Trio - Da Da Da 1982

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Good quality video recorded from Top Of The Pops 1982. Trio was a German band. It formed in the small German town of Großenkneten in 1980. The band is most noted for the song "Da da da, ich lieb dich nicht du liebst mich nicht aha aha aha" (usually simply "Da Da Da") which was a hit in 30 countries worldwide.[citation needed] However, to understand Trio one must understand its context. It was a product of the Neue Deutsche Welle (or NDW). However, Trio preferred the name Neue Deutsche Fröhlichkeit, which means "New German Cheerfulness", to describe their music. At that time, as now, popular songs were based on extremely simple structures that were ornately produced. Trio's main principle was to remove almost all the ornamentation and polish from their songs, and to use the simplest practical structures (most of their songs were three-chord songs). For this reason, many of their songs are restricted to drums, guitar, vocals, and just one or maybe two other instruments, if any at all. Bass was used very infrequently until their later songs, and live shows often saw Remmler playing some simple preprogrammed rhythms and melodies on his small Casio VL-1 keyboard while Behrens played his drums single-handedly while eating an apple.

The band produced a number of albums. There are many versions of Bye Bye (marked with different advertisements on the cover); versions in North America are called TRIO and Error and feature no advertisements. The 1997 CD of TRIO and Error was also released as Da Da Da in the United States, in response to the 1997 US Volkswagen commercial that featured the song "Da Da Da I Don't Love You You Don't Love Me Aha Aha Aha", often contracted to simply "Da Da Da". The re-release had some changes: two songs were added and the album was digitally remastered.

The band never got very popular outside of Germany, and are largely forgotten even for their one hit. However, in its time, Trio had some popularity in Germany. For instance, the German version of "Da da da" was No.2 on the charts (April 1982). Its most notable songs, other than Da Da Da, are probably "Broken Hearts for You and Me", "Boom Boom", "Hearts are Trump", and "Anna Letmein Letmeout". All of these songs except the first have a corresponding German version, which sometimes differs considerably, and these were also released in the English-speaking world. "Da da da" hit No.2 in the UK in July 1982 and No.3 in Canada in December 1982. They had another three top ten hits in Germany until the end of 1983, then disbanded the following year. Every member launched a solo career, with only Remmler managing to be somewhat successful.

They produced a movie called "Drei gegen Drei", meaning "Three Against Three". In the movie, three people (played by Trio) kill doubles of themselves as part of a twisted scam to gain riches. However, the movie flopped miserably; even avid Trio fan Matthias Klein said, "[the members of] Trio are not actors". The corresponding soundtrack is the album What's the Password, however, drummer Peter Behrens does not perform in any of the songs, despite appearing on the album's cover. He left the band due to dissatisfaction with Kralle and Remmler over financial matters, leading to the complete breakup of Trio in 1985.
CD releases1982: Trio
1982: Trio live im Frühjahr 82 (MC only, 1992 re-released on CD)
1983: Bye Bye (in the US sold as Trio and Error)
1985: Whats the Password
1986: 5 Jahre zuviel ("Five years too many", compilation)
1997: Da Da Da (US only)
2000: Triologie (best-of compilation)
2003: Trio Deluxe Edition
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I was 12 years old in school.My mate and I used to sing along.Miss those simpler times.


For such a simple song, it had a huge impact when it was released. You could hear it played in every continent. It was really catchy.


This song was in a 80s teen movie Private School for Girls/Phoebe Cates. The song itself was only played on a “New Wave” radio station back in the day. One of the coolest songs the masses never knew of.


I was at a bar with friends back in the 90's, right around the time that this song was used in a Volkswagon commercial. My friends and I got up to dance, and we were the only people in the bar who knew the words...all of the younger people thought it was just for the commercial. Talk about feeling old! lol


Music videos from over 30 years ago are more amusing than ones today. 


I was stationed in West Germany when this came out in 82'.
It was heard everywhere....that and 99 luft balloons


Heard this song on the radio today. I loved this song back in the day. I had no idea the name of it so I googled dadada from 1980's. Great beat and original!


I was in Berlin in the Summer of 1982. Couldn't get enough of this song.


I remember this song from my early childhood in the early 90's. I had no idea it came out in '82!


I literally thought I imagined seeing this video on TV in the late 90’s. Thank you Google search a song.


Pulling out that keyboard like it's a dirty secret...


It was Top of the Pops in 1982 when i first saw this and I never forgot it, remembering only the Da, Da, Da part


Epic song. 41 years later I still sing it in the kitchen.


This song creeped me out when it came out and still does. But it is catchy.


I just remembered a kid saying this a lot in high school 40 years ago.... Da da da
Mike, its still stuck in my head


1983. 15 years old. Sitting around at my sister and her boyfriend's apartment. Getting stoned. Then this song comes on the radio. We didn't know what it was called or who performed it. We just knew it as "There's that weird song, turn it up."


One of those songs like don’t worry be happy” that are catchy and make you happy two thumbs up!!!


Simple but effective tune...thanks for uploading.


Its because of this tune I wanted and was lucky to get as a birthday present a casio keyboard on my 13th birthday in 1982 it got lost somewhere over the then on my 50th (2019) my brother got me it omg amazing I will be making sure I dont lose this one!!!! :) maybe I will recreate this tune love it to the max


Brings back memories. Came on the radio on Kube93 in seattle back when i was in elementary lol
