This guitar has lots of strings - Squier Paranormal Jazzmaster XII 12-string

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Get the Squier Paranormal Jazzmaster XII 12-string here:

0:00 - walks into the room with mystery guitar
0:26 - rambling
3:05 - finally gets it unpacked
5:30 - tunes the guitar for a long time
7:25 - what I said to the Fender guy
7:47 - finally plays the guitar through the amp
10:10 - initial impressions and more rambling

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Normal or Paranormal?
Get the Squier Paranormal Jazzmaster XII 12-string here:


The thing I hate most about it is that I didn't get one in the mail.


As an electric 12 string player, I can honestly say that these guitars can make any audio track sonically better, without a doubt.


i saw it at guitar center and played it, it certainly is a guitar that exists, maybe even one of the guitars of all time


I thought it was just a box, then when you took something out of it I was excited. Then when it was a guitar I passed out and missed the video


It is a loathsome, offensive brute. Yet I can’t look away.
It transcends time and space.
It sickens me.
I love it.


I did not see that coming! My mind was blown with the initial headstock reveal. I like that they kept the traditional style. Low-cost, playable, solidbodies have been few and far between for decades. This will find a market ...


I started out on a 12 string. I spent more time tuning it than playing it. Overnight it would perfectly tune down a semitone.
And then I'd tune it up again.
It was an EKO acoustic with a bolt on neck.
Took it to the guitar shop and had it converted to a lefty - playing with the strings upside down was not for me.
To stop the detuning the chap in the shop cut the top off, strengthened the bracing and glued it back. Didnt pay for the lacquer to be repaired. So it looked like Herman Munster.
I got fed up of tuning it eventually, especially as I didnt have a tuner and had to rely on the live version of lay down Sally because they're on the A for so long at the start of the song.
So it became a six string with an ultra wide neck.
I then bought a celebrity ovation 12 string when I lived in Victoria BC (and Vancover) and had it made it lefy by a guy on salt spring island. Brought it back to the UK.
In a fit of rage I smashed that one. Never could get used to the bowl back.
Never felt the urge to buy another 12 string.
Last year I did leave the EKO outside my front door for someone to take.


Imagine if it had a tremolo... A joy to tune, I'm sure.


I have the Strat-O-Sonic and the Jazz Master XII. I like them both. The cool thing about the XII is that it has a carbon fiber reinforced neck, and all 12 strings can be adjusted for intonation. Great features for the price.


I'm always thinking of music in terms of layers, and a 12 string layer is almost always welcomed in my opinion.


Before they announced these, I was thinking a 12 string Jazzmaster would be cool, then they come out with this
Very tempting


Animal looks like he's got a case of the Mondays.


I played one at Guitar Center, I like it think Im getting one this weekend. Great review.


Hey Landon, I'll watch out for the deep-dive. I have a Danelectro DC-59 12-string.. I'm surprised that your squier undercuts it in the price comp. The Danelectro- I love it- but boy it's a case of just how low-end can some elements be! It's good where it counts imo, lipstick pickups sound like themselves, the bridge is fully adjustable, a mix of back and through body with the high-octave strings towards the top of the guitar so on a down strum they ring first. I like the neck, the tuning heads stay in tune. It's a hollow body, sounds lovely unplugged (mic-able but quiet). Soldering was poor, selector switch was budget bargain bucket, about to be replaced for third time (in five years). But, I love how it sounds and plays so that's the thing! Keen to hear your analysis on the Squier (don't hate on that headstock, man). Cheers


It does sound beautiful, that I cannot deny. I can't pretend I'd ever want one.... again.
I had an acoustic 12 string millions of years ago, I just remember spending very little time playing and endless hours tuning, never quite getting there.
Probably why it was relatively cheap, but there is nothing quite like the sound even with imperfect intonation.
I think I only changed the strings once, I realised I could never face doing that ever again, so I sold it shortly after. ( The cowards way out ).
I look forward to your deep dive and I hope you and the wonderfully crafted instrument have a beautiful life together. Nice video.


Whatever you play, it sounds like a "The Church" tune. Sounds cool.


I got the same model and colour from L&M when they first hit the site. I went to my local store and had them order it in for me.
I love it. It’s plays so easily. Sounds great.


Always been a fan of the Fender 12-strings (yes, even the headstock) even if no one else was. Never actually bought one mostly due to the price point but this one has me thinking. Hard to justify after just picking up the 40th anniversary 6-string model though.


These things are easily worth 750-800. It’s awesome that squire can do it at this price point. If your interested in one don’t hesitate!
