What If Anakin Skywalker Reached His Full Potential? (Star Wars Fan-Fiction)

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Anakin Skywalker, in canon, never fully reached his full potential as the chosen one, what if, in this alternate scenario, anakin DID reach his full potential? How would he use his powers? Would he head down the dark path even faster? You wont want to miss this video!

Big shoutout to Kennyik#8734 on Discord for the edits! Hit him up if you want free Editing done!

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Anakin is the only one who can use force heal infinitly because of being made from the force itself


Hope everything’s okay I live your vids


One thing you are, is not a idiot well done sir.


What If Anakin Skywalker Reached His Full Potential?
lemme introduce our friendly neighborhood force god


No need to apologize for lack of video. If I see one video once a month then I am happy.
Also the dnd reference is throwing me off..
like the story in general.
I am wondering why he even considering trusting palpatine. When he can already use force heal. That he wanted in the original story. Timeline making me confused. 😅😅
Also by the point he trying to trigger order 66 I think anakin would have figured out the inhibititor chips. After the amount of force heals he does and at the point of the fives incident

Kindly regards from Naval Warlord.


Can you do a What if Rahm Kota Died but Shaak Ti Survived The Duel On Felucia and took Rahm Kota’s place as Starkiller’s New Master and took over what was left of Rahm’s Militia?


I know you said NOT to post what ifs here and instead on Discord, but right now, my computer may be in for repairs for at least another day, and, well, Discord can sometimes be a pain when you try and sign on on different devices (I learned that the hard way, when I tried it on a device in another state, and, despite having the password, it kept sending it to "please verify" and AOL always lost it. They just suggested I make a new Discord. That's the one currently attached to this device, the alt Discord account, which, at the moment, ISN'T part of your channel like the main one.)

I will get to this one soon (Am watching Star Warr's Galaxy's "What If Dooku SECRETLY Trained Anakin Skywalker On Serenno For The Clone Wars" first, and then I'll get to this one and review it, I promise.)

But anyway, I have an idea that I don't think anyone has done yet, and which I think you could come up with a good scenario: What if Darth Vader went back in time with the World Between Worlds or something and stopped Dooku from becoming Tyrannus? I thought how, in Harry Potter 3, how Dumbledore told Harry and Hermoine that, if their plan worked, they could save more than one innocent life by going bakc in time, which they did, by saving Buckbeak, whom they used to help Sirius escape. Some maybe the Force or whatever tells Vader in the world between worlds that he can save himself from this fate, by saving another Sith from his fate, so he accepts the mission, and realizes he has to stop Dooku from joining Sidious. Since Anakin's fall to becoming Vader was, in some ways, brought about by him killing Dooku in cold blood, plus Dooku, being one of the mian instigators of the Clone Wars, chaning him here stops a lot of bad things later on. Heck, Anakin could possibly have gotten to Shmi ia bit sooner if he'd not been protecting Padme.) So far, it's what if Vader goes back and saves Padme or convinces himself NOT to side with Palpatine. I thought, it would be cool if Vader tells Dooku "He had my kill you. He just uses his apprentices, just like he used Maul, just like he used me. The Sith always betray each other. Don't join him Dooku!" or something.

BTW, and maybe you did get back to it, are you going to finish the situation of the Anakin/Windu, etc story where there was a failed attempt of Anakin to kill Sidious and also a Jedi civl war between Yoda and Windu? You built it up and then never returned to it. Same thing for your promised "Part 2 of "What if Chewbacca became a Jedi?"

Anyway, though, as promised, I'll watch this one, in truth, pretty much every channel I've seen has had a "What if Anakin Skywalker reached his true potential" video. The Vader saves Dooku idea was just an original idea, like the Chewbacca one, that I was putting out there.

Anyway, your video seems aobut half the length of SWGs, so I think I'll watch yours first. When I saw that Dooku had just cut Anakin's saber in half and knocked him out, I thought "Hmmm, there's ANOTHER great what if I just thought of. 'What if Dooku knocked out Obi-wan in the fight on Genosis and fled with a disarmed Anakin, planning to use the young Jeid as his new apprentice to beat Sidious?' I don't think I've seen that one where he takes Anakin in RIGHT here either. I've seen ones where Obi-wan joined Dooku on Geoniosis, but never Anakin.)

Never had he seen such gruesome sights.... (Anakin just say his tortured mother die in his arms and then he slaughtered a Tuskan village of men, women, and children. He DID see bad stuff more recently.)

While it's probably happened in the videos of others, someone just picking up a Force ability or whatever like, by accident, that is kind of annoying (whether it be Anakin or someone else.) It was ANNOYING to see Rey just be able to pick up Mind Tricks and other things on her own. However, what sounds more plausible, is that Anakin meditated in the Force, and, since he's the Chosen One, maybe his super high midichlorian count could enable him to tap into Force heal by the Force bringing it to his mind or telling him how to use it. What would be an even greater plot point is, since the Jedi have long learned to not get atttached, learn to let go, bla bla bla, that maybe none of them had CARED enough to try and really change things and because he was differnet, and doing what the Jedi thought was "bad", that the Force actually BLESSED him with the Force heal power.
Now, after this happens, upon hearing how Anakin got this power, the Council may well rethink their methods.

Ug, Anakin just seems to be getting more and more power too easily, and by accident! While I've seen other videos that go down this route too of him just getting lots of power, they do make it a bit less reallstic. Again, there are some ways this could be done better. For instance, in Avatar the Last Airbender, Aang is able to communicate with past Avatars, and so can learn from them. There seems to be something, though I haven't seen Episode IX, where Rey can hear Jedi from the past. Also, Yoda is able to learn how to talk to Qui-gonn even though he is dead. It could be possible, like Avatar Aang, mentioned earlier, that maybe Anakin has a unique ability to talk to those in the Nether realm of the Force, and LEARN from them powers long since either hidden somewhere deep in the Restricted Section or even "lost" altogether to time and obscurity. But having him just accidentally getting them, in a similar manner to ""cool, I just blew up the federation control ship by accident while trying to shoot at droids" is a bit annoying. People hated Rey for that very reason, in that she could just "summon" the Force all by accident and chance.

Some of these powers, such as the "force freeze" that he used on Ventress sounds eerily similar to "blood bending" in Avatar the Last Airbender.
As for mind domiation, that sounds like it could be boderline Dark Side. Not that old Jedi of the past (see my suggsetion about him having powers to communicate with the nether realm) might not be as dogmatic as the Jedi and may agree "yes, a few times, unsed in limited ways, to end a war, MAY be justified" but, still, Anakin isn't one to normally stay within lmiiations and not let the power go to his head. I mean, I could see him be like "What, Master Windu, I'm on the Councill but not a Master? Well, I'll fix that! He he he!". He'd need to learn some maturity or else those powers might lure him to the Dark Side. He even has been exprssed his desire in Episode II, BEFORE this story started, to be the most powerful Jedi ever to stop those like Shmi from dying and complaining that those like Obi-wan are holding him back. ALREADY, he's starting to crave power. Maybe for noble reasons, for now, but still.

Plo Koon, a Jedi Master even older than Windu and possibly even than Dooku, is pretty good at Force judgement. But it took him a while to learn it. Ankain just using it automatically by "accident" is just way over the top.

the ending segment is the most interesting, in that Palpatine isn't so easily beaten, and also gets to execute Order 66.


The discord link isn’t working for me.


worst what if i ever heard/ pente couldve done better
