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I like how she says it’s about being “socially acceptable” and not the rampant raping and sexual harassment


cows are treated better than woman in india


I went to india as a young teen and I was constantly stared at and got groped a few times. Keep in mind I'm a dude and admittedly I didn't really look like a obvious guy at that time with my longish hair and youth. So I can't imagine how much worse it would be for the girls or women visiting there, particularly if you're white. It simply isn't safe and she really should've mentioned that


She's right ...Probably except Goa, no Bikini culture on beach


Targeted audience: Foreigners going to India
Actual audience: Indians 😂


It's not about respecting their culture, it's about keeping yourself safe.


Here's the best advice I'd give to foreigners. DON'T EVER VISIT HINDI BELT STATES IN INDIA. Especially the BIMARU states. Yes, the Taj Mahal is beautiful and all, but the people there make it close to impossible for you to fully enjoy it. Not to mention women safety is a joke in these places. And I'm saying this as an Indian myself.


As an Indian I know better that it feels so unsafe around men outside to me till this day and was traumatized my whole life due to sexual assault that happened with me in my childhood even when I had covered my whole body with clothes (and multiple assaults throughout my life as well till adulthood!). Although recently I've started to heal with spiritual practices like Reiki and learnt to stay in my power and protect myself.
It has nothing to do with your clothes! There are toxic men here who have evil thoughts 😡 period. They are never taught how to treat a woman respectfully or to respect their boundaries! This is because women or girls are not treated equally in many ways in India not just in terms of clothes all in the name of culture!!
P.S.: I live in North India if you are curious to know the place where.
P.S.S.: sharing another video on a real life incident told by a known actress, everyone's eyes will bleed after reading the comment section that almost every other girl/woman has gone through what I have gone through at very young age!!


Its allowed in goa not so much in mumbai. It depends where u are in india. One rule doesnt apply everywhere


She gives wise advice. Listen to good advice. It does you good.


As an Indian Man, I apologise on behalf of all the creeps


The amount of rape cases have been on the rise in India as well. Most recent ones I’ve heard of was a female traveling alone that was raped by 3 men and then one of a married couple where the wife was gang raped by 7 men…..


Everyone I talked to that went there said it was a nightmare. Don't go. If you're a woman, don't walk alone, or go anywhere without people you know.


Good to see all the honest Indians in the comment section telling people NOT to go.


Best advice: KNOW THE PLACE BEFORE GOING THERE!!!! ( It's like going to a night alleys in the newyork) There are different do's and don't in every country


I was verbally harassed in Goa, on the beach, by men while walking from the sea to the hotel. I was a child. So please stop talking about customs. Makes me sick to my stomach how some cultures brainwashed women and treat women.


Her advice is alright, but the real reason you shouldn't wear a bikini in India is because you'll get approached/raped. Almost happened to me but my ex made a huge fuss which got the attention of other people on the beach and made the 5 men who had surrounded me leave.

Wasn't even safe in 4 star hotels when I swam in the pool.

EDIT because there's a lot of idiots trying to victim blame: I was not wearing a bikini but a one piece and a wrap skirt not that it matters. India has no law against not wearing bikinis/there's no stating that women should be modestly clad/covered like they do in many muslim countries. I was in two different areas of the country so that argument doesn't matter, I was not safe anywhere.


Best advice: avoid at all costs...-period.


In 2000-2001, I traveled all over India for two months and was never groped nor assaulted. I wore long-sleeves & long pants everywhere. On the train, I was surrounded by young males who were politely asking me questions about America. They loved to sing songs. Many spoke about spiritual philosophical topics. I remember thinking how rare that would’ve been in the U.S. I felt unsafe one day in Bihar because a few young males were trying to ride with me in an auto-rickshaw. I sensed that they might be robbers, so I asked a policeman to intervene and he did. I then gave an Indian female stranger a free ride and felt safe again.


I have been living 6 month in India. I'm from Switzerland. When I i went back home, it took me a lot of time to stop watching for men following me and harassing me. No mater how you cover yourself as a women you WILL be in danger. To give you an example of many, I was gropped in full daytime in Dehli even if I had a scarf covering my face and covering clothes.
