Software Engineering Numerical - LOC FP COCOMO | Software Engineering Numerical UGC NET PYQs

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All Software Engineering Numerical of UGC NET PYQs. LOC, FP Function Point,COCOMO of Software Engineering Numerical UGC NET PYQs
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Q1. A software company needs to develop a project that is estimated as 1000 function points and is planning to use JAVA as the programming language whose approximate lines of code per function point is accepted as 50. Considering a = 1.4 as multiplicative factor,b = 1.0 as exponention factor for the basic COCOMO effort equation and c = 3.0 as multiplicative factor, d = 0.33 as exponention factor for the basic COCOMO duration equation, approximately how long does the project take to complete

Q2.The number of function points of a proposed system is calculated as 500. Suppose that the system is planned to be developed in Java and the LOC/FP ratio of Java is 50. Estimate the effort (E) required to complete the project using the effort formula of basic COCOMO given below : E = a(KLOC)b Assume that the values of a and b are 2.5 and 1.0 respectively.
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Sorry for using red color for writing. I will be careful from next time. Sorry for the inconvenience. 🙏🙏


i studied these numericals from your videos for my mid terms . it really helped me to score marks and again im here to revise these numericals for my end term exam.. thanks you❤❤


Man thkyou you for you effort mam the session is clear and get some idea to clear the question in net exam mam your are the gift for the present students who perform the net exam.we all are lucky to have the wonderful teacher like you mam. I thank to god mam for giving u as my teacher. I pray the God to you live as queen mam


Thank you so much mam for clear explaination, here I got confidence to solve numerical problems.home work sum answer I got as 27, 50, 000. Thanks mam


Thank you so much ma'am, love from Bangladesh. ❤


very clear and easily understand your explanation mam. Thank you. Give more videos.


Ma'am in the second question the team involved 6 person but the programmes are only 2 then why it's devided by 6 instead of 2


Yes mam I got the correct answer which is 27, 50, 000


in addition to this the system requires significant data communication and other datacomplexity adjustment factor are treatedas average. compute the unadjusted function point and function point of the project .the software is going to the implemented in c++ language so also calculate the size of the project

Please reply anybody


Mam how to calculate the kLOC in last sum what is the forumala to find it


Your contents are very good but I would be glad if you improve your teaching style. Unable to understand the full concept .


the sound is not good I am quite disappointed
