Top 50 Important Ms word shortcut Keys Mcqs|Hub of iQ Gk|

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Assalam Alaikum dear friends I am Muhammad Adeel Mushtaq.... Welcome to my YouTube channel.. In this video we are going to share Most important shortcut Keys Mcqs in Ms word for all competitive exams like Ppsc fpsc kpsc nts ots uts upsc railway test preparation.

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Hub of iQ Gk

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2. Channel Name...Hub of iQ Gk

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Рекомендации по теме

Question #39. Ctrl+E will not open the font dialogue box. It will center align the tex. In order ro open the font dialogue box you have to press the Ctrl+Alt+F


Most informative video for everyone to help in computer shortcut key... lovely 💕....


Good Knowledge JazakAllah Sir most motivated video ❤❤❤


Ameen g jazak Allah Allah pk salmat rakya Ameen g ♥️😊


Bohat he achy se parahty hain ap.your videos is very help full ❤❤❤❤


Thank for giving me computer questions and answers and meanings


Amazing 😍 sir after a long time I have found a very formative plate form for g.k preparation thank you so much


So nice of you sir Mai apki hr video watch b krti hu or download b


Sir Thank you much. your videos are very helpful for us.
