she appeared to Saint Dominic. Our Lady cannot act on her own. Even though Our Blessed Lady gave the Rosary prayers to Saint Dominic it ultimately came from Our Lord Himself. So when Mary ask you to pray the Rosary it's also Our Lord asking us to pray the Rosary.


The words of the first part of the Hail Mary are words addressed to her by the angel Gabriel and her relative Elizabeth. The second part is merely a request for the mother of God to pray for us.
But most important of all: the whole point (the context) of the Hail Mary is not Mary but the incarnation of Jesus. Without the incarnation, we would have no Our Father. If Jesus had not taken flesh in her womb, we would necver have heard of her. So whenever we pray the Hail Mary, we are professing our faith in Jesus, the Word made flesh. As she said to Elizabeth, her soul magnifies the Lord; everything about her speaks of God.

Have you ever listened to the words of the most used Marian prayer of all, the Hail Mary?

*** "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee." ***
This is nothing more than the salutation of Gabriel in Luke 1:28.

*** "Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb (Jesus)." ***
That is Elizabeth's greeting to Mary in Lk 1:42.

***"Holy Mary, mother of GOD." ***
She is a saint which makes her holy, and she is the Mother of GOD, because Elizabeth calls her the 'Mother of Our Lord' in Lk 1:43. Also if you take Jn 1:1 "...and the Word was GOD', and add it to Jn 1:14, "...and the Word was made flesh", GOD was made flesh, and who was His mother? Mary!

*** "Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen." ***
This is nothing more than petitioning Mary to PRAY FOR US, just like in the Bible verses I presented. Do we 'pray to' Mary, or are we only petitioning her to pray for us?

Rom 15:30, " me by your prayers to GOD for me."
Col 1:9, "This is why we too have been praying for you unceasingly."
1Thes 3:10, "Night and day we pray more and more..."
2Thes 1:11, "To this end we pray always for you."
2Thes 3:1, "In conclusion brethren, pray for us..."
Jam 5:16, "...and pray for one another that you may be saved."
Rev 8:3-4 "...that he may offer it with the prayers of all the saints..."
According to Scripture, are the saints in Heaven dead or alive?
Now the next question is, 'Yes, but it is repetitious (the Rosary) and that is forbidden by scripture'. (Mt 6:7)
OK, look at the entries listed above which have the asterisk (*) in front of them.
Are not Col 1:9, "This is why we have been praying for you unceasingly...", 1Thes 3:10, "Night and day we pray more and more...", and 2Thes 1:11, "To this end we pray always for you...", repetitious? Is this one of those so called 'Bible Conflicts' you hear about from time to time?
No, not at all.
The answer is that the Bible refers to two types of prayer repetition '(V)ain', in the manner of heathens, and '(U)seful', NOT in the manner of heathens.
The Rosary is not vain repetition. Here is a list of some in each category that you can check in your Bible. (V) 1King 18:25-29, (U) Isa 6:3, (U) Dan 3:52-90, (V) *Mt 6:7, (U) Mt *26:44, (U) *Lk 6:12, (U) Lk 18:1, 9-14, *21:36, (U)*Col 1:9, (U) 1Thes 3:10, 5:17, (U) *Jam 5:16, (U) **Rev 4:8
Many non-Catholics have the false belief that praying to "dead" people is useless. This is a mis-interpretation of what Holy Scripture teaches us, for the Blessed Virgin Mary and others who have gone on before us are not dead but live forever.


Jimmy’s last words brought tears to my eyes
While Jimmy pours out his heart and says what he holds in his heart you say I’m sure that has been said a 100 times but thank you. 🤦🏽 Please brother tell Jimmy you’re sorry, lol.
