Lets Talk WR450F (Single Track)

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Poker Run 2022. Talking about the 2022 WR450F and how it performs in the wooded single track.
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I really like your video. Excellent job and thank you for posting it. Earlier this year I shopped for a new 2023 WR450F, but I ended up getting a new 2023 YZ450FX because I got a lot better deal on it from another dealer. I bought a new take off WR450F exhaust and put it on my bike tonight. I have watched your video about 3 times so far. This is my first 450. I have owned a WR250F and three YZ250F new bikes.


Damn dude, seriously nice riding there. There were multiple times where I had my 'oh sh!t' face on full display. Also, nice review on the WR450F. Was seriously thinking about getting the WR250F, but after watching this and a lot of comparison videos, I think I'm gonna go with the 450. Thanks!


Great video. I have a WR250F and its an absolute weapon in technical single track. I'd love to try a new WR450


I’ve had 4 WR 450’s over the last seven years and have used all of them in hard enduro events. You do have to be a stout lad to muscle this bike through the tough stuff because it is a bit heavy, but you gotta love the hit of power. It’s intoxicating. Ironically I’m buying a new Beta 300 RR this spring like your friends bike. It will be interesting to compare the two. Thanks for the video. Cheers from North Eastern Ontario!


I’ve always loved two strokes I have two euro 250s in my shed but have purchased a 2022 Wr 450 and I gravitate to it . The traction it has is superb. Love this bike👍


I ride an YZ250F from 2018, added two radiator fans and a scooter battery because sometimes I do the rocky hard stuff. Other than not having electric start, I wouldn’t change anything on it. I still own a two stroke KTM, but absolutely felt in love for this four stoke YZ.


This looks like tonnes of fun, makes me miss my old WR. Best fun you can have with your pants on


I have the 2023 wr250f fully uncorked I’m buying the 450 next month the 250 you need to stay up in the rpm’s abit more but yha it’s for the open logging roads and fire roads and hills I want the 450 . Hell yeah, I agree with you. The WRs are an absolutely amazing bike. Both the 250 and the 450. The weight on the bikes you don’t really notice unless you stop or fall


Excellent video, I bought a 2023 brand new and I asked about the gytr ecu and the dealer told me don’t worry about it, it has the ecu installed and he helped me load the maps on my phone right there and showed me how it works so I assume that is the gytr ecu and ccu


I love love this bike. Will be my next one. I just need to sell my KTM 690. Thanks for sharing


Absolutely great video!! I really like that camera angle!! Good job!!


Great review and nice to see it alongside the Beta.

I ride similar terrain and am considering the 2022 or 2023 WR450F.

I enjoy the low end lugging ability and, of course, Yamaha's amazing reliability and full KYB's


Great footage and awesome insight. Looking at the fx vs wr..


I'm considering a 2019 one of these as here in the UK there is a lot of green lanes which connect up with roads so I have to wring the neck of my current 2012 te250 4 stroke between the lanes. Also find I'm up and down the gears all the time as the ratios are quite close. I think the wr450 is probably a bit more power than I need though but with the adjustable maps etc being able to tame it sounds a winning combo, my other choice is Beta 350/390rr..

You also make the WR look effortless but I think your riding ability is probably above 95% of people who watch this, when the front end is coming off the ground, looks you could wheelie it for days lol.


Great vid/info. Did you consider the yz450fx during your purchase decision? Curious on your thoughts of the two bikes compared. Thank you


Great to watch. but you have not made it easy for me, on what bike to buy. I'm looking at even the 250 but you're making it look easy to buy the 450, the fuel is a problem, but great to watch you anywhere I would think.


Hey Evan, I know you mentioned that you have the (2022 YZ450FX) GYTR ECU for your bike. Did you purchase and install it yourself? And did it come stock with the two "mild and wild" tunes you are referring to? I just got a 2021 WR450f and I find the stock tune is a bit much for me in tight technical terrain. I was hoping I could avoid buying the CCU and just get away with the GYTR ECU and the control switch. Thanks!


What’s involved in uncorking one of these fuel injected WR’s. I bought a brand new WR in 2007 and it was a pretty extensive uncorking project. Once she was done; BEAST!!! Just wondering what has to be done to this new one….I’m thinking about getting a 2023


Great vid! I just bought a 22' wr450f and I'm having trouble finding parts. This might be a stupid question but do you know if it's the same as the 2020? I ask because some of the sites for parts only go to 2020 for the WR450. Seems like the gytr ecu and fmf exhaust are all OOS on the sites I've looked at. Thanks!


It's gotta be better value than a KTM
A real race weapon in the right hands
