Difference between Rank and Dense Rank in Oracle |Oracle interview question rank vs dense_rank|Tamil

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RANK: This gives you the ranking within your ordered partition. Ties are assigned the same rank, with the next ranking(s) skipped. Therefore, if you have 3 items at rank 2, the next rank listed will be ranked 5.

DENSE_RANK: This gives you the ranking within your ordered partition, but the ranks are consecutive in it. Also, no ranks are skipped if there are ranks with multiple items.

Note: For nulls, ranking depends on the ORDER BY clause

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row_number vs rank vs dense_rank in sql server
dense_rank vs rank vs row_number sql server
rank dense_rank row_number in sql server
Difference between rank dense rank and row number in SQL
oracle sql interview questions for developers
sql interview questions and answers
oracle rank vs dense_rank


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1)Select top 5 balance account ?

Answer :

select * from
(select Name, balance_amount, dense_rank() over(order by balance_amount desc) as rnk from rank_test)
where rnk <=5

2)Select latest 5 transactions for each account ?

Answer :

select * from
(select name, Transaction_id, account_no, dense_rank() over(partition by account_no order by transaction_id desc) as rnk from rank_test)
where rnk <=5;

3)Which is the top transaction in each day ?

Answer :

select * from
(select name, trans_date, dense_rank() over(partition by trans_date order by balance_amount desc) as rnk from rank_test)
where rnk=1;


Sir idhu apdiyae informatica la panni kaata mudiyuma... Dense rank result and rank result?..by the way semmaiya nadathininga sir... God bless you and your family


Sir how to insert multiple columns in a single query using insert all
