Why White Evangelicals Cling to Donald Trump

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White evangelicals are scared, and their support for Trump will not diminish until we address the root cause of their fears.

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How can you whole heartedly preach against hate, immorality, dishonesty and divisiveness if you embrace and endorse someone who stands for and practices these very things? Unless these are things that you don't see or things that you're ok with!


I mostly agree with what you said, but I think we need to add on an "end of days" mentality. Evangelicals don't evangelize anymore. They have developed a fortress mentality that doesn't allow them to reach out any more to "the world". This has created a sense of isolationism from the rest of society.


What’s crazy is it’s their fear and paranoia that’s causing their own demise, not anyone else. Most people in the US would be completely indifferent towards them. Most people don’t care what you believe in, as long as you don’t try to force your religion on to them. By Evangelicals trying to change laws and restrict basic human rights, they end up a snake eating it’s own tail.


Love this as a Christian Blackman that does not support Trump


Will never work. Too many evangelicals are one-issue voters (ok, some may be two-issue voters, and take a guess as to what those two issues are). Sometimes there can be no compromise with people who are unwilling to compromise.


They are all hypocrites. They religiously try to protect the unborn, but are perfectly OK with children being separated from parents and locked in cages. Sadly, there will always be some, but the sooner they did disappear, the better.


It was a great presentation. However, I still disagree with the final conclusion of this video. In 2016, there were enough quality, socially conservative presidential candidates to fill out a tournament bracket. Yet, the current president was promoted as the front runner with relative ease. What separated him from the rest of the pack? It was his opening statements about people of color, especially immigrants, that brought him center stage. Also, historically, organized religion has been connected as a foundational justification of one group of people to engage in the subjection of another group of people. The key word is “white” evangelical-not Christian. The election of President Trump was about ethnocentric ideology (aka racism)-plain and simple.


White Evangelicals may feel that it was becoming more difficult to be a White Evangelical Conservative Christian in the US prior to the Trump administration but honestly, ever since I became sensitive to the political climate and became aware of why Women should always have a choice as well as why the LGBTQ community should have all the same rights as everyone else in this country, I had always thought that it's really hard to be a secular Liberal Christian in the Bible Belt part of the country where I unfortunately happen to live in! I call myself a Secular Liberal Christian because I do believe in God and Jesus but I don't believe in Religion or go to Church and I believe religion is so full of scare tactics and indoctrination and so many rules that don't make sense and honestly Trump and all his White Evangelical supporters have contributed to a lot of my anxiety and depression!


I think it's so ironic that the solution to this problem is that the non christians behave in a way that reflects what Jesus Christ would have wanted them to act like


Paranoia runs deep ... into your mind it does creep ...


To be fair, they’ve lost since the defeat of the confederate army. It’s been centuries and they still mourn 🙄🥴


No wonder church attendance was going down..BEFORE Covid


2 Timothy 4:3 - For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine and accurate instruction [that challenges them with God’s truth]; but wanting to have their ears tickled [with something pleasing], they will accumulate for themselves [many] teachers [one after another, chosen] to satisfy their own desires and to support the errors they hold, ...The Word rightly divides...


Why, because they are a bunch of hypocrites!


Brilliant video. Short and to the point


"As Trump talked about “making America great again”, would we realise that greatness is not about upholding a particular way of life, but about humility and putting others first, as Jesus demonstrated and taught us?"
Excerpt from Premier Christianity website


Would Jesus approve of all things Trump does? do the evangelicals just turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to all things Trump does?


Thanks for this video! Tastefully done with clear and objective explanations. I'm always trying to understand even if I don't totally agree


You have a lot of good points, the main thing thing that worries religious people is that America is losing a solid moral standard (while athiest can live a moral lifestyle they have no objective standard for what is moral), also those who label pro-gun people "child-murderers" are not helping the situation.


In light of this, I can see why Biden is positioning himself as the centrist (and less repulsive) alternative to Trump. Question is, will it sway enough voters from red states to vote for him?
